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Trance Forum  Forum  India - ..BooOOMM MAHASHIVRATRI..
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ramy(spiritual world)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2009 07:36:54
Thz 1 iz 4 all ma Raver frnz--BOooOMmMM SHANKARrrRR
may dis Psy World f ours continue livin in happiness n prosperity
Harrrr Harrr MAHADEVAA  
"No VOLUME Control"
((((Spiritual World))))
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 10:49
har har mahadev.........

days will back again...           Studies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion.
psycoactive psybeing
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 14:01:39
On the eve of this Great Festival Mahashivratri, i would like to share true knowledge or true essence and the symbolical meaning of Lord Shiva.

All the Dieties worshipped by hindus are symbolic and impart spritual teaching.
Shiva is the name of Perfect Knowledge.

River Ganga flowing from the head of Shiva is symbolic, in the sense that Ganga is a great purifier, and hence good and pure thoughts of well being of others flow from the head of lord shiva. Thus on who has pure and benevolent thoughts forms a part of Shiva.
Shiva wears a garland of skull.It represents the feeling of EGO,which are dead, thus indicating that a worshipper of shiva is free from the feelings of ego, and even if they exist,they are dead like the skulls.

Lord Shivas throat is blue due to the fact that Shiva drank the poison when the ocean was churned, but did not allow it to reach the stomach.He retained it in his throat. It means Shiv has knowledge of the evil,but he has controlled it and does no evil deed.

Snakes cling to the body of Shiva but do not harm him. Similiarly when a Man attains the state f sublime truth, evil doesnt harm him or affects him though he is surrounded by evil.

The Matted and braided hair of Shiva symbolises an attention that is drawn and directed upwards with a tranquil mind. Shivas mind is motionless, calm and serene.

Damru is a small tabor, which represents the sound of AUM, or the unbreakable sound within a human being.

The trishul demonstrates Shivas strenghts to devour the THREEFOLD AFFLICTIONS of the body,mind and soul.

Nandi in hindi means happiness, Nandi bull is vehicle of Shiva, which means Shiva rides happiness.

Parvati is not a woman, it represents the WILL POWER OF THE MIND.It does not allow the rise of lust or any other mortal sin. A person with will power can have control over his thoughts and keep a check on vices.

Dwelling on Kailash means that remain always happy and cheerful. A true devotee of Shiva is always smiling, cheerful and happy.



Yours In Him

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Feb 24, 2009 14:32
Interesting explanation. But as we know everyone percieves things differently. There is more than one point of view.

Here is my view on Shiva

Chillum is the piece Shiva used to love smoking his green herb which might have helped him to meditate / have fun.

Snakes are something which he played with. This shows he was bold and not afraid.

Damru is something he used to create his music with, the music that he danced on (he must have had a blast dancing stoned).

The matted and braided hair of Shiva symbolises that he was a maverick and lived life on his terms.

Parvati is the beautiful lady he used to share his life with, and also the one with whom he used to make love.

Basically Shiva was just a human like the rest of us, but he lived his life to the fullest and was not a blind follower of anything. I'm sure he must have had a blast chilling and meditating in the mountains of Kailash
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2009 16:11
          the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 16:52
very well said bt whatever the truth he always guided us to live full power.....

          Studies indicate that listening to music is good for digestion.
Cosmic Oneness
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
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Posted : Mar 15, 2009 00:39

On 2009-02-24 14:01:39, psycoactive psybeing wrote:
On the eve of this Great Festival Mahashivratri, i would like to share true knowledge or true essence and the symbolical meaning of Lord Shiva.

All the Dieties worshipped by hindus are symbolic and impart spritual teaching.
Shiva is the name of Perfect Knowledge.

River Ganga flowing from the head of Shiva is symbolic, in the sense that Ganga is a great purifier, and hence good and pure thoughts of well being of others flow from the head of lord shiva. Thus on who has pure and benevolent thoughts forms a part of Shiva.
Shiva wears a garland of skull.It represents the feeling of EGO,which are dead, thus indicating that a worshipper of shiva is free from the feelings of ego, and even if they exist,they are dead like the skulls.

Lord Shivas throat is blue due to the fact that Shiva drank the poison when the ocean was churned, but did not allow it to reach the stomach.He retained it in his throat. It means Shiv has knowledge of the evil,but he has controlled it and does no evil deed.

Snakes cling to the body of Shiva but do not harm him. Similiarly when a Man attains the state f sublime truth, evil doesnt harm him or affects him though he is surrounded by evil.

The Matted and braided hair of Shiva symbolises an attention that is drawn and directed upwards with a tranquil mind. Shivas mind is motionless, calm and serene.

Damru is a small tabor, which represents the sound of AUM, or the unbreakable sound within a human being.

The trishul demonstrates Shivas strenghts to devour the THREEFOLD AFFLICTIONS of the body,mind and soul.

Nandi in hindi means happiness, Nandi bull is vehicle of Shiva, which means Shiva rides happiness.

Parvati is not a woman, it represents the WILL POWER OF THE MIND.It does not allow the rise of lust or any other mortal sin. A person with will power can have control over his thoughts and keep a check on vices.

Dwelling on Kailash means that remain always happy and cheerful. A true devotee of Shiva is always smiling, cheerful and happy.



Yours In Him

AUM NAMAH SHIVAYA Thanks for sharing Psychoactive Psybeing

'Aum Namah Shivaya' the foremost mantra in Shaivism which literally translates 'Adoration To Shiva' or 'I Bow To Shiva'. Shaivite mystics hold that within its celestial tones and hues resides all of the intuitive knowledge of Shaivism. Shiva means 'Good' or 'The Auspicious One' among the uncountable other names and meanings it has ....

AUM : The three parts of Om (A-U-M) encompass the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep, the three levels of gross, subtle, causal and the three levels of conscious, unconscious, subconscious, as well as the three universal processes of coming, being and going. Absolute silence beyond the three levels is the silence after AUM. It also refers to Tripura, the one who live in the "three cities" as in Mahamrityunjaya Mantra, as well as the light referred to in Gayatri Mantra.

Namah : Adoration, homage, respect. Nothing is mine (as an individual person); everything is thine (as the Absolute Reality). The three levels of Om, the three worlds of gross, subtle, and causal, along with the three states of waking, dreaming and deep sleep states of consciousness, as well as the three levels of conscious, unconscious and subconscious themselves are "not mine" as the true properties of who I really am. Truly, "nothing is mine." Rather, everything, all of these triads is "thine" or the "other" as the Absolute Reality.

Shivaya : That Absolute Reality that is the ground out of which everything emerges. It is that "ink," so to speak, that is not separate from the many forms which may appear to manifest or be created from that ink. In the Realization of this, one comes to see that he or she is one and the same with the Absolute Reality. The Mahavakyas, the great utterances are seen to be true. Shiva (the static or ground) and Shakti (the active or creative) are seen to be one and the same. She (Shakti), while one with Shiva is realized in direct experience as the one in the three worlds (Tripura) outlined in Om.

'Namah Shivaya' also known as the Panchakshara Mantra ( 5 Syllable Mantra ) represents the 5 elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air & Space {Ether} ! Thus, the Om Namah Shivaya mantra also leads awareness in the reverse order, from manifestation back to the source from which manifestation arises.

"Shivo Bhokta, Shiva Bhojya
Shivo Karta, Shivah Karma
Shivah Karanatmakah"

Shiva is the experiencer and the highest object of experience. Shiva is the goal of Sadhana. There is nothing apart from Shiva. There is nothing other than Shiva. Whatever there is, is Shiva. There is nothing, which is not Shiva. There is no place, which is not Shiva. There is no time, which is not Shiva. To be aware of this is to be aware of Shiva.

          " All is One "

When we change the way we see things, the things we see begin to change ... In Lak'ech Ala K'in ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Mar 15, 2009 14:06


**treat ur mind like a bad neighbourhood - dont go thr alone**
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  1019
Posted : Mar 15, 2009 14:14
charsi kabhi na marsi.

enter the time of CounterCulture !
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  510
Posted : Mar 16, 2009 07:17

On 2009-03-15 14:14, k.t wrote:
charsi kabhi na marsi.

          ~~`:::::Bo0M ShAnKaR :::::`~~
Trance Forum  Forum  India - ..BooOOMM MAHASHIVRATRI..
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