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Bluetech - Sines & Singularities (Aleph Zero)

IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 9, 2005 17:53

Sines and Singularities

Aleph Zero (Israel)

Holy fuck. Holy fuck on a pogo stick. Holy fuck on a pogo stick whistlin’ dixie all the live long day. This, ladies and germs, is an absolute masterpiece. Bluetech’s second album proper eclipses the first by a Goan mile; while still retaining the quality and microscopic / macroscopic feel, the sophistication here is unbelievable. Think deep, chic downtempo without any of the shanty-hammock vibes you might get elsewhere. There are some albums where you remember the first time you heard them for years to come. Shpongle 1, for example, I had just bought a bong and took the day off work to sit in the garden and… well, you know. Shpongle 2, I had a bunch of people over for pizza and to watch Blair win his second term in office. Haltya’s Forest Flavour I listened to, gobsmacked, in a bar in San Francisco one boozy afternoon. With Sines And Singularities, I’d had a shit week of too much work and not enough sleep. Friday evening: I killed the lights, slipped this in the deck, and drifted off on the music. And it was fucking sublime. Every moment of this album sounds like one to be cherished. We’re talking exquisite downtempo made up of sounds and textures that would be more associated with progressive house; you pick up influences of Trentemoller and almost Naked Music in there. Two remixes sit in the centre of the album, Shulman’s First Came The Stars and Pitch Black’s Ape To Angel. Both are sublime, and offer enough similarity so as not to sound out of place, yet have a certain something that distances them from Bluetech’s own tunes and provide a sort of sonic fulcrum in the middle of the CD. After which, we’re looking at one of the best half hour’s electronic music yet recorded, all culminating with the ecstatic, emotional Wilderness: with about seven ghost-melodies all fading in and out, there’s something addictively otherworldly going on here. After playing Sines and Singularities through for the first time, I honestly felt like getting up and giving it a standing ovation. It’s that kind of album. It gets your emotion-sensors twinkling like a million little candles. It reaffirms your faith in something. It feels like your ears are having tantric sex with your brain, and it stands up incredibly well to repeated listens: a week or so in, and I’m still getting new tickles of sub, new layers of smoothly-escalating beauty, new feelings coming out of the music. This is, without doubt, one of the finest albums that has ever come my way. No mistake and no messing, this is out there on its own.


1. Enter the Lovely
2. Condensation
3. Leaving winter behind
4. Forgiveness
5. Shulman - First came the stars (Bluetech rmx)
6. Pitch Black - Ape to Angel (Bluetech's evolution rmx)
7. Airstream
8. Dreamtime lullaby
9. Shimmer
10. Wilderness
11. A Garland of Stars

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2005 18:03
first of all, i would like to mention the nice work done on the cover & the inside booklet.
as for the music-simply amazing.
one of the best releases. ever!
this is all about the singularity ppl....evan bluetech works wonders here - very intelligent & it shows how much thought was put into it
again-simply amazing
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 9, 2005 19:58
arrgh, cannot wait for the postman           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 10, 2005 15:37
I'll galdly add that this album was one of the few I enjoyed listening from begining to end... Just as it is...

worked with the previews bluetech album the same way though           Crackling universes dive into their own neverending crackle...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 10, 2005 21:58
very very emotional album ..i think its best album from bluetech i've been heard ..atmospheric ....harmonic..and overall its masterpiece from Evan..i really enjoyed from all tracks and bluetech bring me and my soul into skies.....
my fav : 1,2(!),3(!!),4,5(!),6,7(!),8,9,10(!!!!!),11(!!!!!!) specially [A Garland Of stars] but its very short track
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 11, 2005 10:02
This is a very good album – no doubt about that – but i still prefer the last one.

I thought 'Elementary Particles' was a masterpiece - albeit a short masterpiece - with not a single weak track and definitely on par with the likes of OTT's 'Hallucinogen in Dub' and other benchmark dub albums. In my opinion, this doesn't quite reach that standard... but then again, it was one hell of a standard! It just isn't as consistent, it's not as focused and the melodies aren't as strong.

Don't get me wrong, this is still a top-notch ambient/dub album - it has some excellent moments and it makes for a great, laid-back listen - but for me, 'Elementary Particles' was even better.

Anyroadup... just my opinion.

Peace, respect and stuff.

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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 14, 2005 04:28
Bluetech - Sines and Singularities ( Aleph Zero, dez. 2005 )

Evan Bluetech has released his eclectic tracks on more than 10 labels, including his worldwide debut which was a double CD released on Aleph Zero Records. He is one of the most respected Chill producers, an explorer that wants to uncover unknown paths.

To know more about him, his opinions and work just read the huge interview he did for

The cover show a picture from above the clouds with some light dots, some sound waves and much more.;

It brings these words:

"The human ear can recognize single sine waves because they sound 'clean' or 'clear' to us.
To the human ear, a sound that is made up of more than one sine wave will either sound 'noisy' or will have detectable harmonics."

The CD is blue and it shows the symbol of this release with nice details, including the notion of depth.
The mastering was made by the master Yaniv Shulman at Aleph Zero Studios and sounds just perfect.

Track List

01. Enter the Lovely
02. Condensation
03. Leaving Winter Behind
04. Forgiveness
05. Shulman - First Came the Stars (Bluetech remix)
06. Pitch Black - Ape to Angel (Bluetech's evolution remix)
07. Airstream
08. Dreamtime Lullaby
09. Shimmer
10. Wilderness
11. A Garland of Stars

I'll let the music guide us:

01. Enter the Lovely --> The album begins with nice effects and pads, very good taste on the choice of the elements, exceptional empathy in the volume of each sound. The bass is mysterious. The elements are always rising and falling, it's like the real life: there's always something leaving, but you only notice when it already far away... It's a very hypnotic track and near the end the journey becomes more twisted and psychedelic. Excellent way to start an album!

02. Condensation --> The elements here arrive naturally, the music has it own mood. It's incredible how the sounds melt into each other, the sounds come from so far, but when they arrive it's like the music was asking for them. Condensation is what happens with the many elements in the middle of this journey... But they also precipitate into a colorful waterfall of many notes, including some almost organic sounds.

03. Leaving Winter Behind --> Right at the first note of this music I new this was going to touch me. Before the end of the first minute the music is already so emotional... This is deep; I fall into its mysteries and let the music guide me. I'm looking at my life, seeing my past, the ones I love, feeling some long forgotten emotions... I read the track name and almost cried. This amazing music is really about "Leaving your Winters Behind", it took me from my past and showed me the future. Another favorite here, possibly the best here.

04. Forgiveness --> The timbers of the bass here are so well chosen. That piano sounds good. In less than 2 minutes there are so many interacting layers of sounds, so many discrete sounds... Deep and evolving. The bass really stands out as my guide while the other elements paint the landscapes I walk through. The music has an history, it expands and contracts, it has tentacles...

05. Shulman - First Came the Stars (Bluetech remix) --> This is Evan's remix to one of the many Shulman masterpieces. Each element try to find its place at the start, but soon enough they're orchestrated into a funny symphony. This track stands out for its psychedely, the stereo games are great. I love the highly distorted samples and the way they're used as a musical instrument. It makes me get up and dance... The result here is so much bigger than the sum of the parts.

06. Pitch Black - Ape to Angel (Bluetech's evolution remix) --> Another remix, this time a remix to Ape to Angel, an excellent track. The bass is strong and feel all the empty spaces. A very reflexive track; makes me think about my life. The amazing piano notes shape the road I'm walking through, it adds emotions and meaning. The middle is more static, but still moving like when you look to a quiet sky with few clouds. The piano strikes me again, in a mix of sadness and thinking and knowing I must go forward. Beautiful.

07. Airstream --> Something more happy here... The beat kicks right at the start and from not too far comes the bass, bringing movement. Sooner than expected a thick and complex atmosphere was build and it smells good. This touchs my heart. Astonishing work with the stereo and the timber of the noises.

08. Dreamtime Lullaby --> This track starts with silence and keeps building until it dense. A break brings the rain and a groovy atmosphere arrives. Sounds coming from far and keep arriving... Suddenly it seems like some "capoeira" melodies, but different and involving, interesting mixture... Towards the end it gets more and more hypnotic until it falls into a beatless outro.

09. Shimmer --> Now we're going for something fatter. Nice hypnotic sounds and textures, but it only catches me when the complex melodies strikes: I had to surrender. It's a peaceful road until the end, feeling the breeze over hills and near the clouds, but still with my feet on the ground. Good one.

10. Wilderness --> I must confess that at first listening this track passed somehow unnoticed. I guess it was the strong bass that sounded a little out of place. But then it grew on me. Grew fast. Now it's always a good trip through the Wilderness. I hear birds and monkeys. I don't know if they're really there, but my imagination wanders besides them. After the main break it's like a sunrise, like when the things are getting clear and more colorful.

11. A Garland of Stars --> The last track features an special guest, Rena Jones, who plays Cello. This is different, more feminine and delicate, no beat at all, but still well built. Excellent outro for this wonderful album.

Wow! This album brings so many new elements, I'm almost sure Evan created most sounds here from the scratch. This is different and diversified music, not a single track resembling the other, and I'm putting this along with the J. Viewz's album as the best chill/ambient releases of the year. Come enjoy this joyful journey for yourself, well hidden traps within this music, nice tricks that are always catching me.

Verdict: Aleph Zero and Bluetech did it again! Bluetech's sounds are evolving into many directions and this fantastic CD just catapulted me into orbit, so many sounds I never heard before orchestrated into a perfect symphony. There are so many good points inside this album: 11 peculiar tracks, more than 78 minutes of good music, a great deal of diversity, a mix of textures, different styles, no fillers, the tracks are really connected with the track names, a lot of innovation and meaning. This is a must have for any Chill DJ and to home listening as well. Surely this will be my Christmas' soundtrack!

Favorites: 1(!!), 2(!!), 3(!!!), 4 (!!!), 5(!), 6(!!), 7, 8, 9, 10(!), 11. The whole album is DA BOMB!

Buy it here:

...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Depths of Despair

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Posted : Dec 16, 2005 22:35
im really enjoying this...worked great on the dancefloor as well...serious review soon...
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2005 01:55
good album           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 17, 2005 06:40
much more complicated than the first two albums imo, ie harder to listen to all of it in one listening, definitely not your background chillout
whether or not this means better than the others, i cannot say, nor would i want to make sucha comparison
honestly, i have no verdict after three thorough listens, except for leaving winter behind which has been my no 1 song for several months and wilderness which has struck me right away
for the rest, i am afraid a long long time will be needed to fully appreciate what evan has crafted here; it took me over a year to start fully appreciating the other albums           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.
Takuan"the pickled radish"

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Posted : Dec 17, 2005 19:35
i like the other 2 way better this one just seems like he ran out of ideas its ok nothing too special

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Posted : Dec 17, 2005 23:44
One of the best cds i heard this year

Nice sound great production killer for a calm moment.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 19, 2005 04:36

On 2005-12-17 06:40, furthur wrote:
much more complicated than the first two albums imo, ie harder to listen to all of it in one listening, definitely not your background chillout
whether or not this means better than the others, i cannot say, nor would i want to make sucha comparison
honestly, i have no verdict after three thorough listens, except for leaving winter behind which has been my no 1 song for several months and wilderness which has struck me right away
for the rest, i am afraid a long long time will be needed to fully appreciate what evan has crafted here; it took me over a year to start fully appreciating the other albums

dude, thats exactly how i feel about bluetech ....

its taken me a really long time to start understanding his older works ....but iam liking quite a few tracks instantly on this one like the shulman remix, enter the lovely, leaving winter behind, condensation and forgiveness

excellent work by evan

this is defn music from the heart
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Posted : Dec 19, 2005 17:36
lapping it up, really fun to listen to
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 20, 2005 01:59
Ladies and gentleman, we have a winner. Must say this could be the best psychill release of the year, definetly above shpongle 3 for me.
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Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Bluetech - Sines & Singularities (Aleph Zero)

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