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Blue Room Records

Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 5, 2005 20:16
Dear Tasos_Notrea,

I hope that "Solstice Black Label" will be able to develope the quality of their future releases.

The "big dent in the universe" that Blue Room did in the past was the simple fact that was in continous search of the excellence!
Blue Room was pushing the boundaries of electronic music. Think about the "Saafi brothers" or "Alien" or "Cwithe" albums and you will (sure) understand what I mean!

Best regards
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 6, 2005 16:41
Of course Solstice Black Label will be a paradise for those who are searching something fresh and different in trance (and not only)!I understand what you mean and for sure the releases that you mention are the best examples 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 7, 2005 16:25
This Solstice Black Label you are talking about sounds VERY interesting... Do you know where we can find more information about this? When they are starting this etc.? Let's hope it will be distributed in Europe too. Japanese releases can often be hard to get hold of...           CHILL TRIBE
CTRCD04 WOMBATMUSIC - Shameful Silence
CTRCD06 IAN ION - Gringo Locomotion
CTRCD07 SUNKINGS - Before We Die

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Posted : May 9, 2005 13:36

On 2005-05-03 10:15, Dot Kite wrote:
Returning to the "Blue Room Released" topic, well, yesterday I saw a post by "Sunkings" and they were telling that they can not find a label to release their music....This thing makes me thing a lot! I have the feeling that this market is really saturated with the amount of "new labels", but none of them is interested to release "new music"...

That's all for now,

Best Regards

sadly totally true...I tried to do some "different sounding" tracks but when I give the tracks to the labels...they say all the same we're only interested on full on.... so I think I will stop to do trance music as I can not follow the strict rules of this McDo market.

on the killha subject you may look at this thread...maybe you will agree ;)           :::NFO:::

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Posted : May 9, 2005 16:30
Maybe you gave the music to the wrong labels?           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 9, 2005 19:08

On 2005-05-07 16:25, PKS wrote:
This Solstice Black Label you are talking about sounds VERY interesting... Do you know where we can find more information about this? When they are starting this etc.? Let's hope it will be distributed in Europe too. Japanese releases can often be hard to get hold of...

Hi man!I just know that their first compilation it was about to release one year ago including KOXBOX,X-Dream,MWNN,Kloq,Eat Static,Synthetic,Prime Suspect and more but I heard that it will be released soon!And I heard about a second compilation with Holeg & Kriz Kylven,Kox Box,Thomas P Heckmann,Pascal Feos and others...Unfortunately I can't find more details at net.Keep checking the and wait! 

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Posts :  25
Posted : May 9, 2005 19:28
Simon Ghahary is still making speakers, now with his new company Si-Fi:

There is no more Blue Room stock hidden anywhere except for a handful of CDs in south africa - I bought everything from Simon G (including his entire personal trance collection) this winter, so don't bother him about it. He has moved on, back to speakers which he was doing before the label as well.

There were many things that contributed to the demise of Blue Room, but there was no bankrupcy like with some other labels that went under. According to what I've been told, some of the "facts" in this thread are wrong, but in respect for my friend Simon I will keep the details to myself, and even I don't have the full story anyway. But there was no single reason why it went udner, it was a complex series of events.

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Posted : Apr 3, 2010 08:15
ok Wayann..and thanks for sharing linkhere           george

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Posted : Sep 25, 2011 00:43
On 2005-05-03 07:15, Cosmos Mariner wrote:
blueroom is one of the most quintessiential examples brought up around here of what once was, what might have been, what should be, etc.

and of course, there is a reason for that - it was a production on a level unmatched by most any (relatively) underground labels.

but as Detox implied, it wasn't meant to last. if you look at what they were doing, and the sort of cutting edge small market stuff they were releasing, it's not hard to tell that they must have been burning cash.

from what i've been able to gather, the operation was sponsored by a large speaker company (B&W, of which Blueroom speakers was a division) as an experiment. the idea was to have "hardware" (pod speakers) and "software" (music) from one compay. quite a concept if you think about it!

but in the end, psytrance is for the most part produced by people who love it, not necessarily by the ruthless businessmen who succeed in the industry.

what i'd like to know, does anybody have a pair of technopods, or housepods?? like minipods, just way bigger, they were only produced in limited quantities...

Hi i was searching though the internet & came across this site by chance.. i have the minipods technopods they are quite rare only 300 made in total includeing 8 prototype pairs made for the escape night club many years ago - the housepods little less rarer but still rare - as only 800pairs made also the minipods only 3000pairs made for blueroom then scandyna when on to make much more includeing the droplets bassstation cinepod micropods & afew more..

the very rare ones are the dada babys from blueroom only 100pairs made and ahandful of hand painted ones by dadara the artist - not to mentioned many off these where burnt in a fire in amsterdam a few years back which makes the dadas that are left even more rarer (if anyone knows of these or has a pair feel free to get in contact)

Any questions relating to this topic feel free to get in contact..

Best regards
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