Blue Room Records
Cosmos Mariner
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Posted : May 3, 2005 07:15
blueroom is one of the most quintessiential examples brought up around here of what once was, what might have been, what should be, etc.
and of course, there is a reason for that - it was a production on a level unmatched by most any (relatively) underground labels.
but as Detox implied, it wasn't meant to last. if you look at what they were doing, and the sort of cutting edge small market stuff they were releasing, it's not hard to tell that they must have been burning cash.
from what i've been able to gather, the operation was sponsored by a large speaker company (B&W, of which Blueroom speakers was a division) as an experiment. the idea was to have "hardware" (pod speakers) and "software" (music) from one compay. quite a concept if you think about it!
but in the end, psytrance is for the most part produced by people who love it, not necessarily by the ruthless businessmen who succeed in the industry.
what i'd like to know, does anybody have a pair of technopods, or housepods?? like minipods, just way bigger, they were only produced in limited quantities...
  sound is vibration |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : May 3, 2005 08:30
On 2005-05-02 19:59, dragoon wrote:
Like in many casses ironically geniousity is is spotted after it's time, another classic example is Flying Rhino...
Well, I dunno Dragoon, it was very much spotted in its time by everyone who was into this music (both examples). Maybe there weren't enough of us, but I don't think so- CDs used to sell way much more then. Maybe it was just bad management....
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 09:37
On 2005-05-03 08:30, shahar wrote:
On 2005-05-02 19:59, dragoon wrote:
Like in many casses ironically geniousity is is spotted after it's time, another classic example is Flying Rhino...
Maybe there weren't enough of us, but I don't think so- CDs used to sell way much more then. Maybe it was just bad management....
Well that's actually what i mean , today i find much more open minded ppl then back in the days, i rmember psy lovers go like "you weirdo!" when i use to say "damn blunt instruments rox!" or "yo access denied is so cool" i think today ppl are more ready to accept variation & innovation...i think most of the crowd these labels appealed to could not take new directions in music. i agree with you on that, that the manegment was probably lacking ill and did not knew how to direct itself to the right buyer... |
Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 10:15
Well that's actually what i mean , today i find much more open minded ppl then back in the days, i rmember psy lovers go like "you weirdo!" when i use to say "damn blunt instruments rox!
Dear dragoon,
I don't agree with you at 100% on this thing...
I remember in the past that people loved to party with "weird" music such as Blue Room Released compilations or the latest Matsuri's albums ... and it did not matter if the music was "goa" or "psy" or "UK sound" ...or whatever...
Please, I would invite you to go around this forum, and you will see that most of the users argue between "dark-psy", "Night-psy", "dark-psy-progressive-techno-trance"...etc...
Some of them, they will not even go in a party/festival if the line up is not enough "KILLAHHH" (as they call the music today)...
Unfortunately we live in a "KILLAH" era....
KILLAH party, KILLAH music, ,KILLAH...everything! If you are not KILLAH are not cool! (unfortunately)
But from the other side, i agree with you that some of the "old guys" of this scene are more open minded and they are in a seaarch of meaningful sounds...
Returning to the "Blue Room Released" topic, well, yesterday I saw a post by "Sunkings" and they were telling that they can not find a label to release their music....This thing makes me thing a lot! I have the feeling that this market is really saturated with the amount of "new labels", but none of them is interested to release "new music"...
That's all for now,
Best Regards
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 10:41
Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 10:44
On 2005-05-03 10:41, dragoon wrote:
Bingo! the Psy Scene had become verry borring music wise...
Well said.....
Nothing to add....
Best regards
Tms |
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 11:23
On 2005-05-03 10:44, Dot Kite wrote:
On 2005-05-03 10:41, dragoon wrote:
Bingo! the Psy Scene had become verry borring music wise...
Well said.....
Nothing to add....
Best regards
It’s what we make of it; I find most psy-trance to be boring, but definitely not all psy-trance, the difference is that the amount of releases today has multiplied, so the amount of great releases may be consistent, but it seems like it’s decreasing because of huge number of releases.
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 12:44
IMO Blue Room name meant quality, style, exquisite attitude. Their ambient releases are to be beat in beauty to this day. As a buyer/DJ I'd say that their mistake was in 1999, when there was some sort of experimentalism in music - and all of a sudden, you wouldn't know what kind of trance you would find inside a Blue Room CD. Jungle Trance? Throbbing Trance? They managed to avoid the awful israeli bassline that was starting to attract newcomers to the scene, but their trance lost the danceable element anyway.
I stopped buying their trance releases and bought only ambient stuff.
Nowadays, everybody can be a producer. It's so easy. So, it's natural that a lot of music around are horrible to listen and impossible to dance. I was taking a look in the Saikosounds, and saw a release by a DJ/producer who I know personally. He doesn't know a thing about Blue Room, Flying Rhyno, Juno Reactor, and all the elements that are the base of the scebe. Nevertheless, he released this bad CD and call his parties /festival "KILLAHS", as someone pointed above. eh eh. It's so ridiculous.
But in this mess, there are a lot of good music around.
Don't give up.
Peace and Love |
Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 13:03
On 2005-05-03 12:44, goa-ganges wrote:
I was taking a look in the Saikosounds, and saw a release by a DJ/producer who I know personally. He doesn't know a thing about Blue Room, Flying Rhyno, Juno Reactor, and all the elements that are the base of the scebe. Nevertheless, he released this bad CD and call his parties /festival "KILLAHS", as someone pointed above. eh eh. It's so ridiculous.
So sad, but unfortunately true...
I am still in the search of the excellence.... and I can definetely say, that "Blue Room released" was an excellent label (musically concerned)...
I know, there is a lot of great music and great artists around the globe, but unfortunately there is not a single "excellent" label that can support those artists at this moment!
Best Regards
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 13:24
On 2005-05-03 13:03, Dot Kite wrote:
I know, there is a lot of great music and great artists around the globe, but unfortunately there is not a single "excellent" label that can support those artists at this moment!
I beg to differ
  "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 13:35
I'm with traveller on this one...maby no trance "excellent" labels but even that could be arguable, if we are talking about trance there are still good labels they are not as old as the ones talked about but still had prooven themselves over time...though the qty of excellence had been tottaly narrowed down. the problem is with the majority of things now days we have so many artists and so many labels that the biggest problem is IMO to join a good artist with a good label. they may both exist but just don't know of each others existance... |
14-year old e-tard
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 17:34
On 2005-04-30 14:35, DETOX wrote:
If a label with Juno Reactor,Total Eclipse,Koxbox,Etnica and X Dream didnt manage to survive then we must all sit down and think where this scene is heading to...
Down the shiter is one strong possibility...
  Me>You |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 3, 2005 17:45
On 2005-05-03 17:34, 14-year old e-tard wrote:
On 2005-04-30 14:35, DETOX wrote:
If a label with Juno Reactor,Total Eclipse,Koxbox,Etnica and X Dream didnt manage to survive then we must all sit down and think where this scene is heading to...
Down the shiter is one strong possibility...
This is not a proper way for a 14yr old to express one self...but the kid has a point |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 4, 2005 13:22
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Posted : May 5, 2005 14:31
The Blueroom speaker department has been taken over by Scandyna.
I ordered a 5.1 (Blueroom, so I thought) Micropod set online to accompany my 2 Blueroom Minipods. To my surprise the micropod satellites and woofer carried no Blueroom logo.
So think twice if you want to order a set of Blueroom speakers out of nostalgia (despite the fact that its still very stylish and quality stuff).
Guess the days of Blueroom are now definitively over.