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Blue Room Records

Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 13:40
Dear all members of this forum,

I would like to ask if somebody knows what happent with this label.

"Blue Room Released was a record label from London, UK. It operated from 1994 until 2002". and I also know that it was led by Simon Ghahary...

I know that is not anymore in the business for several years now, but maybe someone has some more info concerning why "Blue Room" is not in business anymore....

I would like to thank you all in advance...

Best Regards

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 14:35
Simon was a very rich man who invested a lot in Blue Room but in the end saw the label falling down due to the low sales and big expenses.In some releases he spend more money in promotion than the money he got back from the sales.

He divorced with his wife and when they splitted their property Blue Room corporation ended up to her.Ofcourse she didnt knew what to do with the company and all she did was appointing a lawyer and see if she could make a profit out of the company by claiming back old money from sales of the cds and selling to other people the back catalogue of the label,if i am not mistaken someone from Italy has bought the whole back catalogue.Also she tried to make money by selling the famous speakers of the label.

Thats the story so far and Blue Room is a classic example that our scene is very small in order for someone to invest a lot of money in it.If a label with Juno Reactor,Total Eclipse,Koxbox,Etnica and X Dream didnt manage to survive then we must all sit down and think where this scene is heading to...           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 14:41
Dear Detox,
as usually you are one of the most well informed users in this forum....

You gave me a very good idea of what happent with "Blue Room released".

Once, this was the base of Blue Room...and now look at this....

BTW, if somebody has some more info regarding this legendary label, please let me know....

Best Regards
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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 19:08

On 2005-04-30 14:35, DETOX wrote:
Simon was a very rich man who invested a lot in Blue Room but in the end saw the label falling down due to the low sales and big expenses.In some releases he spend more money in promotion than the money he got back from the sales.

He divorced with his wife and when they splitted their property Blue Room corporation ended up to her.Ofcourse she didnt knew what to do with the company and all she did was appointing a lawyer and see if she could make a profit out of the company by claiming back old money from sales of the cds and selling to other people the back catalogue of the label,if i am not mistaken someone from Italy has bought the whole back catalogue.Also she tried to make money by selling the famous speakers of the label.

Thats the story so far and Blue Room is a classic example that our scene is very small in order for someone to invest a lot of money in it.If a label with Juno Reactor,Total Eclipse,Koxbox,Etnica and X Dream didnt manage to survive then we must all sit down and think where this scene is heading to...

Blue Room released (The label) was not owned by Simon Ghahary (not to be confused with Simon Holtom from Twisted).

Simon Ghahary originally designed the miniPod Speakers and Robert Trunz the Chairman of Blue Room Speakers bought the design and was the founder of the Company "Blue Room Speakers" keeping Simon Ghahary as the Head of Design.

Later Blue Room Speakers invested money into opening the label "Blue Room Released" and hired Simon Holtom (now Twisted) as A&R.

Just to get the facts straight !

Today Blue Room still manufacture the minipod speakers and indeed have a label "M.E.L.T" in South Africa and with Robert Trunz as the A&R. The label include releases and co-orporation with Juno Reactor.

They sell the old Blue Room releases from the online shop.

Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 19:52
Dear Hand A,
I would like to thank you for the additional info you provide us. I was expecting answers like yours and Detox's (both of you have long and first hand experience in the scene).

Now I would like to ask something more...

Do you have any idea where they release music artists from Blue Room Released like "Alien", "Sunkings", "Metal Spark" ...etc... (If they still produce music)

Thanks once more in advance

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 20:13
Kristian thanks a lot for the correction,i actually messed up Robert with Simon.

So Dot Kite in my original answer just replace the name Simon Ghahary with Robert Trunz and you got the full story.

So like Kristian said Robert Trunz was the man putting the money in all this huge project and the person who in the end lost the most out of the Blue Room Project.

I guess now he resides somewhere in Switzerland away from all this mess of the trance scene.Lucky him me says

Who knows maybe his ex wife wakes up one morning and decides that she actually likes Juno Reactor and run the whole thing again from the beggining LOL           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 30, 2005 20:32

On 2005-04-30 20:13, DETOX wrote:
Who knows maybe his ex wife wakes up one morning and decides that she actually likes Juno Reactor and run the whole thing again from the beggining LOL

That would be a wonderful dream....

IsraTrance Team

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Posted : May 1, 2005 23:25
I also seem to remember a move to the US and opening Blue Room US somewhere in Cali that ended up as a complete failure- wasn't that part of the reason it closed down?

I'll try search my 604 archives when I have time.           ---------------------------------------------
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Posted : May 2, 2005 02:12

I also seem to remember some trafficking issues ... Someone working at the label using company envelopes to send stuff arround the world ...

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  75
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Posted : May 2, 2005 12:03

On 2005-05-01 23:25, shahar wrote:
I also seem to remember a move to the US and opening Blue Room US somewhere in Cali that ended up as a complete failure- wasn't that part of the reason it closed down?

I'll try search my 604 archives when I have time.

That's what I read in an interview with Simon too... I think there was several disagreements because of Blue Room America.

A big part of the psytrance scene didn't accept their new directions either, when they started releasing "psychedelic drum'n'bass"... This resulted in less CDs sold. Too bad... Deviant Electronics is some of the best music I have ever heard...           CHILL TRIBE
CTRCD04 WOMBATMUSIC - Shameful Silence
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Dot Kite
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  431
Posted : May 2, 2005 12:12

On 2005-05-02 12:03, PKS wrote:
Deviant Electronics is some of the best music I have ever heard...

Indeed, excellent conceptual music !!!

But, now , i start to get confused on why "Blue Room Released" have been shutted down. Is it because the owner did not care anymore about the label? Or things went wrong after "Blue Room America" ?

Any info regarding this issue will be very welcomed...

Best Regards

Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : May 2, 2005 16:56
Dot Kite the label was closed because of money problems,more were invested than the ammounts coming back.

Like i said before in some releases more money were invested in promotion than the money coming in from sales.

Ofcourse the distribution problems and conflicts in organisation were also common in such a big label.

Little this and little that and you end up with the fall of the biggest psy trance label ever.          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  2565
Posted : May 2, 2005 19:42

On 2005-04-30 19:52, Dot Kite wrote:
Do you have any idea where they release music artists from Blue Room Released like "Alien", "Sunkings", "Metal Spark" ...etc... (If they still produce music)

About Sunkings you can have a look in the Ambient section of the forum..

"Get your dose of BoOgie !"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : May 2, 2005 19:47
excuse me, but I just want to mention this is one of the most intelligent, informative and mature threads I've ever read in this section.

ok carry on
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  166
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Posted : May 2, 2005 19:59

On 2005-05-02 12:03, PKS wrote:

On 2005-05-01 23:25, shahar wrote:
I also seem to remember a move to the US and opening Blue Room US somewhere in Cali that ended up as a complete failure- wasn't that part of the reason it closed down?

I'll try search my 604 archives when I have time.

That's what I read in an interview with Simon too... I think there was several disagreements because of Blue Room America.

A big part of the psytrance scene didn't accept their new directions either, when they started releasing "psychedelic drum'n'bass"... This resulted in less CDs sold. Too bad... Deviant Electronics is some of the best music I have ever heard...

If the label closing wasn't enough Ciaran Walsh also desapeared from the music scene.
I would say those are 2 of the greatest losses of our community...

Like in many casses ironically geniousity is is spotted after it's time, another classic example is Flying Rhino...

Great thread IMO! 
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