--> Best Trance Track in Mexico!
fractal sound
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 01:00
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 01:25
Look you lil twat, this is a lesson after all the nonesense you posted about MEXICO NOT having its own PSYTRANCE STYLE. You should go watch BARNEY and check out if DJ HOFFMAN is done producing your latest song. For your "LIVE ACT"
fractal sound
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 02:16
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 02:38
Poor moron, remember when you posted me your links on msn asking me for "support".
That's the difference between MaJ1KO and all them sheep, I'm nobody's "PALERO".
And you can be sure that you have a great foe in my, the difference is that I don't live of music and you do.
So you better start thinking who is gonna be more affected after all this.
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 02:58
Majiko or whoever you are, I m Edgar Vallin, so whats your real name???
what is wrong with you, think you are smarter and cooler than anyone or what the heck makes you think you can come here and insult people like if you've done????
think you know better??? think you are the scene??
this is not god damn family feud kind of show!!!
wow think a kid that rushes out with bizarre contact and its now enjoying progressive which by the way its something you've been working on lately, just probably to make sure people do think that you know huh?
this is not about knowing fool , it requires nothing less than stop talking and start working and doing your thing, not about getting your ego refreshed every once in a while in forums.
every forum within the Mexican scene excluding yours, is always the same everywhere you get to post something its has to be either to say shit or to praise someone based on your personal taste of music, want me to post links of all this facts???
better watch out who do you talk to or who do you insult because you have mess twice already with my friends! ain't bullshit son...
first you did it with a girl that you know is she and don't want to mention to avoid people getting at you, now you are getting personal with a Kid that has done nothing else that work his ass off to pull out a live act that we all know is his, not Hoffman's'...
so what is that you wanna get with all this???
I also know Hoffman and for sure I can tell you that Everardo (fractal sounds) makes his own tunes, his brother has more shit to take care of than worrying about making songs for his brother.....
stop this shit which is not gonna get you anywhere. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 05:02
On 2008-07-23 02:16, fractal sound wrote:
OMG i just realize i wasted many time talking with a retarded .
its the same story with you in all the forums .
Proyecto Gdl
Thats why you created your own forum to deliver your EGO
Viva Maj1ko Seretronika! The best dj!
jajajajaja dont forget Nightsoiree after his incredible event Metamorfosis 2
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 05:24
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 05:37
Majiko pls learn to read, fractal is not saying that is a lack of skills or quality, but a lack of a style that one can name "mexican". (in psy electronic music)
I think outside israel, which style today is so pop, no other country has a "unique"style.
Can you say UK has a style of it own? france?
USA? germany? russia? india?
for me it doesnt make mush sense to have a style.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 05:42
I can't criticize you about nothing cuz u r a prick and u r not even a DJ, u don't PRODUCE MUSIC, u don't ORGANIZE EVENTS, u do NOTHING.
When you produce an even at least, your opinion while be worth it for me, meanwhile you are a nothing... fag
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 08:12
Hi, i had a mistake on this topic:
So I want to apologize to Fractal Sound. In other and good news, i'll soon announce my retirement from Trance Scene, I have other projects that will take me away. I just want to make clear something: nothing I have done has been done with stolen money.
I lost alot of money and friends organizing events this year, but i did everything with my heart, I hope that someone always defends
I met from the most humble raver, to the most arrogant Organizer/Artist, Many of this people made me lost my illusion of what a raver is but never took away my love for the scene.
I again apologize to FRACTAL SOUND, for the misunderstanding... tnx a lot.
Hola, cometí un error al entender mal el topic:
Por lo tanto ofrezco una disculpa a Fractal Sound. Yo en poco tiempo para buena noticia de muchos, anunciaré mi retiro en la escena psytrance. ya que tengo otros proyectos de vida que desgraciadamente me harán alejarme. Pero solo quiero dejar en claro algo nunca en lo poco que hice en esta escena le robe un peso a alguien. Perdí mucho dinero en organizar un evento 2007 y perdí muchas amistades en organizar otro en 2008. Pero todo lo que hice lo hice de corazón.
Espero que despues de mi retiro exista alguien que siempre defienda, Yo conocí desde el raver más humilde, hasta el organizador o artista más arrogante y prepotente, muchas de esas personas me hicieron perder la ilusión de lo que era un rave. pero nunca pudieron quitar el amor que le tengo a la escena. Nuevamente ofrezco una disculpa a Fractal Sound, por entender mal. y muy pronto esperen mi mensaje de retiro.
Muchas Gracias.
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Posted : Jul 23, 2008 17:21
i think fractal sound is the future barak or shove or sharigrama good luck boy |