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Trance Forum » » Forum  DJing - Best service to find (and share) DJ mixtapes...?
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Best service to find (and share) DJ mixtapes...?

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  109
Posts :  70
Posted : Sep 3, 2011 16:34:12
Hey do you have any recommendations what would be currently the best way to share DJ mixtapes and find mixes that you like...?

What comes to my mind are soundcloud and mixcloud. You find a lot of stuff by writing dj mixes to google but I am too lazy to go trough all of them.

I would like something that:

1. has a large international userbase

2. you can do searches in playlists. For example searching 1200 Mics - Mescaline would find all mixtapes of all DJs that have this tune included in the mixtape. (of course the DJ would have to write the tune list of the tape)

3. Is usable and working (not like Myspace, which is far from usable )

I am not sure though if 2. is possible as record labels might not like it (although my personal opinion is that it would just boost sales).

Any recommendations?  
Dennis the menace

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Sep 3, 2011 21:17
You can have a look here and continue in this thread

Im locking this one..


Trance Forum » » Forum  DJing - Best service to find (and share) DJ mixtapes...?
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