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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 16:48
DH: Jupp, and that’s why I felt misunderstood. Sometimes written words might mislead as they will give slight wrong impressions, especially when the reader is stuck in his/her own box and if the writer is not so good in reflecting his or her objective opinion.. I never wrote/meant that people should pack their bags and leave. No, I just said that there is always some nice release that will reflect and satisfy your taste. Even Beat Agency should be able to find some artist or (tribal) tune that he enjoys and may even love (anno 2010). And this is where the vote becomes an important tool. People read and people will see or even hear your suggestion. So if there is mostly crap (beholder of the ears) released these days (what a cliché this is ..), then it must be even more important to give a shout out and tell the Israreaders that Hey! This is a great release! Check it out!
Someone wrote earlier that a good reason to vote is not because there is So much great music these days, but because there is so much crap. Hence it’s even more important to raise your voice and share with other members which music You liked in 2010 (Plus it’s trivial fun, me thinks).
Damn, I’m sure I’m still unclear in my writing.. Sometimes I wish I had the skill of easily explaining my thoughts in 2 sentences. Would be nice and clear.


On 2011-03-02 16:42, Beat Agency wrote:
I think psykovsky

is a Demon and drink too much Vodka!

Then face the demon and dance him to the grave. If you can. - Seriously, he makes some drunken psy sometimes, but at least this guy Really pours his all into the music.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 16:52

On 2011-03-02 16:48, psytones wrote: <3

Pure noise and way too fast IMO. I guess our taste in music is very different 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 16:54
Not 'very' I would think. For I agree, it's just that I am able to enjoy! I love the tricks he pulls out of the hat.
most of the times 2 much is just 2 much. But dude, sometimes it's just right!

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 2, 2011 17:04

On 2011-03-02 16:48, psytones wrote:
So if there is mostly crap (beholder of the ears) released these days (what a cliché this is ..), then it must be even more important to give a shout out and tell the Israreaders that Hey! This is a great release! Check it out!
Someone wrote earlier that a good reason to vote is not because there is So much great music these days, but because there is so much crap.

It is not important at all. Isratrance is like the stronghold of meaningless threads and extremely biased or young (in actual years/music years) that actually like the music you posted on the clip and slap the psy-trance name on it, which is fair enough, its what they like.
People have created accounts to ridicule this parody even further...which is a good indication of the "stuck in their boxes" amount of users on here.
From the 3 big ones (psymusic, psynews, isra) this is the only place this happens.

On 2011-03-02 16:54, psytones wrote:
Not 'very' I would think. For I agree, it's just that I am able to enjoy! I love the tricks he pulls out of the hat.
most of the times 2 much is just 2 much. But dude, sometimes it's just right!


Our tastes are very different indeed.

Peace out.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 2, 2011 17:19

On 2011-03-02 17:04, disco hooligans wrote:
Our tastes are very different indeed.

Peace out.

That’s because mine is superior to yours, of course. Btw. We both love the CPC - Subliminal Messages (listening now). Think this opens the possibility for us to spoon in a future near? Pavel can even squeeze in if you’d prefer.

Peace down.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 17:37
i think its time we realize that popularity and fame in especially in psy scene is not based on votes. nobody votes..besides the process is long drawn and eventually popularity here does not is not an intellectual activity, most of the members here indulge in brain activity (humor,critism, philosophy etc)
voting is demeaning to our intellect. its meant for lesser beings. popularity contests are you have artists expressing their views biases, opinions etc...instead of whats realeased in the marketplace...the voting should be based on whats released on the forum in the dj sets sections or new tracks section on or before the end of the year, based on the number of downloads, and have the option like facebook has - Like or Dont Like..this should be ongoing year round not at a the end of the year. the number of likes determine a good dj and the forum pushes that dj or artist or label for the next does not help           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 2, 2011 17:48
^true. and a good idea, but as all good ideas, this one would suffer from the same X-Noize phenanonom as the best of was .. Nice to see your nick on isra again, X.

Question is, where did the missile with failed engine crash? Answer, no where ..

omg. Let's come together, right now. Oh yeah! in sweet harmony
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Mar 3, 2011 00:12
disco hooligans, now you can finally relax and throw a hash, because we all now understood you are pissed off, because you were not chosen for 2010 and you are asking yourself where are the 35 persons who voted for you for best album for 2010 on ektoplazm.

we are full of compassion dude, at least one of those 35 golden visitors could have been attending the survey, man, you are right. such unserious pack of voters. but keep the faith man, they are still downloading stuff from ten years ago and studying what is psy trance -
but you work hard and spam less in more serious topics in isratrance, at the end you will be chosen for the golden isratrance survey at the end of the twenties which will consist of 100 percent free releases.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 3, 2011 00:56

On 2011-03-03 00:12, moki wrote:
disco hooligans, now you can finally relax and throw a hash, because we all now understood you are pissed off, because you were not chosen for 2010 and you are asking yourself where are the 35 persons who voted for you for best album for 2010 on ektoplazm.

God I am so tired of people who just have to pull the "jealousy" card when an artist express an opinion!
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 3, 2011 01:09

On 2011-03-03 00:56, Beat Agency wrote:
[ .. ] pull the "jealousy" card

What is this, CNN?

Listen to Trippy trail, it might make you all smile or smth:
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 3, 2011 02:02
Hr. Brunost. You can not make me love (or even just like) this kind of music. No matter how hard you try 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Mar 3, 2011 10:01
wow, jealousy card?? )) i will fall on the floor with a good morning laugh. you cant even see the joke as such any more. jealous because dh is telling psytones, he would not know what is psy trance? surprised that it is at all imaginable to you, that i would be jealous for whatever is happening in this thread.

of course, excuse me that i forgot that in the presence of a released artist on isratrance, we should kneel and surrender to the higher godly spirits who are telling humanity what is psytrance in the year 2011, i have an extreme lack of takfullness. but you see, things look like that with people who are not artists, but as someone already predicted it is not so far away, and this place will be full of ten artists voting for each other and making surveys about psychedelic trance. we the low class humans will find other pastures to live our creativity.

i did not even see who are the newest top 10 artists to kneel in front of, but dont worry, they certainly havent changed much from last year, and may be even the year before. i will check in 10 years again, things must have developed then. trancers are slow with changing their idols, formats and ideas. what disturbs me is that disco hooligans is someone i will remember with countless off topics where it is not needed at all, posting stupid pics in topics that simply dont fit to that, and at the end even complaining about isratrance topics. why is he in most of them then? of course, i guess the top ten survey of ektoplazm gives such godly advances to certain people to believe the world rotates around them.

Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 3, 2011 11:03
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 3, 2011 12:22

On 2011-03-03 00:12, moki wrote:
disco hooligans, now you can finally relax and throw a hash, because we all now understood you are pissed off, because you were not chosen for 2010 and you are asking yourself where are the 35 persons who voted for you for best album for 2010 on ektoplazm.

I know, crazy innit? Maybe I should think about a career change....shall I start making short films about the cosmic octave and study statistics and present whatever pops to mind, as fact? Do you think I would get enough attention then?

On a more serious note, getting voted on isratrance, is actually a bad thing, for me. None of my favorite artists get voted and the results, represent everything I do not like in trance music.
If psytones, or you, started liking my music, I would start worrying.
So I am not jealous, I am relieved


On 2011-03-03 10:01, moki wrote:
what disturbs me is that disco hooligans is someone i will remember..

Nice to know I disturb you though... polls count for nothing, what counts is that you will remember in the future, in any kind of makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside


On 2011-03-02 17:19, psytones wrote:
We both love the CPC - Subliminal Messages (listening now). Think this opens the possibility for us to spoon in a future near? Pavel can even squeeze in if you’d prefer.

Peace down.

I love CPC? I think you have me mixed up with someone else. But I am always up for a squeeze

Peace out.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  696
Posted : Mar 3, 2011 12:40

On 2011-03-03 00:56, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-03-03 00:12, moki wrote:
disco hooligans, now you can finally relax and throw a hash, because we all now understood you are pissed off, because you were not chosen for 2010 and you are asking yourself where are the 35 persons who voted for you for best album for 2010 on ektoplazm.

God I am so tired of people who just have to pull the "jealousy" card when an artist express an opinion!

+1...           DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
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