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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 10:20
hey axis, chill down man, do u know personally eveyone on this forum?? don't bitch around like a bitch. I am not a dj neither wannabe artis just an aficionado who since more then 12 years enjoys psychedelic music.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 12:14
^ Same here!
Spinning because I like it.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 12:59
thats one of the reasons i dont like to step on shit !
after you stepped on it, you carry the stink on your shoes,so i try not stepping on better things to do than listen to some clown's predictions about the future.its as simple as that man, half glass of water, some people see it half empty, some see it half full, so u half empty man,actually my mistake callin u a dildo ,no reason, just flashing ego,but i dont care, man do as u please, may god bless.
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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 14:39

On 2011-02-24 12:59, minus wrote:
actually my mistake callin u a dildo ,no reason, just flashing ego...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 25, 2011 15:21
^  - Midwest based psytrance group
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Posted : Feb 27, 2011 21:46

On 2011-02-24 06:20, aXis wrote:

hillarious. Is there any1 soul here , who is not a dj nor an artist ?

Baba, im not want to be artist or dj. i think i prefer to be sadhu. thnx baba.

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  410
Posted : Feb 28, 2011 00:48
For all haters of this so called genre of psytrance, the name as given to the style of music may die but the emotion and feeling of psychedelia in music that is made to sound so will remain as long as we have what we call nature and elements in nature. True so called psychedelia has evolved from it and will sustain itself even if haters gave birth to more haters of this genre we call psytrance

Again, just my thoughts. There is no need to pounce on it just because any hater has enough time in his/her hands....

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Labels Associated with: Samana Records | Geomagnetic | Triptec | Independent Mind | SkyGravity | | Psytr
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Principles Of Flight

Started Topics :  48
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Posted : Feb 28, 2011 13:50
its funny to see the results and how the scene has gone more into harder and darker stuff.           On 2011-03-08 23:13, moki wrote:
listening only to free music is like having the free possibility to satisfy yourself with thousends of different free sexual acts.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Feb 28, 2011 18:01
Some of these tracks are darker than Serena Williams' vagina           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 28, 2011 19:30
edited , lol
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 28, 2011 23:30

On 2011-02-28 19:30, mk47 wrote:
edited , lol

is this your answer?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  26
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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 14:57
This is his answer...

          -.-. .... --- --- ... . / .-.. --- ...- .
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 14:58

On 2011-02-28 18:01, Pavel wrote:
Some of these tracks are darker than Serena Williams' vagina


but answer is the same!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 16:24
Okay .. I voted and only conidered the original albums I owned. nly album I didn't vote in was Psykovsky's latest and that I got today so I couldn't include it in my vote. Shame so few bothered to vote for the music they have been enjoying from 2010. Isn't that also some of the point of the vote to be able to vote and write down for the public and album or record label that you really love. If there was 0 music for you to adore of 20110, I would suggest you find some other music to enjoy because cleary these tones dont do it for you anymore. .. An idea would be to let bthe vote possibilety last longer then it did. The moretime its open for votes the more votes you'll get (obviously).

peace out!
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Mar 1, 2011 19:29

On 2011-03-01 16:24, psytones wrote:
If there was 0 music for you to adore of 20110, I would suggest you find some other music to enjoy because cleary these tones dont do it for you anymore. ..

That's the same as someone telling you if you think these tones reflect anything from the tones people used to adore, you started listening to psy-trance from 2001 onwards

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