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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 19, 2011 18:36

On 2011-02-19 17:47, aXis wrote:
im sure deadmau5 whooped out a big chunk out of this scene .

The most overrated obnoxious artist for the last 4 years. The guy even managed to get unpopular among all Djs playing his stereotype music 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2011 06:10

On 2011-02-19 18:36, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-02-19 17:47, aXis wrote:
im sure deadmau5 whooped out a big chunk out of this scene .

The most overrated obnoxious artist for the last 4 years. The guy even managed to get unpopular among all Djs playing his stereotype music

r we talkin abt the music or joel zimmerman ?

and @ makus - he uses trance sounds , blah . well ofcourse. hello ? its a revealation ? wat r u guys on drugs ?

i giev this site 3 years before all of us leave and its only detox and pavel changing display pics and putting random lol pics .

most of u dont go to other music genre parties , crib abt the incestual styles of psy and still want a mircale ? jesus ?

this music is dead. i poked it . it didnt move.
Fat Data

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  1112
Posted : Feb 20, 2011 13:37

On 2011-02-19 18:36, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2011-02-19 17:47, aXis wrote:
im sure deadmau5 whooped out a big chunk out of this scene .

The most overrated obnoxious artist for the last 4 years. The guy even managed to get unpopular among all Djs playing his stereotype music

Amen to that.            Peace, Love, Death metal

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Posted : Feb 20, 2011 21:20

On 2011-02-19 17:38, aXis wrote:

On 2011-02-16 16:02, daio wrote:
the fact that people in here don't vote or don't enjoy psytrance anymore doesn't make the music less exciting...

so wt do u suggest shud be the method used to find how interesting it is anymore ? history channel any1 ?

if you want to post some tracks from the times since you lost interest i'd really appreciate it...
anywayz maybe people search for some experimental music whitch can be found most on some downtempo and not to dance's a difficult combination indeed...(experiment and dance)
BUT we ve reached a point that psytrance has so many different ways to satisfy all tastes,if not yours,you must have a really difficult one...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 21, 2011 09:14
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 21, 2011 12:16

On 2011-02-16 23:02, willsanquil wrote:
I hear good music, go to great parties and have a kickass time dancing with friends both old and new. In 2011. You're doing it wrong.

ditto!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 21, 2011 21:07
I still listen to lots of good stuff.

As for the parties... can't stand'em anymore.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 21, 2011 21:52
Here are a few albums and compilations I enjoyed in 2010:

Have the haters heard these?
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Feb 22, 2011 03:41
there should be also a "best masterizer" category.
Very important in the creation of any release.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
Posts :  3486
Posted : Feb 22, 2011 17:43

On 2011-02-22 03:41, Serag wrote:
there should be also a "best masterizer" category.
Very important in the creation of any release.

who gonna vote on that except the ones who got a track mastered by atleast more then 1 guy? =)
Doesn't make sense.          For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 22, 2011 18:10
why no body voted, because no body knew their votes will count! what i felt it was like another top10 section,guys put up their top 10 and thats it,no one gives a fuk about ur top10, or best of 2010 for that matter,it reminds me of some thread" how many cd's you got" seemed to me like " how big is ur dick man" guys saying mine is this big, that big, , basically what i'm saying is, it felt meaningless to do so, because didnt know that at the end they will add it up.otherwise i would have definately said my say.and dildo's talking about music dying, 3 years left or whatever the fuk they said, r dying themselves, music is fukin Blossomming , flowering full power, it taste sweet and ripe to me, i dont know what the fuk them dildo's is on all about.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 22, 2011 21:39

On 2011-02-22 17:43, Wizack Twizack wrote:

On 2011-02-22 03:41, Serag wrote:
there should be also a "best masterizer" category.
Very important in the creation of any release.

who gonna vote on that except the ones who got a track mastered by atleast more then 1 guy? =)
Doesn't make sense.

i didnt understand exactly what u said, maybe u can explain better.
but yes i think is important.
do u know how to masterize?
have you ever masterized an album or compilation, and people said wow what a good master! it feel good i guess.?
it takes knoledge and yearss of developing, so dont u think is important to recognize the work of this ppl?
Dont u think that is time also to let people that dont have a clue about this proces start to learn about it?
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

Started Topics :  239
Posts :  3486
Posted : Feb 22, 2011 21:45
yes, but how can people vote on that? couse then u need hear every track before and after the mastering process. so then voting for something u dont know about doesnt work, thats what i ment
but yea, i know what u thinking, mastering is pretty important for sure.

cheers!           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Feb 22, 2011 23:17
ah ok , now i gat ya
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2011 06:20
Dildo is wat ur mommy and girlfriend use .

Do u used it too ? nice.

hey man dont u see every1 who voted is / or wannabe an 'artist'. U called me a dildo cos ur afraid wat music will u make after this genre has broken to bits?

hillarious. Is there any1 soul here , who is not a dj nor an artist ?
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