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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 17:29
All we need now to complete the cliché's is the:

"Shut up and make music instead"

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 17:49

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 19:19
Don't ask for cock or else you will get what you ask for.

Silent Existence
Silent Existence

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 19:53
oups..the topic digressed as we can see .. anyways we thank everyone for the time they gave to vote for our compilation, we feel very proud that our compilation is the most voted from the 2010 free releases, and even though it has not been even a year that it is out we have nearly 40,000 downloads,which for us is a huge success!.. We thank all the people who are supporting our ideas, and we hope next year there will be more people involved in the voting..We are also working for another gift to give to the lovers and listeners of this music and our work, and until then P.L.U.R. to everyone..

VA - Transmigration - compilation by Silent Existence - Coming Sooon
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 21:20
I tell you one thing baba Silent Existence: you must be strong.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 22:58

On 2011-03-05 14:30, Beat Agency wrote:

And FAIL... I doubt the main target of listeners are on isratrance which is approx. 0.5% of the real scene out there

That said I dont sell CD's. I give away my music for free. Last on had 18.000 downloads.

And sop sops I am so sad that I am not allowed behind the surface of your perceived reality (not).

Have a great day!

okey, last thing aside : should know, you are much better than that...

18000 free downloads? wow. in case you dont know, your music must have been heard by at least 200000 people. why do you promote yourself that humble?? it isnt very self confident, because you are more valuable than that, whatever happened to you in life with the scene....

i did not download any free track from you, but i had your earlier music. and i am sure i am not the only one who is not so keen on getting free things. and i remember you from parties anyway (elysium ).

you can have those downloads within a day if you let a SEO programmer do a package for you that downloads from 200000 places simultaneously. so what? the easiest thing to do - to get big figures " as if". is this what makes you happy? dont answer me, i know it isnt.

and isratrance being 0,5 percent of the scene - you are right but on the other side, it makes a difference who says what about you. the rest 99 percent may actually be the girlfriends and the families of the isratrance readers, you know, or the party visitors who would listen to whatever and dance to whatever.

this aside, you are simply better than that. and although i am not such a fan of your virtual identity in isratrance (anymore), you make great music, and your ambient projects are more than great too. just wanted to have told you that. life is short. may be one day i will tell you a secret about one of your ethno samples, which you actually took from my native culture ( a very ancient hymn ) and i will show you something about the octave of orpheus and what did this mean 3000 of years ago. or may be i will never tell you that. life is short.

now aside, this free stuff is simply too much to be downloaded and heard. also, these cetralised networks dont give me a good intuition at all. it is enough if their owner steps you on the nerve once or trys to make fool of you even once, and the whole 50000 profiles there can forget you ever visiting them again. it goes fast.

so now i actually wrote something that was burning on my fingers and if i delete it or leave it, i would handle against the flow of my heart. and it is not why i am here.
this aside, i am not doing absolutely any promotion, as you state, because i never took a cent from any from you and dont intend to ever do so. i am here because i dont "think" so much before i do it and why i do it. life is short.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 23:11
hm Moki, you’re also a loop, one of the biggest I've ever seen far beyond exceeding mister Anderson. That’s almost a compliment. But for real, unless you find satisfaction in these arguments, lay it to rest. Like the wise saying goes; ‘You might win the fight but you’ll eventually lose the war’ (sais who? – maybe I’m wrong) I think this will eventually, like most argues you have end in a technical knockout. I mean, it's not like your burning calories or anything sensible here .. It's more or less a waste of energy of trying to protect yourself and your opinions, which is respectful until it becomes silly.


On 2011-03-05 16:23, disco hooligans wrote:
( .. ) But I have to admit, the shit you come up with, is entertaining


Hey for real malaka, thanks And may I say that I do actually enjoy some of the few tracks I've heard from you and your music partner. Hope it doesn't ruin your music too much, I promise I won't become an obsessed fan .. And I say this with as much macho love as I can <3

Peace inside.
Inactive User

Started Topics :  20
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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 23:58
i see friendship here is comming. keepem coming.

if friendship is valid you have to change your avatars:

for baba Moki avatar is:

for baba Psytones:

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 00:00
Why baja? Please elaborate the avatars of choosing, thanks.

PS. I tried to change the avatar for the fun of it, but I'm unable to compress the image so that isratrance will accept it..

Sorry, I tried.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 00:38
PS. No need to explain, I can just look at them and see the effect to understand. Well maybe not perfectly understand, but I see their two different effects in visual bending. Kudos

Who won the best album again? :b Sorry for all the offtopic'ing, I guess it's not that important now anyway, the first page is the informative important page of results for trivial vote with few participants.

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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 06:41
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Mar 6, 2011 14:13
‘You might win the fight but you’ll eventually lose the war’ (sais who? – maybe I’m wrong)

psytones, THIS IS ISRATRANCE. i will tell who said what. you are supposedly talking about the following quote : YOU LOSE THE BATTLE AND WIN THE WAR which is one of the greatest quotes ever said in history of mankind and one of my top favourites ever. it comes from the book art of war, which is a MUST to any human living in non peaceful times. written 6 B.C. by sun tzu. and the meaning is quite the opposite of what you said. but it fits perfectly because it is how i feel everytime i lose a battle on the surface in isratrance.

and we are very obviously speaking extremely different languages. millions of light years. as usual in isratrance btw, same with the 432 hz. it is extreme. what war, what fight, what arguments of my " position", what are you talking about? hello , is there a connection to that number?? i did not lose energy right now because i gave some to beat agency, in case he is not so washed out yet, to be completely unable to take it.

seriously it is unimaginable to me, where you actually vibrate, to see WAR in what i just said. wow. speechless. it is the same like to see a fool or a silly woman - you will definitely see it only if you yourself vibrate on that level. sorry to tell you that you do and quite a few others dont.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 14:27

Astral vibrations. Don't know what you meant about 'sorry to tell you that you do and quite a few others don't'.
But Ok, all in good vibrations I hope.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Mar 6, 2011 19:45
dont try to understand so much:). sometimes it is impossible and should not even be tried with rational thought.

now it is time to actually pay attention to those names, and at least hear them, to be able to conversate about the basic topic and put an end to spider webs of sentences about other things.


On 2011-02-15 17:49:10, a3k wrote:
1 - Best Album:

1 - Psykovsky - Tanetsveta (Tantrumm Records) - 15 votes
2 - Artha - Influencial Dreams (Cronomi Records) - 8 Votes
3 - Battle Of The Future Buddhas & Ka-Sol - Masters Of The Hothouse (Devils Mind Records) / Kyriama - Escape Reach Velocity (Devils Mind Records) / Khaos Sektor - Weird Basslines (Rockdenashi Productionz) - 5 votes

2 - best Compilation

1 - VA - Freaks United (Echo Vortex) - 12 votes
2 - VA - Lucas Presents - Tales Of Heads (Tip World) - 9 votes
3 - VA - Audiogenic Forces (Sanaton Records) / VA - Parvatrip (Parvati Records) - 8 votes

3 - Best Free Release:

1 - Cycle of Secrets - 16 votes
2 - Cybernetika - Scithe Of Orion (Ektoplazm) - 6 votes
3 - Kalila Wa Dimma (Liquid Frequency) - 5 votes

5 - Best Label:

1 - Parvatti (Denmark) - 19 votes
2 - Nano Records (UK) - 8 votes
3 - Zenon Records (Australia) - 7 votes

4 - Best Digital Download:

1 - Artha - Fluori Dolby (Cronomi Records) - 7 votes
2 - Ianuaria - Orange EP (Blue Hour Sounds) - 6 votes
3 - DoHm - Swampology / Master Blasters - Blaster Pieces EP (Nano Records) - 5 votes

6 - Best New Label

1 - Blue Hour Sounds (Italy) - 9 votes
2 - Digital Shiva Power (Japan) - 6 votes
3 - Kamino Records (Mexico) / Occulta Records / Rockdenashi Records (Japan) -5 votes

7 - Best Producer:

1 - Derango - 7 votes
2 - Psykovsky / Artha - 4 Votes
3 - Ianuaria / Liquid Soul / Prometheus / Alien Mental / Kindzadza - 3 votes

8 - Best New Producer:

1 - Gorm / Merkaba - 4 votes
2 - Twisted Kala - 3 votes
3 - Aerodrömme / Anti Spin / E - Clip / KZ / Select Project - 2 votes

(Farebi Jalebi had 6 votes but since he had already releases in 2009 it doesn´t count.)

9 - Best Live Act:

1 - Psykovsky - 5 votes
2 - Green Nuns Of The Revolution/Procs/Kindzadza/Phobos Azazel/Samadhi - 2 votes
3 - Everybody else!

10 - Best DJ

1 - Giuseppe - 5 votes
2 - Daksinamurti - 4 votes
3 - Shane Gobi / Psykovski - 3 votes

11 - Best Festival:

1 - Ozora / Boom Festival - 10 votes
2 - Psycrowdelica - 6 votes
3 - Fullmoon Festival - 5 votes

12 - Best Cover

1 - VA Freaks United (Echo Vortex Records) - 9 votes
2 - VA - Brainzcrew (Parvati Records) - 5 votes
3 - VA - Cycle of Secrets (Silent Existence) - 3 votes

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  116
Posts :  2562
Posted : Mar 7, 2011 12:21
bad selection.
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