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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 16:22
heheh word !!!            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 20:26
psytones , not a dig @ you man , but wtflol


On 2011-03-04 16:06, psytones wrote:
Well actually with all due (My middle name given to me by my mother. Means Dove in Norwegian, or Kabootar in Hindu)

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 20:29
My mom was afraid some people would lol because of it, but thats Ok. A lol enhances your life
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 21:34
Hi baba Kabootar
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 22:08
Hei baja Jacynth, watt opp!

I read that you are a lover of the colour purple, quiet days, and artistic endeavors. You are thoughtful, elusive, and a lover of languages. True? Further it states that if you have met a Jacynth, you have had a rare pleasure, as this is a most uncommon person with LOL in the heart.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 22:12
baba Kabootar, to full frendship with me you must change your avatar now. Thnx

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 22:47
R we lieke friendz nu? I mean like almost spooning buddies?
.. Wait until you see my avatar tonite, you will crap yourself in awe. i tink.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 13:23

On 2011-03-04 13:46, Beat Agency wrote:
But dear Moki you are a washed out and may i say extremely confused old hippie

wow, dont you feel a bit hilarious to say this to someone who is 15 years younger than you? ) ( or are you are not the one i thought you are??).
i am an ex hippie, which is something totally different. and my professional identity doesnt go well with being voted or chosen or followed in isratrance in anyway (my image is totally different in 2011), but if i were you or beat agency or a disco hooligan, either complaining gigs are not enough or cd dont sell well, then i would think twice about how i behave in my main target of listeners.

now you even made the sun shine out. but you made it already in another topic where i censored a word beginning with c and ending with t ( becuase of something that did hurt me). did not write the word but it was the first i thought about. since then i dont intend to ever let you behind the surface of my perceived reality again. jokes keep you perfectly where you should stay.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 14:30

On 2011-03-05 13:23, moki wrote:

On 2011-03-04 13:46, Beat Agency wrote:
But dear Moki you are a washed out and may i say extremely confused old hippie

wow, dont you feel a bit hilarious to say this to someone who is 15 years younger than you? ) ( or are you are not the one i thought you are??).
i am an ex hippie, which is something totally different. and my professional identity doesnt go well with being voted or chosen or followed in isratrance in anyway (my image is totally different in 2011), but if i were you or beat agency or a disco hooligan, either complaining gigs are not enough or cd dont sell well, then i would think twice about how i behave in my main target of listeners.

now you even made the sun shine out. but you made it already in another topic where i censored a word beginning with c and ending with t ( becuase of something that did hurt me). did not write the word but it was the first i thought about. since then i dont intend to ever let you behind the surface of my perceived reality again. jokes keep you perfectly where you should stay.

Now who is it that does not understand humor now?

To be a washed out hippie has nothing to do with age.

And then you go bla. bla. bla. with a little advertising regarding your amazing business (as usual). You are a funny woman:)

And FAIL... I doubt the main target of listeners are on isratrance which is approx. 0.5% of the real scene out there

That said I dont sell CD's. I give away my music for free. Last on had 18.000 downloads.

And sop sops I am so sad that I am not allowed behind the surface of your perceived reality (not).

Have a great day!

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 5, 2011 14:45

On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
isratrance is a place that gives a lot of potential for people like you who find it more important to say what they dont like, instead of what they like. perfectly fine.

Wrong, I mostly say what I like. Try harder.

On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
you even generalize the results of the survey with my own sense of taste for music, which you dont seem to know at all ( i havent heard even one release of the top 1 artist and label from this year and my favourite djs were not even mentioned once).

I know of your music taste from what you've posted as music you like on here. You've been here for a while and you mentioned some darkpsy stuff...which as I have said numerous times in other posts, in other threads about darkpsy, its what you like and that is fair enough.

On 2011-03-04 16:06, psytones wrote:
Just a forcing of self-righteous opinions (that especially goes for the guy with a shit-stained stick up his ass Aka Disco H.). (sorry for bash)

No personal offence, just a tired observation.

Trying to brand me as someone who is enforcing his taste on you is weak from your part. I have a stick up my ass because Psytones started listening to trance tunes in 2001, missed out on the parties and what poeple called psy-trance for about a decade before he came along?
Quoting psytones saying:

On 2011-03-01 16:24, psytones wrote:
If there was 0 music for you to adore of 20110, I would suggest you find some other music to enjoy because cleary these tones dont do it for you anymore. ..

And I am enforcing my opinion? You better check your self before ya wreck your self next time you throw random bollocks about others mate, especially when it is you who is doing exactly what you accuse me of.
All the bitching started from this post (Moki, your jealousy post went under the radar as it could be a bit stronger, some swearing would be nice...), yet you guys are victims to someone else's enforcing of views and tastes?


On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
if you are asked to stop generalizing, you start with arrogance - xyz doesnt know what is psytrance. perfectly fine, i guess, you are strong enough to deal with a reply on that as well and will not yammer for ten more pages.

Again you're wrong, you twist the facts in order to present a valid argument, but once again your argument is based on fiction.
A lot of people start listening to trance after 2000, most on this forum, some are lucky enough to be in their early twenties. It does not mean they don't know what psytrance is, I said that to psytones because he said:

On 2011-03-01 16:24, psytones wrote:
If there was 0 music for you to adore of 20110, I would suggest you find some other music to enjoy because cleary these tones dont do it for you anymore. ..

And it is because he suggested that people that have been listening to trance from the early '90s, should look elsewhere to find music to enjoy as if these tones, are what psytrance is all about.
Big difference from me coming on here and throw arrogance, without being provoked by some silly post about the state of things today.


On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
your personal attacks about making short films and studying statistics are from my perspective inpolite, because again you have no clue what i actually work in life and where do i present my art, but it is perfectly fine. nothing new under the blue sky of isratrance.

Stop acting like a little girl, I personally attacked you because I asked if a carrier change, towards your area, is a good thing for me? Are you that insecure about what you do? You should have said yes!
I do not know what you do, and as many times as you twist what I am actually saying, you will never change me into what you think I am.


On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
you dont wanna be voted here, fine, the only thing i was worried ( no fuckin jealousy card, jealousy is a completely normal feeling for people with individualism) , was that you actually complained about the topics in isratrance and how empty they are. at the same time, you are one of those who ruin every serious conversation i ever tried to start in isratrance. because you dont like it, so you yammer, like here.

Ruin a serious conversation you started?

Like what? the cosmic octave and 428Hz tuning?
The Solfeggio frequencies?

News flash dear, YOU ruin your own conversations.

You pick a nice subject, but then you reinforce the prejudice on these matters, with the fictional stuff you present as proof. I make tunes in Fsharp cause I heard its Mar's resonant frequency. Now me knowing this random information, does the trick, placebo wise. I am not coming on here cursing at people who do not agree Fsharp is Mars' resonant frequency, because I felt it when I smoked 5gr of the best hash in two hours, or heard it from some random astrophysicist. I could have picked any other note, Though I keep doing it, cause it does the trick, for me, which is entirely different than saying its true.
I wish you'd find some strong proof to back your claims, but you just post random bollocks and when you debate with anyone who's studied anything, relating science, you end up looking like a fool, because you do not debate on a rational level, you simply disregard debating on a rational level, as something that is not forward thinking. Then people start taking the piss. But it is not they who ruin the (honestly) interesting subjects you pick, it is you.


On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
last advice from me, concentrate on things that you like, instead of things that you dont.

Thanks for the advice. It is exactly what I have been doing. It is why I have made three albums with Disco Hooligans and did a nice bit of traveling the last few months.

On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
i like your sound because i heard it in myspace, and myspace still has not told me i am not welcome, so i listened. if you are worried or not, speak with the owner of myspace to restrict non like minded accounts.

The idea is not to prevent you from listening to it, it was a way of saying we like different things, in an ironic manner after you started being ironic. But you still didn't get my irony


On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
but of course i dont let anyone say something like that twice, so i will stop listening. the choice is big, so dont worry. anyway , i listen mostly to sound from friends.



On 2011-03-04 08:39, moki wrote:
btw i even comprehend very well that getting voted on isratrance is a bad thing, because i would be worried if people here were behind my ideas as well.

oh rly?
Now read your post again...

On 2011-03-03 19:55, moki wrote:
wow, honestly??
but what is the rational reason for you to be here then? you dont intend to reach some more listeners than those who knew you?

Peace out.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 5, 2011 15:05

On 2011-03-05 13:23, moki wrote:

i am an ex hippie, which is something totally different. and my professional identity doesnt go well with being voted or chosen or followed in isratrance in anyway (my image is totally different in 2011), but if i were you or beat agency or a disco hooligan, either complaining gigs are not enough or cd dont sell well, then i would think twice about how i behave in my main target of listeners.

I am not complaining about gigs, I get as many as I can handle travelling abroad with my "normal" full time job.
I am not selling my music. Its free.
Quick update for ya moki, from a thread a few weeks back...

On 2011-02-17 20:16, disco hooligans wrote:
I hear ya.
My take on the matter is this.
I would never ever want making and playing psychedelic tunes to be my full time job. Its a very personal thing, my sanity maintenance sort of speak and I am very afraid that I might end up looking at it as a job with stress, deadlines, follow certain trends in music in order to put food on my table, pay the rent and I might end up twisting things in my head and end up hating it, at which point, its game over for me.
I would not mind writing music for pop bands and having that as a full time job, provided I would have 2 days a week to spend on my own music.

I quit my day job which did kill my creativity and and found a job that gets along with my creativity. Money is a bit less than my old job, but I am a lot happier living like this as I get to make music, take the two free days off I need to travel abroad for gigs and most importantly have time, but most importantly, sustain my never ending "thirst" for music making.
I am happy with the time I have available, feel blessed to have the studio I have today and money to order pizza. Call me a capitalistic prick/sucker that settles for less, but it wouldn't make me feel any less lucky to be able to do these things.

I must say, that I understand my life style does not appeal to all people, nor do I consider my self "cooler/hardcore" trance producer for choosing this path. I do not have to sustain a family and I understand people who give their all to be good family (wo)men....which at the end of the day is THE most important thing in life.

Peace out.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 5, 2011 15:42
DH, you read WAY too much into that one quote your frequently quoting.
Get over it and try to make peace instead of reinforcing your own ego.

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Mar 5, 2011 16:23

On 2011-03-05 15:42, psytones wrote:
DH, you read WAY too much into that one quote your frequently quoting.
Get over it and try to make peace instead of reinforcing your own ego.


Ah yes the ego argument...right, ok we've check the jealousy, the ego, the arrogance, the generalizing.
Instead of you randomly throwing ego posts, assuming about what I am like and how big is my ego, think twice before posting the shit you post, and the juvenile insults, especially if you can't handle people calling you up on it.
I have a big ego when you are so full of your self that you assume you know what I am like and answer on the basis of your assumptions, which is why you keep fucking up (after all assumption is the mother of all fuck ups) answer without putting a valid argument actual argument, something of which you appear to be incapable of making...yet I have a shit stick up mine and I am reinforcing my ego?

I realize that talking to you is like talking to a wall. But I have to admit, the shit you come up with, is entertaining

Peace out.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 16:57
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 5, 2011 17:28
But it is not they who ruin the (honestly) interesting subjects you pick, it is you.

well, if this is your way to say that i refuse to sell myself cheap, then you are right: i am the one to stop any further conversation of (honestly) serious interesting subjects. to me it is hard work to actually inform others - you need to investigate things, to visit scientists, to have conversations, to write the most important facts down, to give the most important links about an innovative topic. why should i give this away for free? what is so cool about making things for free? people usually pay for a good interesting subject that has been investigated or written or filmed. so yes, isratrance does not inspire me to conversate deeper. i am an old washed out ex hippie doing things for free for years, and also had hundertthousands of downloads of my things, which i even paid for to be downloaded, because they were not in youtube earlier but on my own server. it is fuckin stupid, because it is what washed out hippies do - sell themselves cheap, lose time for an ideal cause. i refuse to do it anymore for free. but in your case it gives you fame, gigs, perfectly fine. i think you should respect isratrance because it gives you far more than to me for example - it is a great promotion tool. dont let it be full of cheap pics and stupid conversations. just to remind you - people like me are actually those who try to make it more than a promotional forum for people like you. maybe you should respect us more, because we are acting in the same direction as your goals.

You've been here for a while and you mentioned some darkpsy stuff...which as I have said numerous times in other posts, in other threads about darkpsy, its what you like

times change, darkpsy was kind of weird and innovative in 2005-2007, even 2008, but nowadays it is really pretty boring to me. of course, it is clear to me that someone who once expressed fascination for a certain style, would carry the label stamped on his face for years on. this doesnt fit to my philosophy of life, because everything changes, change is the only continuity of life, and none of us is what he's been few months before. so you actually do enforce a frame on me which is your own projection of what you think about visitors of isratrance and their taste.

Stop acting like a little girl, I personally attacked you because I asked if a carrier change, towards your area, is a good thing for me? Are you that insecure about what you do? You should have said yes!

no i am very secure. but you are kind of sweet like a spider spinning his web of sentences. unfortunately spiders are one of the very few species where females are actually milliards of light years stronger with predator chaising, so i think you will be faster tired than i am.

i just think it is interesting to find new areas to work on, new people, new pastures to develop your vision. but i talked about it in the topic " where do you want the psy trance to sail" already. let us not repeat. i just think that too many people in this scene actually dont use their potential to be professional musicians and do innovative things for the society around us. yes my area might really be more interesting for you than the bar in athens where you work, but you are grwon up and decide for yourself.
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