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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 13:46
But dear Moki you are a washed out and may i say extremely confused old hippie 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 14:07
the neverending story here some like it old, some like it new, some like it slow, some like it fast, does not mean one is better or worse than the other.
just always the same generalizing everything, put a sticker on everyone, and so black and white. while the life is full of colours. enjoy the weekend and life guys           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 14:31
I dont care about bpm or if music is new or not but I do care about quality and if the artist actually is talented or not IMO. And sorry to break it to you but I haven't heard anything the last years with quality when reaching 150-200 bpm Sorry

I'll steal Jacy's video as an example of how I think the music sound like. Of course this is based on my personal opinion.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 14:42
I think everyone here knows your opinion by now, it's just about to accept other's views and opinions, as goes for the music find the one you like the quality and enjoy it. I don't listen for example to majority of psytrance being released specially not the one i don't like. and i feel happy about it, still wish u all the best! and hopefully you find your peace
          to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:02
@ Adigroovy

I have no problem with what people think is good music. But sometimes it just does not make it better in my ears.

And when we debate I express my opinion just as anyone else. I don't see why I should agree on something I don't agree with.

I would love to hear your opinion regarding the tons of music being released every week. Do you think all of that music is fit for release or do you think there should be a bit more quality control? Of course within your personal opinion

It is fun to see that you think I am not accepting other people's opinion. I don't recall ever having told people here or anywhere else that I do not accept what they like or that they are wrong for liking a certain genre. On the contrary when you go through the debates I always make sure to write IMO and never get personal and tell people they are idiots etc. I only wish that a few other people who debate here would restrain themselves from such outbursts..Then the debates could become way more pleasant. IMO

So please stop putting words in my mouth I never spoke

And I enjoy a lot of music (Trance, House, tech House, techno, Chill-out, Downbeat, Electronica, Classical, Jazz, Pop, Rock etc.). Probably a lot more variated music than some of the die hard X-genre fans here who seem to only live for one kind of music. But of course I could be wrong

To me genres does not matter. It's all about good music. But when I dont agree on the quality I will say so and also make sure to explain why.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:20
::Get out of the loop before it's too late!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:29
it's just the way you express it and repeat it about the bad quality it looks like you have issue about other's points of view. as for me i just don't spend my time or energy with the things i don't like i prefer to focus on the good things in life. and that goes also for music, so i like to debate and is good to have different opinions and views otherwise would be boring.
but sometimes by repating how things sucks, is not very constructive or saying how in the past was better, the music i liked 15 years ago i don't like it anymore and so on... for sure the majority of releases nowdays is crap, but i don't pay attention to it, i get my pleasure in muisc I like and focus on the bright side of the things. it's question of mentality i think also, some people see a half empty glass and some see it half full.
as in any genre there is good and bad music and mediocre and hybrid music etc... and imo opinion as much in progressive or goa or dark there are artists that try to be original and creative and there are others trying to copy it. in any genre is it like this. As for me is more important the creative aspect or originality then 'quality'. some music / track can be in technical way perfect but if is the same thing which is already made 1000 times, and does not catch me i don't care about the technical side. music is art like any other.           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
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Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:37
I dont see my way of expressing it as wrong. As I explained before I never try to insult anyone intentionally and I never expressed that people are wrong for not agreeing with me or my taste. I only debate the music and not the people (exception: Goa Gil but that's another story based on meeting him in real life).

Maybe you are a bit oversensitive And if I am so wrong in expressing my opinion regarding what I consider to be boring or poor music then why is it less wrong of you to tell me I am wrong in the way I say things. Does that not make you a bit hypocritical (no offense)?

I wish people on isra would start to debate instead of focusing on how people should debate. Just my own opinion of course

And If you think I only care for the technical side of music then you haven't understood a word I've said

It would be so refreshing if you and a few other people, who always seem to have an opinion on how I should debate, would actually participated in the debates instead of making up various far fetched claims about my intentions. Just a thought 
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:53
!Don’t get caught in the never-ending loop::

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 15:57
I don't get caught in any loop unless it's when I make my own music and get caught in a loop trying to improve it 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  1647
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 16:03

On 2011-03-04 15:37, Beat Agency wrote:
I dont see my way of expressing it as wrong. Maybe you are a bit oversensitive Does that not make you a bit hypocritical (no offense)?

I wish people on isra would start to debate instead of focusing on how people should debate. Just my own opinion of course

And If you think I only care for the technical side of music then you haven't understood a word I've said

ok man, i just said my perception of your comments tends to be on the negative side. but whatever mate, i see is just gwetting in a neverending thing with you, you like to hear all the darkpsy is shit and all the goa music you made is the best, so hopefully you find someday peace!           to use your head you have to go out of your mind
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 16:06
Well actually with all due (My middle name given to me by my mother. Means Dove in Norwegian, or Kabootar in Hindu) respect, I was warning Adigroovy the 'oversensitive'. It is you who is becoming the loop (like a bad trip) and it is best to get out of it. Get out of yourself, man. This is no longer a debate.. Just a forcing of self-righteous opinions (that especially goes for the guy with a shit-stained stick up his ass Aka Disco H.). (sorry for bash)

No personal offence, just a tired observation.


On 2011-03-03 15:36, psytones wrote:

Fuck it, I don't know why I care or bother.

Peace inside.

So dude, including the five hot babes, which five 'E.P.' approved tracks would you bring to your deserted island? (;)

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 16:07

On 2011-03-04 16:03, Adigroovy wrote:

On 2011-03-04 15:37, Beat Agency wrote:
I dont see my way of expressing it as wrong. Maybe you are a bit oversensitive Does that not make you a bit hypocritical (no offense)?

I wish people on isra would start to debate instead of focusing on how people should debate. Just my own opinion of course

And If you think I only care for the technical side of music then you haven't understood a word I've said

ok man, i just said my perception of your comments tends to be on the negative side. but whatever mate, i see is just gwetting in a neverending thing with you, you like to hear all the darkpsy is shit and all the goa music you made is the best, so hopefully you find someday peace!

Why do you assume I am not in peace with myself and why do you put words into my mouth? Where did I ever say the Goa I made (I never called it goa trance - other people added that label to my music) is best and where did I ever say all dark psy is bad? I only said the dark psy I so far have listened to is not my cup of tea (and I haven't listened to even 5%). If you want to debate in a serious way at least make the effort to not make up things. ok?

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
Posts :  4980
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 16:13
beat agency seems likes you are getting on people's virtual nerves n isra

The power of internet.            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 4, 2011 16:15

On 2011-03-04 16:13, LSD-25 wrote:
beat agency seems likes you are getting on people's virtual nerves n isra

The power of internet.

Well one word. Pussycats 
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