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Best Gear for my purpose? (Elektron, Waldorf..??)


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  1
Posted : Mar 12, 2016 16:37:18
Hello there!

Im producing music since 2013 and did a lot of work with sound design on Vsts like Serum or Kontour (from Ni Komplete) and also a lot of Sound manipulation by several FX, LFO Tool etc.
I also did some Sampling ( mainly by cutting one shots by myself and repitching).
I produce mainly Psychedelic music, Techno, and Hip Hop, everything with a very experimental approach to it.
I love oldschoold beats, acid sounds, Complex automations and often try to get some hypnotic flow into my music.
Recently i stopped producing and got deeper into music theory and jamming on pianos and drums.

Right now im planning to build up a new setup of gear, to get a more physical approach to my music, with a lot more live jamming and melodies.
I also realiced that i love arps and sequencer and that im missing the easy use of hardware arps at my computer.

Then i found the elektron stuff :

I recently thought about getting an Analog Rytm, to get a Drumpad, Sequenced Drums and Analog Sound. Im fascinated by the idea of P locks.
I also thought about getting The Analog Keys since i essentially want to use a keyboard to jam in melodies.
I heard that neither Analog Rytm nor Analog Keys are capable of Sequencing external gear, but that the Monomachine for example is.
On the other hand side i would like to have the Analog Keys for analog Synthesis and because from what i heard their sound is pretty nice and this thing seems like a damn temptating machine.
But im afraid that i would miss jamming with more than 4 Keys, since i like Jazz Chords. I also prefer more complex synthesis types like FM synthesis.

I also searched for some kind of synth, that could be deeply programmable and offer complex pads and stuff.
I found following possibilities
Virus Ti2
Waldorf Biofeld
Waldorf XT ( Sounds awesome but i can't finde one)

I also really liked the sound of the nord lead 4 although its not that heavily programmable....

Im still searching for the perfect gear ;
I probably will get :
Analog Rytm
+ Synth ( possibly a Acuna Controller and a Rack Version so that i can use many Keys and keep some money)
maybe i will even get a hardware reverb also or something

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Mar 13, 2016 14:13
the electron rytm is on my list as well.... sounds lush and got a great feature set

i would go for the XT ( theres a reason you cant find

the blofelds great but i found it a bit flat

Virus TI2... well if you got enough aspirin for the massive headache and sub par sound ( vst's these days just blow it out hte water)

Have you considered modular....
eurorack is riding at its peak just now and theres so many options that next lvl sounds stuff is so easy to get

Or maybe Reactor Blocks ( i know you want tactile control but the sequencing and generative aspect of modular is well reprsented in this package) and it will do midi as well..... would tide you over till you get a XT

or maybe just Grab a Beastep Pro for the live sequncing programming thing

anyhoo... hope this helps

          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  1
Posted : Mar 13, 2016 19:37
"the blofelds great but i found it a bit flat "
that fits my impression...
thanks for your help.. yes i heard virus ti2 but i think it won't make a big difference in sound from my Serum VST to be honest i found the analog 4 or the nord lead 4 much more rich sounding..
Even thought about getting the Octatrack and Nord lead, though people tell me the learning curve is really steep at octatrack..
I also thought about modulars but theyre mostly short on voices aren't they ? and quiet expensive..
if i find anything really nice, im open for everything
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  119
Posts :  1733
Posted : Mar 14, 2016 10:09
the major downside i heard about the Octatrack is that it destroys the quality of the audio the more you play with it and it takes quite a bit of dungeoning to master

Nord lead... well its a proven synth for Psy.. tho i would maybe try and score a Nord 1 or Modular if you got the monies...

also the Waldorf Q is a cracing synth to get up and running with and from my experience ( in eurorack as well) everybody just loves them wavetables

Modular - maybe short on voices ... but damn long on fun budy... and the best way to learn..( and i mean really learn ) bout synthesis.... im a euro addict btw

what bout a korg Miniloge.... from what i gather.. its a little monster and full of flavour... also pretty close to a knob per function/also great little controller
          Â°Â°Â°ACTS 4:12°°°°
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Mar 18, 2016 11:25
Minilogue is nice. My friend got one, actually has a bit of a Roland sound to it.

Nord lead, well just get a 1 or 2 used cheap. They go for next to nothing & IMO the Nord Lead 4 really doesn't add much value. And it loses the original grittiness.

Virus TI is just a vst in a box.

Spend the cash & get a prophet 6 or 12. Well worth money. I just got a 12 & it beats all my modular and any other synth.           Cuntus Maximus.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Equipment - Best Gear for my purpose? (Elektron, Waldorf..??)
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