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Believeness or happiness from:

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  94
Posted : Jun 8, 2013 09:24:49
What I'm seeying now, is that music is going, but I cannot see where the people are apart being like we was supposed to be being as we was being before.

Talk about before is not always what we want to hear about we believe seeying by the way that 's just happens, but in that way that just don't happens, like it just want us by our presence on what we believe seeying, and it just don't grows as the presence we believe where it just can be seened.

What I was thinking for have nothing with the rest of the people and parties, with all that, what just happens, it are a happening, happening here and elsewhere it got here to be a happening.

I don't want more than this to be in something, but I just believe that as just something, as just something happening.

What more than I can spect, to just that?

That's not a message hopping for a response for the question, but for what it is just what is not here, like it are for presence as it are for a manifast, than others to believe in something else than that. I just thinking on that as weird like it is just being dismistificated in my own hands being lost in believeness.

I'm just living my days, happying in the happening, wondering in sommonering the time to the future it are to be.

But I'm here and thinking on this as just something else ion my life as something believable, and it just happens as felicity, but it do not just not grow as it makes me happy, just as it has been knowed to be, as it are to be. Not only in the time it grows to be something else, but to the happening it grows to be something.

And it are for what it are, don't matter what you are to believe it for, but it are for what you are for what it are for. And I believe it as something it be to what it are for it wa're for me.

It's not a crying speak for something I want, but it are a word being spokled for what I am for what I'am to be for, and nothing else what you believe gonna change what they wanna to believe for me, what they believe for what they want for them, or got them, for what I believe for them.

You growed, believe more in your security, than in your own reality for what you are it for, or for the powerfull manufacture you have for with the others make you secure for it.

This is not Trance, this is not what I believe for Electronic Music. But this is a Forum I like to say it 4.

I'm not saying I'm not satisfied with the life Brazil gave-me in all the time that I'm studing and learning, but I'm saying that I'm not satisfied about the life I'm having with the people I have with the trance I'm living.

Everything turns, but everything is not trying to be than something else...          And the prophecy has did made like the pro-script. Scareface!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  94
Posted : Jun 8, 2013 10:32

On 2013-06-08 09:24:49, Doc.Thor4 wrote:
What I'm seeying now, is that music is going, but I cannot see where the people are apart being like we was supposed to be being as we was being before.

Talk about before is not always what we want to hear about we believe seeying by the way that 's just happens, but in that way that just don't happens, like it just want us by our presence on what we believe seeying, and it just don't grows as the presence we believe where it just can be seened.

What I was thinking for have nothing with the rest of the people and parties, with all that, what just happens, it are a happening, happening here and elsewhere it got here to be a happening.

I don't want more than this to be in something, but I just believe that as just something, as just something happening.

What more than I can spect, to just that?

That's not a message hopping for a response for the question, but for what it is just what is not here, like it are for presence as it are for a manifast, than others to believe in something else than that. I just thinking on that as weird like it is just being dismistificated in my own hands being lost in believeness.

I'm just living my days, happying in the happening, wondering in sommonering the time to the future it are to be.

But I'm here and thinking on this as just something else ion my life as something believable, and it just happens as felicity, but it do not just not grow as it makes me happy, just as it has been knowed to be, as it are to be. Not only in the time it grows to be something else, but to the happening it grows to be something.

And it are for what it are, don't matter what you are to believe it for, but it are for what you are for what it are for. And I believe it as something it be to what it are for it wa're for me.

It's not a crying speak for something I want, but it are a word being spokled for what I am for what I'am to be for, and nothing else what you believe gonna change what they wanna to believe for me, what they believe for what they want for them, or got them, for what I believe for them.

You growed, believe more in your security, than in your own reality for what you are it for, or for the powerfull manufacture you have for with the others make you secure for it.

This is not Trance, this is not what I believe for Electronic Music. But this is a Forum I like to say it 4.

I'm not saying I'm not satisfied with the life Brazil gave-me in all the time that I'm studing and learning, but I'm saying that I'm not satisfied about the life I'm having with the people I have with the trance I'm living.

Everything turns, but everything is not trying to be than something else...

I'm blocked to edit: when it would be, it would be. I just hopes will be for would it would be likes, like I would be like to be here and where it be like to be in where I am "secured" to be where Trance do not got what's mine.           And the prophecy has did made like the pro-script. Scareface!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  94
Posted : Aug 15, 2013 06:47
How not, some place else? I am, in Trance... The perfect word is "I Know!"           And the prophecy has did made like the pro-script. Scareface!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Brazil - Believeness or happiness from:
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