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Beginner Dj

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  231
Posts :  611
Posted : Mar 6, 2012 20:30:13
So i finally got my first Dj Tables/Mixing stuff..its a small Digital set - NUmark Mixtrack i think.So im starting to learn how to mix?
Very dumb question - When you are doing a set..let's say a psy set - Does a Dj pick songs that are all around the same tempo to make it easier for him to mix and to keep the flow?
Do you start off slow and build up speed throughout the set?
Do Dj's play crazy random sets with tempos jumping everywhere?Basically do u need to pick songs that are around the same tempo to beatmtach and stuff.Thanks. 

The Greatest Sophistication is figuring out how not to be sophisticated
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Mar 7, 2012 11:09
Depends on what you're playing. I like to do long sets say 2-3 hits slowly building up dark psy for 145-190bpm. If I have a shorter time slot say 1 hour or 90 minutes I play the really fast glitchy stuff and cut/paste fast mixing (takes practice to do it well).

Last night I got 75 minutes of Aphex Twin dj'ing, best set I've ever heard. He covered everything from ambient/modern classical, acid house, progressive house, hip hop, rap, drum n bass, jungle, glitch, pure noise, gabba/industrial techno. Only once did it sound a bit off but he quickly brought It back under control, I'd kill to have his skills.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Mar 7, 2012 15:32
don't get stuck whith bpm neither whith the transitions.the more free you are whith styles the more interesting the sets get.also slower and deeper tunes might fit in the middle of your sets or wherever your mood goes!don't stick whith cliches and trust what you hear at the moment,not what you do...
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  231
Posts :  611
Posted : Mar 11, 2012 16:06
So how do you mix different bpm' 120 into 170 or 170 down to 130? 

The Greatest Sophistication is figuring out how not to be sophisticated

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  338
Posted : Mar 12, 2012 01:27
^^for sure not beatmix them!
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  231
Posts :  611
Posted : Mar 12, 2012 03:05
so what other options..volune fades..delays?Beatmixing is only when the tracks are same bpm?Thank you. 

The Greatest Sophistication is figuring out how not to be sophisticated
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Mar 13, 2012 00:44
Take a look at DJ's outside of the psy trance scene, drum & bass/glitch/IDM.

I saw Aphex Twin DJ last week and he was mxing all different speeds & styles of music perfectly.

There is not alway a set method, and sometime you just need to work out the best way for you to mix.

The problem I find with EDM in general but more recently (like last 15 years) in this scene is that ppl mix one style only in there sets, and it stays at a pretty generic BPM (i.e prog dj will pay only from 125-135BPM, fullon is always aroudn 145BPm & dark is always 148-170BPM, psycore is 180-250BPM).

Just do what intuition tells you to do for a good mix, this is the way of all the really good DJs. I usually always ask fro longer sets at gigs (minimum 2 hours, usually i like 3-4 hours so that I can build it up from low BPMs to higher BPMs over time).

Just forget that there are any rules, the best DJs just play good sets whatever it takes. Just like the best musicians make really top music, and don't give a f#ck about what the industry wants.
Trance Forum » » Forum  DJing - Beginner Dj
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