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Beatports $1 WAV fee

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 6, 2010 19:01

On 2010-04-06 14:02, bearpill wrote:
It's ridiculous that in this age of technology we can't have more people/sites offering psytrance flacs and stop the ones that do ie Beatport from having a monopoly. I'll never pay their stupid taxes, I will just keep ordering cds till the situation improves.

You are welcome to start your own shop and break their monopoly (which they have earned IMO by showing the way when everybody still thought the CD was the thing)

I think the bitching is stupid. Why? Because bitching does no good.

I am very happy with the fact that I can find music on Beatport and other shops that was sold out on vinyl years ago. And no I do not talk about psytrance here. I talk about the awesome extremely hard to find classic in the House scene from legendary labels such as Strictly Rhythm etc... Maybe the psytrance labels should get their acts together and jump on the bandwagon and also make all their back catalog's available

Master Margherita

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Posted : Apr 6, 2010 22:19 is going also digital now,
i'm not sure they sell flac or wavs...

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 10, 2010 21:30
This fee is much too high imo. I tried to order some wavs today and was shocked....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 11, 2010 01:38
yes wav fee sucks, but tried to use other sites and their catalog is never as goos as beatport's.

Also digging in beatport is far mor easy and makes me happy.

They had an spring sale last week with tracks at .99           "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

Started Topics :  258
Posts :  3252
Posted : May 11, 2010 10:42
BeatPort rocks, if your professional DJ making money you shouldnt be complaining about fee's on a forum. IMHO

I doubt the handling fee goes to the artist btw, its only for bandwith.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
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Posted : May 11, 2010 11:18

On 2010-04-06 22:19, MARGHERITA wrote: is going also digital now,
i'm not sure they sell flac or wavs...

I only had very good experiences with Beatspace over the last years. Very friendly people and a great service.

Prices for digital downloads are 9€ for an album in FLAC or mp3 format from what I've seen so far. If the number of digital downloads will increase, Beatspace is a great option to buy digital.
(Still prefer to order a physical copy if it's available...) 
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : May 11, 2010 11:30

On 2010-05-11 10:42, Jeto wrote:
I doubt the handling fee goes to the artist btw, its only for bandwith.

60% of the Beatport wav feed goes to the record label. The artists gets the percentage he/she gets from the label.

And yes if you are a professional DJ then stop bitching If you are not get your music elsewhere or accept how things are. At least the artists get paid for a change

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  100
Posts :  1123
Posted : May 11, 2010 12:32
The selection on Beatspace for digital downloads is still pityful, I just ended up ordering cds from them because nothing I wanted was available as download. They have only just started offering digital downloads recently, but still I was extremly dissapointed by the selection. I have to say the service there is friendly at least, but still miles away from offering Beatports selection.

Jeto, you said people should not complain about the WAV fee because you assumed that people ordering WAV files are mostly Djs making money from it. I disagree with this strongly
I have never made money from trance, I am a hobby DJ and play solely for the love and pleasure of the music, for myself, at friends partys etc. When I buy music I want it to be it the best sound quality possible.
(We dont need to start discusission again about Mp3 vs WAV here).
I dont rely on purchasing music, I get more music through friends than I can listen too anyway. I do buy psytrance alot however for various resons:
1) To support artists and labels. I have been in this scene for 17 years, and I know its a giving and receiving process. People shouldnt consume without giving anything back...

2)I am a collector and want the music I buy to be something I can listen (and look at) to and look at for a long time. By not having the same tangible physical qualities as a cd, digital downlads should at least be equal sound quality (if we chose quality over speed).

3)When I do buy music that I will DJ or write review I want to ensure I have the best possible sound quality.

Is this too much to ask? They are making out as if WAV quality sound is something special and out unusual. I dont think realise how much this WAV fee adds up to be if you order a few albums. It almost ends up doubling the bill.. how is this justified.
Even if people are "profesional" djs and make a few hundred Euros playing here and there over a year, is it fair to milk them as was suggested? Do you seriously think the average psytrance dj makes alot of money? What planet do you live on?

Reality looks like this:

The CD is on its way out, slowly but surely. Just look at CDjs 2000´s, the developments in digital mixing software, more sophisticated controllers etc. With these kinds of prices for WAVs the people who will suffer are the listerns as we hear more and more shifty MP3s in less then 320 kbs being played imo. What is the motivation for someone to buy digital music other than superior sound quality if they already have the release/unreleased material (as they often tend to do...) Oh wait it doesnt matter because everyone is rich and honest.

I will continue to buy cds of the music I find worthy. I would buy alot more digital releases if it was not so inconveinient and expensive as I mentioned in another thread.

These platforms need to become alot more service orientated imo in times where selling music is becoming more and more difficult. The only time I would buy a digital download until things change would be out of desperation, and that luckily doesnt happen very often.

Common, pull yourself together and give people the choice of flac or WaV, this milking is not sustainable.
I would accept a small ffe for WAV if absolutely neccesary, but I am not prepared to pay next to double....

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