IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 18, 2007 20:02
hey guys,
are there any mexican websites or personal pages of pictures from Beat on the Beach 2007? we took too few pics and a bit regretting it... if anyone has some nice links - would be cool.
thanks. "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
im not... but i was going to say that i luuuuv ur act in the sunshine... i was with in the night of that day remember me? one little guy with a little card full of pills i have it sign it 4 e- jekt maybe u dont remember that maybe yes....
cheer guys
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2007 04:50
i just cant shut up my fingers, but pls people have a look of this "rave"...
lets be honest! is a shit in all the extention of the word... look at the posted comments ...below the video.
PLS!!! No More Raves!!!
High Pulse
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Posted : Apr 20, 2007 05:35
eheheh i was there and i enjoyed to pLay a lot and i had there great fun , with dino , bbass , nexus , ejekt guys deep impact etc , was reallhy nice to be there !! of course somme artist missed , but lets wait for promoters to say what happen !!!
i think this party was pure bullshit i just went one day because i dindnt want to be in a party where they treat you like an animal i saw a lot a violence specially for one fat security guy you feelt the bad vibes of the pàrty the moment you came in and at you way out same story. sorry but that fat security bastard hope not to be in a party again.
How is possible that the "ARTISTS" that played in this really shitty and stupid party, support this kind of organization, the vibe was scary, sketchy. the location was a joke, (HORRIBLE) the town was very angry after all the garbage that was left there. And still you write here and say you had fun and that was a nice party, i can't believe it.
Substance / The Ataris
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Posted : Apr 24, 2007 22:00
really smart words corazon... remember when u used to support this kind of organization ?
what does all this stupid complains have to do with the research for photos?
Offtopic posts:
Posted: Apr 28, 2007
i am down with makro,corazon and moderator1 i sall the fat guy kickin the hell out of one guy inside a big truck with 5 other guards and all his friends were screamin to live him in peace and they lock him inside one big semay truck that was in the main door.
the spot what u expect it was next to a cementery.
organization was shit!!! were was growling and wrecked machines mayby for people that leave near acapulco dont give a fuck if some artist dont play beacuse they play near there many times a year but for some one that came from other state far away from acapulco and expects all the artists in the line up and they never apear fuck that!!! all they care its about gettin RICH!! they dont do it to have fun beat on the beach its all about the money.
wres thw spirit??? PEACEout
High Pulse
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Posted : May 1, 2007 02:30
well corazon , im not saying im supporting artist missing and outher issues ... but im not gonna say that i didnt enjoy the festival ... because i enjoyed , and i never seen anything bad happening the all time i was there . never seen somebody beeing robbed , or beeing arrested by cops , or scary vibe .... and i was always around the dancefloor !!!!and everybody respected us and enjoyed with us without any kind of fear between the crowd and ppl !
so i guess i have my own opinion ... but this is also i really think its funny . when ppl are in the festivsal they are all enjoying and nobody complain at the door about receiving they're money back ... but then in the forums they speak lots of shits ... well i guess this is also a strange FACT ... but ok this is just my opinion , and i guess that everybody can ask for they're belong if they see the artist didn't show on the party ... so why u guys didn't make the scandal on the party door , instead of coming with all this comments around here and outher forums just like i saw .... that was funny only for this way ... ppl complaining in forum (place were they will never be heared ... instead of complaining in the festivAL !! maybe ppl were to HIGH and enjoying to much whatever the artist was playing and forgot to claim to the organizers about they're money back ..
so this is my opinion mate , i enjoyed all the days i was there , specially my friend from ataris was very cool to be with you there you're a nice person , to dino psaras (you're the master hauahuuahuhauah BERRT , BERTTRAMP ahuauahu) bbass , asher , deep impact , zero gravity , well you were all very nice ppl
thk also for guilu and juan and all 24 seven crew , and cya next time guys
corazon don't be offender with my arguments , its just what i think . and next time instead of coming to forums saying all this , u guys make all this balagan on the party door , like this u might get you're money , instead of getting what u are getting now , (no attention and no money , just getting one thing , stress
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 1, 2007 02:48
well, its kind of funny that everyone should be already over it or something, but they're not!.
Let's face it even if they would have done it, like darkpsy says, and complain at the door, they would have never got their money back anyways.
still whoever went and didnt enjoyed it I m sorry there were many other parties not to mention places that you could have gone and travel along Mexico, besides staying home and save up money for the summer........
I couldnt agree more with this:
Darkpsy: this might be true,maybe ppl were to HIGH and enjoying to much whatever the artist was playing and forgot to claim to the organizers about they're money back ..
Substance / The Ataris
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Posted : May 2, 2007 00:13
so is it going to continue the arguing? or somebody will post more links for pictures... theres another thread for every complain and that kind of thing.
Offtopic posts:
Posted: May 2, 2007
Hello Mr Moderatyor , its a pleasure to meet you , thanks for deleting mi last post , w you will go to the sky .
apoya el movimiento
contribute to the awakening of the tribes
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 25, 2007 07:43
On 2007-05-02 00:13, Substance/Atari.1 wrote:
so is it going to continue the arguing? or somebody will post more links for pictures... theres another thread for every complain and that kind of thing.
im done complaining...
compressor!!! materia!!!!
-PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS