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Basic Arrangement / Structure of Psychedelic Trance

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  51
Posted : Mar 16, 2015 15:27:29
Hello everyone,

How do you structure your tracks?

Everytime i procude a new track, never gets a good structure or logical construction.

What you put in a intro? and when you make breaks or bridges? I would love to hear your reviews about this
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  46
Posts :  204
Posted : Mar 16, 2015 16:28

I use Ableton. The biggest mistake at first was I build up a loop in session view and yes, in the end it sounded great, but then where’s the structure really. Now you have to go back and fit in an intro etc etc, just didn’t work. The question would be what is music..

Music is a language and a track is like a story or sentence that the universe speaks. Just as we combine vowel sounds to form words to talk to each other, so within music we need to combine sounds so that it speaks to our spirits.

I then started in arrangement view and everything changed. You can really start off with any type of sound. Usually a Pad, falling white noise, delayed squelch etc.

Close your eyes and really go into the sound in more depth, don’t just listen,,, feel it as well. Take some time to concentrate on the detail of the sound. Then try to imagine and ask yourself what do you think should come next. When you add the next sound try to blend it with the previous sound, by fading in and out with volume, or automating an EQ so the frequencies meet at a location and gives power over to the next sound – almost like the first sound morphs, and becomes the next. Like the wind or a wave it should pull back and push forward.

Try not to start rushing the track otherwise you’ll mess it up.

Building loops and then afterwards trying to fit everything together is like drawing eyes and ears, cutting it out and pasting it on a face hoping it will look like a masterpiece. Like any artwork, you move from start to finish. Leave out the kick and bass creation until it’s time for it to enter – this will keep your full focus on the intro and again ,, prevent you from rushing the track to get to the good part. (k&b) –

When you combine every sound (holding hands) to the next you’ll start to hear the flow. The closer you can get everything to sound like one movement, the closer you’ll be to composing a great track/sentence, lol.

Obviously sound selection plays a major role in the quality of sound so yeah . . . keep that in mind

          " We are together in this matter you and I, closer to death, yes, closer than i'd like. How do you feel? - There can be no division in our actions, or everything is lost. What affects you affects me. "
Soul's Alien
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  16
Posts :  46
Posted : Mar 17, 2015 15:03

Music is a language and a track is like a story or sentence that the universe speaks. Just as we combine vowel sounds to form words to talk to each other, so within music we need to combine sounds so that it speaks to our spirits.

Close your eyes and really go into the sound in more depth, don’t just listen,,, feel it. Like the wind or a wave it should pull back and push forward.

Thank you.           \
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  75
Posts :  685
Posted : Mar 17, 2015 18:05
I usually start with a loop too get some ideas. Thouse first ideas usually are discarded, when i discovered what i really wanna build towards.
When i got that idea i build on it abit(maybe like 64-128bar), At this point i have already created most of the sounds i want to for most of the track and a basic arrangement is made.
After this i start building and creating the arrangement, i create the arrangement of most of the track, but only make it a rough draw. In this way i will have a clearer picture when i will get back to it another time and i can start to define the parts more and more.
Then the more finer work starts, and It becomes finer and finer towards the end.
In this way i have easier of coming back to the project, cause there is already something to follow on and it will keep its direction aswell as my workflow has really advanced since i started working that way.           .
Chimp in Space
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  86
Posted : Apr 20, 2015 09:41
Example of a melodic fullon:
Lead 1
Repeat and or Change
Main Lead (lead 2)

But what moves a track is the chord progressions and how you mix it rhythmically and by so setting the "scene/theme".

Then there are "tricks" to get the track interesting, such as: Familiarity (sounds, repeat sections), Change and movement. 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  115
Posts :  873
Posted : Apr 20, 2015 15:53
put one track which you really love on one channel and fallow the Structure doit till you leaning good.

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  41
Posted : Apr 27, 2015 01:19
Yes, Chimp in Space and smoker explain it very well.
One easy thing to do is to get a track that you really like and put in into your daw.
Afterwards listen to the track very carefully and make notes, or better, location markers on the spots where the track makes a alternation.
It would be like this:
atmospheric sounds at the begging leading into the k&b section (1st marker), then after some time percussion is added (2nd marker), lead comes in (3rd marker), etc...
If these sections have names it will be easy for you to go through them and identify immediately what is what. Chimp in Space gave a good example how to name them.
If you don't know what they mean, google for basic arrangements and figure out what they mean and/or contain.

In the end you have a arrangement template from the markers, delete the other song and fill in the spaces with you own stuff
Hope that helps!            Analysis and Organization for Refinement
Trance Forum » » Forum  Production & Music Making - Basic Arrangement / Structure of Psychedelic Trance
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