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Baphomet Engine vs DataKult - Psytrance Is Dead ! (Nabi rec) 2006

Le Lotus Bleu
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 21, 2006 11:42
Psytrance Is Dead ! (Nabi rec)

Psytrance Is Dead is the first album released on Nabi rec, it consists in a joint album between Baphomet Engine a Brazilian duo (Fabio Aurelio S. Japiassu + Luiz Secchinatto)
& Datakult (Raphaël Befort) formerly member of Droidsect, a band in which the other members let appear the Digital Talk project.
The cd benefits of a nice, long foldable booklet, with a green dominant concept, which includes some infos about involved artists (musicians, mastering man & designer)


1>Baphomet Engine - Necrovilla Station 8:29
2> Baphomet Engine - Superputrefaction 8:25
3> Baphomet Engine - Recrucifice 7:55
4> DataKult - Liquid Genocid (Remix Baphomet Engine) 6:31
5> Baphomet Engine + DataKult - Diktatur 7:00
6> Datakult + EHM - Annunakis 4:11
7> DataKult - Serial Experiments 6:54
8> Baphomet Engine + DataKult - Psytrance Is Dead 9:24
9> Baphomet Engine - Zotob (Remix DataKult) 8:04
10> DataKult - Antisystem 6:21

1> Necrovilla Station is about intense rolling basslines, industrial elements are embellishing the rythmic. It's what i like to qualify as 'dry Darkpsy' if you see what i mean, nevertheless i would temper that judgement by the presence of heavy twisted tones & use of several backgroundish samples. As a result the conteent appears a bit less 'dry'. The layer starting from 5'08 contributes also to the nice atmosphere of the tune, it brings a bit of sweatness even if it's a nebulous & intrigating one. Progressing to the end part of track, we're getting more mettalic with some stong-trippy butchered/hacked electric riffs. A good dancefloor tune & maybe my favorite from Baphomet.

2> Superputrefaction caracterizes typically what i called previously dry darkpsy, it's not what i prefer. It's quite an involving listen & you need to enjoy hard, intense & fast dark music. Around 3'30 you've got a bit more of ambience with the lead but it's too short for me . It would definitivly be more the taste of people into pure trippy sound.

3> Recrucifice is more in the apocalyptic tendancy like Xenomorph or certain Twisted System productions. This feeling comes out mainly from the uses of the shouting tenebruous guy sample, a situation conforted by the intelligent use of a contrasted rythmic: fat kicks combined with far & struggled snares. Let's notice, the hypnotic & techy groove as same as the quite diversified use of tones in this track compared to the previous one. I find out this one more mental and so more interesting.

4> Now time is for a Datakult classic, Liquid Genocid, (cf the first Nabi release "148" for the original version) benefiting of a Baphomet's lifting. I must recognize that the styles of the 2 artists are perfectly complementary through this remix result. The original was already strong, mad & energic& Baphomet succeds in bringing a more kicking, pumping aspect plus some more little fx raving tricks & a raw feeling, it constitutes for me, easily, a highlight of this cd.

5> This time it's a real collaboration between the artists & the result once again is a success. Diktatur is a step forward into pumping areas, tottally my kind of darkpsy made of an heavy rythmic, fat leads, weighting ambience. It also posseses a nice sweater break, sure a short one but sweater. So what else? A Nespresso maybe ... oups sorry .
In order to be a bit more precize about the feeling of this track, i will link it to a closed one made by Twisted System named Disrepekt, especially on the end after the sample 'desintegrate'. Let's say for those for know this Twisted System tune that Diktatur is indeed made of that same atmosphere/energy all along which only appears on the end of Disrespekt.

6>Annunakis is the shortest track of the cd, it's another collaboration but this time it's a pure french one between Datakult & EHM (which is a Nabi Dj if i'm not mistaken). The beginning is quite psychotic : strectched & twisted through its leads & layers. It's less dancefloor, focusing more on the weird tense atmosphere. Then, the tune evolves & tends to bolt, all seems to speed up upto the final blast.

7> First solo & non remixed Datakult production of the cd with Serial Experiments, the sounding is slightly exprimental to me by moment (at start). Let's quickly compare with Baphomet to say the production is more melodic & harmonic according to me. The bassline is thicker & more than energic music, i'd mention this stuff as energizing. Globally & also swiftly you notice the density & variety of elements integrated in the Datakult productions, it's very rich sounding textures. In this one, there's some passage especially fast bleeping and so resulting catching & trippy.

8> Second collaboration between the artists with Psytrance Is Dead, this time the production is probably more Baphomet influenced through the rougher sounding aspect, strangeely i don't dig this one. I think it's because of the very confused, chaos building of this production, in a too extreme way for me. But for sure, if you're fan of extreme fast darkpsy sensations, this one is for you.

9> My first remak concerns the rythmic with a soft metallic industrial element, at beginning Zotob (Datakult remix) plays on the atmosphere. Then it evolves dancefloor, with later on a false break period consisting in a bouncier bassline period, a very short one. Around 6"00 the tune gets really boisterous & with lazerkicks, a very cutting sound, very nice impress. There's also after a dark lead, speed-freaky- jazzy which is really sympathic conferring more melodic part to the production n the ending.

10> Let's say good bye to Psytrance Is Dead with a last Datakult's sound, it's his most intense production of the cd., very boisterous, crazy & rough, a sort of final apotheosis for this album indeed. You'll find heavy Metal riffs in Antisystem, probably a way to express his rage. The evolution turned more tortured, with a progressive & long rising climax made of incisive, sharp riffs or leads, and the cd is closing on a last explosion.

I have a preference for the tracks where Datakult is involved, Baphomet Engine's work is decent too nevertheless the crazier energic creative style of Datakult is more my thing. Despite this, the collaboration or mutual remixed tracks are particurlarly working & effective.
Let's wish Nabi rec to release in the future many others quality albums like this one & that it's constituting the beginning of a long list .

Let's mention too, the work of the designer with a very original concept for a darkpsy cd ; as same as the good mastering from Triptych as darkpsy releases don't always benefits from a decent one.


IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 21, 2006 21:12
Psytrance is Aliveeee

Its Datakult and more of his madness.

Datakult you crazy fukker, totally blemished my brain cells over here.

Baphomet basturdz have done a good job with the remix of liquid genacid and diktaur, otherwise disappointing.

           “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
volvox box 2
Infect Insect
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Posted : Oct 22, 2006 16:52
antisystem is lovely one
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 22, 2006 18:58
I won't get into any details, mostly because I can't express into words the power and complexity of this split album, but I will just say that this split album is the BEST album/va I've heard so far in 2006 hands down (Ghreg on Earth was 2005). This isn't only a 5 baphomet tracks + 5 datakult tracks, it's a REAL split, collaborations, a tag-team exchange of ideas and sounds that will plunge any listener in the dark recesses of his subsconscious.

Let me say also that the inlay artwork is great, and the sound quality/mastering is the absolute best of the best. It's actually amazing how well it sounds given it's an underground release with limited means. Great job Charles@Solead!!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 23, 2006 00:23
I'm kinda interested, what is the bpm range of this release?
Thank you.
Respect!           .
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IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 23, 2006 13:19
^^ 300 bpm?           ...

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Posted : Oct 23, 2006 13:33
1>Baphomet Engine - Necrovilla Station 147bpm
2> Baphomet Engine - Superputrefaction 147bpm
3> Baphomet Engine - Recrucifice 151bpm
4> DataKult - Liquid Genocid (Remix Baphomet Engine)149bpm
5> Baphomet Engine + DataKult - Diktatur 155bpm
6> Datakult + EHM - Annunakis 155bpm
7> DataKult - Serial Experiments 155bpm
8> Baphomet Engine + DataKult - Psytrance Is Dead 160bpm
9> Baphomet Engine - Zotob (Remix DataKult)159bpm
10> DataKult - Antisystem 160bpm
volvox box 2
Infect Insect
Started Topics :  2
Posts :  235
Posted : Oct 23, 2006 13:42
hey fraggily report to jowy

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  406
Posted : Oct 23, 2006 17:53

I won't get into any details, mostly because I can't express into words the power and complexity of this split album, but I will just say that this split album is the BEST album/va I've heard so far in 2006 hands down

totaly agree , nabi have never disapointed this one is realy killa

XaMã CirKus aKa. ay-ash

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Posted : Oct 23, 2006 18:02

Great Work ..from Rafa - Louis & Fabio
Tracks i liked is acid.. is atmospherik.. is future.. is insane.. is pump tracks.. IS UNDERGROUND Of darknees !!!

Gr3at name compliation

and tanks datakult for tracklist album correct.

keep THis in Case
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2006 03:07
this one is to cause some serious brain damage. droidsect artists at is best with baphomet crazy b.p.m.
only waiting the digital talk album.           dont worry be hippie
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2006 01:29
i just wanted to say... this album is a MUSIC masterpiece, the meanest most horryfying sounds the darkest twists and turns, its just pure evil!, well done to everyone who colaborated in this album everyone!, a most have album for sure. Incredible music guys, for real. Thank You!.

this is what "keepin it underground" is all about...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2006 09:54

On 2006-10-26 01:29, Adakt wrote:
i just wanted to say... this album is a MUSIC masterpiece, the meanest most horryfying sounds the darkest twists and turns, its just pure evil!, well done to everyone who colaborated in this album everyone!, a most have album for sure. Incredible music guys, for real. Thank You!.

this is what "keepin it underground" is all about...

Considering the BPM's on the tracklisting I'm thinking you could go listen to hardcore as well if you like this. Maybe this is a new genre? Psycore??           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 26, 2006 15:57
I must say it like considering all the concept, the whole album, it's f...g great, not the like the 90% of the what is released nowdays. can realy recommend it           to use your head you have to go out of your mind

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  72
Posted : Oct 30, 2006 11:28
what a great piece of work, one of this years highlights!
very fast and mad, great mastering also
my fav tracks would be 5,7,8,10
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Baphomet Engine vs DataKult - Psytrance Is Dead ! (Nabi rec) 2006

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