Balagan Productions Present 'Progressive Explosion' – Mexico City – 23.2
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 04:52
On 2008-03-13 02:32, Alternative control wrote:
First of all why this MAJIKO guy has been talking anything , dude , you are so unprofessional and out of the space , that you shouldnt be takling here at all ,ppl like you should be banned from mexico trance scene ! Sorry for offtopic ! but it has certain connection with this one !
Now about the party....i am in mexico for last few months , touring , playing , my girlfriend is here , etc etc, about balagan productions party , it was really great , really good music , good place , good soundsystem , all was really done well .
But i dont understand and cant agree with the thing that you are mentioning up , about mex. FBI and immigration and etc , i really dont understand this .
A lot of ppl were suppose to go to the Deliria party , and i know this for sure , why it was cancel only few days before , i really dont know , but if this is true about one organisation doing this to another one , its totally out of space and normal trance world , and cant be supported !
And one thing i really would like to ask you mexican ppl , what meens having chakal on a party ?
Since if its what i know about chakales , they are on EVERY party , even on progressive explosion !!! there are no exceptions .
But maybe i have a wrong concept of "chakales" ...?!
And what is more said , that in the beginning (year or two ago) it was fight ,btw full on party , dark artist party , progressive party , who will do it when ,where , with what line up , and you are starting to fight even between yourselves organisations in proggy scene , which cant be more sad then that .
Since we aleady lost a concept of a party with all kind of trance music ,where we are listening to many different kinds of trance, now plzzz try atleast doing your kind of parties on most professional way without destroying others ppl work ,since otherwise Mexico will not have any more normal parties !
They all gonna be eaten by , mafia ,money ,drugs ,chakales !!!!
MaJ1KO is with
MaJ1KO is with
Excuse If I failed you bro, for that I apologize but believe me the ADVERTISING I gave you in my website you're not gonna get it from anyone else in Mexico.
I know there's no need for excuses but I'm never going to steal a cent from anyone because I don't need it.
I think this topic is more about people who steal in mexico because they don't love the scene and since they have no culture they try to get rich at the expenses of trance parties. I don't need to get rich. I love the scene, I'm happy as I am and the parties I make are for pleasure, not need.
I must clearify that I did't even payed for your flights, so that you wouldn't play at my party. I wish you best and may God bless you.
*P.D. At the end I felt the party was missing something, and I had two choices, DELIRIA or Alternative Control (DJ SET). In my city we had never had such spectacular deco so I decided to go with DELIRIA and I have no regrets, DELIRIA ROCKS!
Alternative control
Alternative Control
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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 16:48
This comment was more about the party of Balagan productions and Deliria story , then it was about you and your party ! In another section we can talk about it , since what are you talking is nonsence ! Why all the ppl on your party were asking when ill play ? and why they paid a ticket , you never asked yourself ?
is it really deco or an artist?
Anyway i hope Balagan or Deliria can make more clear what happened on the 23 th , and is it true about the police , mex Fbi and stuff like that?? |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 18:33
Afi was on the way to the party to crush it, but first Inmigration arrived with a citatory for dj's.
There was a communicate on delira'ss webpage but it has been removed, (all the page) also their myspace they seem to retir4e from the scene. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 21:00
On 2008-03-13 18:33, Login wrote:
Inmigration arrived with a citatory for dj's.
they do that now???
hopefully is just thinking time and they will be back for the love of sure it shock them really bad but from far this guys r the ones i know where doing a good job....i dont have anything against balagan but this seems like a very big deal in the mexican scene and if they r really in how theyr since from a mexican kinda view balagan should come out and talk for themselfs.
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |
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Posted : Mar 13, 2008 21:28
On 2008-03-13 18:33, Login wrote:
Afi was on the way to the party to crush it, but first Inmigration arrived with a citatory for dj's.
There was a communicate on delira'ss webpage but it has been removed, (all the page) also their myspace they seem to retir4e from the scene.
Which is a pity because they were since the beginning of the scene, they've made some of the best decorations on Mexican parties, and their parties were among the greatest, best organized, more ecologically conscious, and many other qualities, which makes me think, why would deliria lie to us?
Specially when they always behaved in a professional way?
What would they win of blaming others for what happened?
We have no proof of what happened, but those questions come to mind from all this what happened.
Hopefully we'll see Deliria back, they represent a big piece of the soul of true psychedelia.  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 01:33
Also they returned the money from the tickets showing just how honest they were, they took all the economic losses.
And for adding more info, outside delirias party were buses to take people to the other party, coincidence???
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 02:18
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 02:45
hmmmm we can either do nothing and let these things happen loosing the few people who really cares about making a party because of and sharing good vibes, or work to have the scene we want to have.
we are a community and that means something!
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 05:46
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 06:49
There a re two things to do:
1.-Dont go to balagan parties
2.-And tell people why not to go balagan parties.
The problem is tha people dont wanna listen only very few, the public who is conciuss about this have been stopping to go to parties since problems started years ago. So very few plur people remain in the scene.
Many of todays assistants to parties have less time, they dont the difference between a good party and a massive-comercial one.
You can see an example of this here:
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 15:00
On 2008-03-14 05:46, alfreak wrote:
what it means forza?
that we can get together
talk and exchange ideas of what's going on
we can exchange ideas on what to do to improve things
we can help each other, inspire each other and support each other.
or we can do nothing, it's up to us.
but think about it, we've been building a really nice community, where very member shares his essence and vibe with the other members, we are starting to have very nice, enlightening, respectful and constructive dialogues about what's going on, and this is the work of all of us, we should feel happy about it!!
Love and Light!
  Peace, Love, Light and Harmony |
Alternative control
Alternative Control
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 17:56
The point is just to know the true , more or less other things you cant change...
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Posted : Mar 14, 2008 20:08
i didnt know what really happen in that day but
FBI doesnt exsist in Mexico!
  Searching for new Sounds |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 15, 2008 01:44
On 2008-03-14 20:08, HaKa wrote:
i didnt know what really happen in that day but
FBI doesnt exsist in Mexico!
Its called AFI: Agencia Federal de Investigaciones, Federal Agency of Invetigations
And it tends to do the work as FBI, but obviusly is supercorrupted by mafia. |
Alternative control
Alternative Control
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Posted : Mar 17, 2008 17:33
Trance become a bloody buisness dudes ,same thing was happening in Brasil , one organiser sending this kind of AFI ,to another , to check up on dj.s visas and etc , with an intention of closing down the opposite party ! all this competition , all these orgs, saying we know this we know that , we are from here ,we are from there...sad to see the stories for 9 years old kid has been selling in 2008 to majority of the ppl !
What i am trying to say here is to use your brain , nothing less ,nothing more ! |