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bad news to sonora

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2007 22:07

it seems like the sonoran psy trance scene its pretty fucked up..

psyproductions (for me the best party organizer here in sonora)webpage it doesnt exist any more.. and today i've seen this links:

really bad news


Started Topics :  20
Posts :  225
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 01:20
Hello freaks,
The scene in Sonora has recently been polluted by mostly either underage or irresponsible partygoers that somehow affect the the media/newspaper/etc view on the electronic movement.
This has happened in many scenes before that I have been part of and its nothing to worry about because its just a phase. I assure you that maybe this will regroup as all together like we were before to make the scene better. A new next step is coming for sonora, and most of the real trancers will stay and find a way to keep trancing.
In the meantime we think its wise to make cleaner and more legal plans to confront the situation concerning promoting and makin parties.
My best of wishes for the scene, things will change...
lets give it some time and look for new pastures since this problem was just in a certain area of our state

Psy Productions

          -= Acidize / Audiopathik =-

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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 01:52
This is a truly sad situation, but as I am "old" hahahahaha (not really) I have witnessed the "trance/party" scene be beat down by the media before.

Those who don't understand our movement see it as something negative. I wish all the best for the scene in Sonora, for it is where I began. Hopefully soon I'll be able to join my friends in the desert and not have to worry about the cops busting it, until then stay out of trouble my friends. DAMN THE MAN!!!           Dance like no one is watching

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Posts :  202
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 03:28
well this are really bad new..and hope the scene will continue for long time, but in the newspaper ''el imparcial'' they say that invitation to the partys are made by my question is.. if the local pages of the party producers are cheked, and probably this one too, how can we continue getting news or knowing about the partys that will be taking place?.. cause there will always be stupid and irresponsables kids that will get the links and shit like that.
how can we restrict the partys form those shitty persons..cause if the partys are more underground many people that are in the scene because of the music not because for tha drug and stuff will be lost.
adn yes underaged are really doing a messout could this be stop..? i really don't consider that all underaged are stupid..but the major part of them is. and don't consider fair to prohibit underaged to go to partys. (am not underaged if you ask)

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Posts :  397
Posted : Nov 7, 2007 03:38
Best of luck and vibes for the scene in sonora!!

          Peace, Love, Light and Harmony

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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 08:07
Bad news, really bad... just wait my friendss
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Nov 7, 2007 11:40
my friends believe me when i say that big brother is watching this forum and others.just have to be smarter than them.


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Posts :  27
Posted : Nov 16, 2007 21:14
I don't think that raves should be only for 18+
is true that what is going on in Hermosillo has to change and that minors haven't been able to bring good propaganda to this community.
But if you make raves legal and for adults only, you also need security, permission of the council (ayuntamiento) what leeds to every rave look like skazi, and that's not what we want to
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  1370
Posted : Nov 16, 2007 21:45

i prefer make partys for only 18+.. than make partys for underage partygoers that only just fuck up the scene..


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  202
Posted : Nov 17, 2007 01:40
underage are stupid people..but come on ..can you state that there is no 18+ making a clown of itself..?
have seen it..may many time.

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Posts :  3
Posted : Nov 18, 2007 00:29
I totally support Omar Rodrguez, besides lots of underages have been supporting the scene for it to grow in positive ways and i know the most of the underages in the scene are just there to f**k it up and make a mess out of it, but to the ones of us that helped the scene grow it's not fair that are being excluded just because of other irresponsible people. Besides you have to remember, this is all about PLUR, and where's your "Unity" if you are excluding some people.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - bad news to sonora
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