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Back 2 Basics???

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:01

On 2010-07-25 22:54, Serag wrote:

On 2010-07-25 04:04, kin beat wrote:
The debate level is way gone.
non existence.

There are so many misterpretation and assumption being made, that it´s not worth to bring more wood for the flames.

See how this debate issue became the new trend at all levels, inside society we see it every day, see it yourself ¨en el canal del congreso¨ or in your house along your friends watching a fútbol game.

Not being capable to have a proper argument and debate about it, it´s what fucking it up. It´s not about snorting coke or drinking ayahuasca in the amazonian jungle to find the groove.

It´s every one of us and our commitment to become a better society, it´s our task. We must educate ourselves to become an educated society that respects one another.

this debate is way gone? uuuuhhhh but is just starting why to kill the fun ? not very groovy? is a peety...
ok i will make proper arguments so i can be cool and look cool so i can be accepted by god kini bit
if u dont like it then dont sufer kini
just go to trance section where all the cool people post and then u will have proper feedbacks and cool ones too!

Told u so... its barely starting... lets go get some pop corn or something... sit back and enjoy some good reading           Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:02
dont forget the coke
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:06
ok... can u bring the tachitas??????
for background music i`ll play my minimal tech special cocaine super duper ultra dj super killa set
          Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:09
i will bring my cool headphones and my cool t-shirt and my camera so u can take me some cool pics while i mix with my cool mini tiny ipod
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 23:11
okokokok but you have to raise yer hands... you should do the choreography you were practicing... was very nice..           Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 00:04

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 02:14
Dont forget u`r trendy sunglasses, very important stuff, u can`t be a "rockstar" whitout of those ones...

Cree y crea...

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 07:14

On 2010-07-25 23:01, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:

On 2010-07-25 22:54, Serag wrote:

On 2010-07-25 04:04, kin beat wrote:
The debate level is way gone.
non existence.

There are so many misterpretation and assumption being made, that it´s not worth to bring more wood for the flames.

See how this debate issue became the new trend at all levels, inside society we see it every day, see it yourself ¨en el canal del congreso¨ or in your house along your friends watching a fútbol game.

Not being capable to have a proper argument and debate about it, it´s what fucking it up. It´s not about snorting coke or drinking ayahuasca in the amazonian jungle to find the groove.

It´s every one of us and our commitment to become a better society, it´s our task. We must educate ourselves to become an educated society that respects one another.

this debate is way gone? uuuuhhhh but is just starting why to kill the fun ? not very groovy? is a peety...
ok i will make proper arguments so i can be cool and look cool so i can be accepted by god kini bit
if u dont like it then dont sufer kini
just go to trance section where all the cool people post and then u will have proper feedbacks and cool ones too!

Told u so... its barely starting... lets go get some pop corn or something... sit back and enjoy some good reading

Funny huh?
I m sorry fellas, I used it as a general example of what is happening at all levels in society, not as a saying from me to you, no! no! this is not personal or near that.

Seriously how could we say we are having an argument here?, you mean online? think we can stablish a discussion? no dudes I m not here to do this, not even close. You Serag, hi there, I m Edgar Vallin a Politologist from The University of Guadalajara and a world wanderer. I dont know you personally or whatever but you got me all wrong, the debate level, was used as example, in gerenal speaking not about this precise thread. No! no!, seriously it becomes an issue when you dont respect the dot and commas while reading. Also when I used the example that is not about such and such, its because the sides you guys made by trashing someone´s thought.
Please if you guys wanted to read is strictly what you think. Wrong place to come. Criticizing, instead of building a concrete argument to come up to an idea of how? boom!, houston we´ve got problems.
The world has a problem.

Anyway if what you really wanna read is, about work, research and results from clinical level tests using, for instance, psychedelic trance music, I can tell you there are work done, met a girl once from Chicago a DR, whom was doing clinical research with children and adults. she seemed very exited, so hope it went well.

Again dudes, bottom line is, in order to have a proper discussion we need to respect each other, and you´re not doing it.

Is it to hard to ask for respect?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  10
Posts :  375
Posted : Jul 26, 2010 19:38

On 2010-07-26 07:14, kin beat wrote:

On 2010-07-25 23:01, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:

On 2010-07-25 22:54, Serag wrote:

On 2010-07-25 04:04, kin beat wrote:
The debate level is way gone.
non existence.

There are so many misterpretation and assumption being made, that it´s not worth to bring more wood for the flames.

See how this debate issue became the new trend at all levels, inside society we see it every day, see it yourself ¨en el canal del congreso¨ or in your house along your friends watching a fútbol game.

Not being capable to have a proper argument and debate about it, it´s what fucking it up. It´s not about snorting coke or drinking ayahuasca in the amazonian jungle to find the groove.

It´s every one of us and our commitment to become a better society, it´s our task. We must educate ourselves to become an educated society that respects one another.

this debate is way gone? uuuuhhhh but is just starting why to kill the fun ? not very groovy? is a peety...
ok i will make proper arguments so i can be cool and look cool so i can be accepted by god kini bit
if u dont like it then dont sufer kini
just go to trance section where all the cool people post and then u will have proper feedbacks and cool ones too!

Told u so... its barely starting... lets go get some pop corn or something... sit back and enjoy some good reading

Funny huh?
I m sorry fellas, I used it as a general example of what is happening at all levels in society, not as a saying from me to you, no! no! this is not personal or near that.

Seriously how could we say we are having an argument here?, you mean online? think we can stablish a discussion? no dudes I m not here to do this, not even close. You Serag, hi there, I m Edgar Vallin a Politologist from The University of Guadalajara and a world wanderer. I dont know you personally or whatever but you got me all wrong, the debate level, was used as example, in gerenal speaking not about this precise thread. No! no!, seriously it becomes an issue when you dont respect the dot and commas while reading. Also when I used the example that is not about such and such, its because the sides you guys made by trashing someone´s thought.
Please if you guys wanted to read is strictly what you think. Wrong place to come. Criticizing, instead of building a concrete argument to come up to an idea of how? boom!, houston we´ve got problems.
The world has a problem.

Anyway if what you really wanna read is, about work, research and results from clinical level tests using, for instance, psychedelic trance music, I can tell you there are work done, met a girl once from Chicago a DR, whom was doing clinical research with children and adults. she seemed very exited, so hope it went well.

Again dudes, bottom line is, in order to have a proper discussion we need to respect each other, and you´re not doing it.

Is it to hard to ask for respect?

Still u say a lot and you say nothing....
Thats an interesting idea about clinical work with psychedelic trance... but where is it pointed at?? where is she trying to go, what is she trying to achieve??? please more info would be great...
PS i apologize if u feel at anytime i have been disrespectful.. i agree that respect and tolerance are fundamental for a good discusiion

          Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  375
Posted : Jul 26, 2010 21:37
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley

Lets Part from there...
          Memento Mori
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
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Posted : Jul 26, 2010 22:22
Apology taken, still, I´d tell once again is not about making a point o telling you something, you would not know, so I don´t get you, when you say I said a lot, but said nothing. Think that if that were truth, you wouldn´t got my idea...
But you did mate. Here is what you ask for, her name is Sharmilla Patil and this is her website, she also runs the label.

Cool to quotate Mr Huxley, so let´s work on that. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 29, 2010 07:18
I think both the message Mezcalito left and the message that Login left are good. In my opinion we have to open up our minds so we can embrace everyone that is trying to make a change and heal the world. Because we have to strengthen eachother, create a movement, we have to grow. We are going to find good people who want to see a new world in all kinds of scenes, not just the psy trance.

I personally want to see a big movement going on in the world today.

A new world.

Its late but I will come back to this topic, I admire all the people here (serag, login, mezcalito, kinbeat). We need to connect with eacother guys..

I share your feelings!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jul 29, 2010 09:40
Did I talk about coke, tachitas, t shirts and sunglasses?

C'man people lets point out the obvious.

I'm sure all of us participating in this topic dont care about that stuff.

Maybe if we get to know each other better sharing ideas, tastes and respecting one another we will come to apreciate the differences.

LEts work on what we have in common, that Huxley quote is a good begining. That was the kind of idea I was trying to express in my first post.

So.. for a change lets present ourselves in a proper way, this way we wont feel like complete strangers and maybe we can get to know where are we coming from and dont make prejudice about each one of us.

I will start my self:

I'm 26 year old, being in the scene for about 8 years, yes I missed the golden days for me the best parties I have gonne were the ones organized by Deliria.

I am totally aware that the scene is corrupted, totally full of crap organizers and any sense of gathering has been lost a long time ago.

As Mezcalito and serag I dislike the poser attitude and the fashion trends.

But I dont see them as a problem, they dont dirturb me, people has the right to be what they want to be, I dont want them to push their beliefs upon me so I just dont push mine upon theirs.

I prefer to focus my energy on myself and more propostive actions.

My musical tastes are very widefrom classical to old goa ( I love to dig old good albums) from hallucinogen, total eclipse, old good Astral projection, the delta, spirallianz, hux flux, kox box, ott, ocelot, kindzadza, cosmosis, cosma, old good ticon and my fav of all time Son kite. I dig a lot many of the new projects that come out in Ektoplasm like Ekoplex and Anakoluth.

I also like techno, but the more melodic elaborated stuff like Bodzin and Max cooper, I dislike generic things like Umek, popof and all the ex psy bandwagon on techno. I can apreciate other genres with out likin them alot like drum and bass, dubstep, detroit techno.

My approach towards changing this world is my commitment to social work. I work at social responsability programs from some big bussness tryng to make something good out of the bad, helping social organizations get better and finance their projects. I have also worked at the goverment in social programs but I got tired of bureaucracy. I have also volunteer for some NGO's.

My general interest, I like a lot philosophy I can go and talk about it hours and hours, shame on me I only have insight in western philopshy, trying to get around this soon.

I will consider my self an Anarchist from the right, I am all about individuality and volunteer participation, totally against authority, imposition and the State. For me a better world will be one where each one of us could choose the system where they feel better off.

Also individual responsability is very very important and something each endividual has to come by himself.

My favorite writers: kafka, george orwell, salman rushdie, saramago.

I hope tha presenting ourselves we can break the ice and share some ideas around here, cause from the moment we choose to post in this forum I'm sure we at least share something little, but something. And thats what counts bringing what is good together.

For myself I have met Kin beat in person and its a great guy a lot of music tastes and values in common. ALuxe has been here for a while and I like a lot how he writes, very different form my more rational perspective.

So...what about you?
          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 07:37
So Mezcalito to answer your original question about how to heal the world in such a critical age well I think we first have to start by healing ourselves. We have to start by freeing our own minds and then maybe we can free others. Its not easy but we have to try, and not just try but try to go all the way, to the very top of the mountain. We all want a better world, a new world. We are tired of the money oriented system in the world, it doesn’t feel right no matter how many arguments try and justify it because we can imagine something better in our hearts. And that is the vision that we need to follow, the seed we need to water so it grows, the mountain we need to reach, and the road that we need to follow. But so many people in the world have lost the faith, they are just living to fit in, to survive and adapt to the system even if it’s an unfair system that has little soul and heart. And that’s sad, because we as the people of this planet should be able to be truly free and to create the world we want in our hearts.

And I think that we look outside and see reality and it can be heartbreaking and sometimes it’s hard to see the hope. But don’t forget that it’s also reality what we have inside, like that vision of the world you want to see can become a collective reality if enough people tap into the dream. The trap we are in is inside us, it’s the collective vision of the world that we have been fed which means it needs to be changed from within, then the outside reality will follow. So that vision of a better world we see in our hearts can be very powerful if we feed it and strengthen it. But its important to empower eachother, to recongize the good in eachother even if its burried and forgoten deep within. Like Bill Hicks said: "I believe everyone has this fuckin' poem in his heart."

Anyways, its late at night again here and I need to catch some sleep but this is an important subject. Lets keep it rocking to the stars! I believe we can create the world we want!!! I really do.

PS login I will respond to your message above later, chido bro! buena onda
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 6, 2010 20:20
that aldous huxley quote said it all...
i really dont need a psychedelic scene to back me up. make my own scene. without all the new age crap .

pd. a few asses couldnt hurt hehe 
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