Back 2 Basics???
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 20, 2010 02:09:35
Hey all, hope everything is fine guys...
I have been thinking about this for a long time, and i would really like to know your opinion...
How can we use psychedelic trance with healing purposes??? i mean spiritual and mind healing??? Maybe even a deeper healing sucha as a planetary healing or a cosmic healing.
I do believe that encrypted deep in the music there is a message, a message of love and compassion, a message of mind expansion and soul embracement, an evolutive message... I believe psychedelic trance holds the key (not saying its the only way or the only music that can achieve such states) for a human upgrade, a human evolution. But how do we communicate this to other people?? How do we educate our surrounding?? How can we stop a running engine thats been rolling for centuries (the way humans are being educated)???
Besides the example we must set what else shall we do??? The times are critical and we are near a time of critical change, how do we teach this??
What are your ideas people???
I know for a start that we can educate people during ceremonies (parties). Only that the ceremonious feeling has been lost and now its all about cocaine xtc and huge asses... How do we achieve spiritual/intelectual care instead of materialism???
Any thoughts???
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 18:21
Damn this is a boring section...
Ever wondered if the Mexico section should be removed???
No signs of intelligent life... Hello!!!!!!
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 21, 2010 22:08
so sad that nobody wants to share any thoughts anymore/
the matrix has won
spiritual borders
no more union no more respect
no more gatherings
just prejuzgmental people
no message of love
the only thought that comes to my mind is :
change is unavoidable and we have to flow with it.
R.I.P. psychedelic trance.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2010 07:19
I will give my two cents:
First ¿what do you really want to achieve? ¿what is the change you wanna see in the world?
Choose something you really will like to improve/change. Focus on it and give yourself for it. Do it with out specting others to join you, do it free of any thought of spiritual or social reward. Dont expect nothing from your fellow humans.
In your way I'm sure you will start encountering human spirits that share your paths and beliefs, and with your dedication you will inspire other humans to join your quest. But you have to let it flow.
in my humble opinion people are a little bit tired of being teached, guided and iluminated. We need a different set of mind, a set of self awareness, responsability and propositive actions.
be the change you wanna see in the world...
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2010 12:10
On 2010-07-20 02:09:35, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:
Hey all, hope everything is fine guys...
I have been thinking about this for a long time, and i would really like to know your opinion...
How can we use psychedelic trance with healing purposes??? i mean spiritual and mind healing??? Maybe even a deeper healing sucha as a planetary healing or a cosmic healing.
I do believe that encrypted deep in the music there is a message, a message of love and compassion, a message of mind expansion and soul embracement, an evolutive message... I believe psychedelic trance holds the key (not saying its the only way or the only music that can achieve such states) for a human upgrade, a human evolution. But how do we communicate this to other people?? How do we educate our surrounding?? How can we stop a running engine thats been rolling for centuries (the way humans are being educated)???
Besides the example we must set what else shall we do??? The times are critical and we are near a time of critical change, how do we teach this??
What are your ideas people???
I know for a start that we can educate people during ceremonies (parties). Only that the ceremonious feeling has been lost and now its all about cocaine xtc and huge asses... How do we achieve spiritual/intelectual care instead of materialism???
Any thoughts???
ok back to the topic my friend,
i think that yes music is a healer
i remember once i went to goa gil party in mexico city i think the last one where he had play and i dont know wtf happened there, if it was his dats or the selection or i dont know..
but i had a fuking healing experience of my soul i experienced i nightmare in the night all the time wondering when this hell will end... but when the morning came this gil started playing other stuff but also not just psychedelic trance he was over it he was palying other stuff italian music with i dont know wtf!
i felt how i was being drained.
So yes i think psychedelic trance can heal but it also depends in the way is done.
a shaman is not a shaman just because he decides to be one, is a person that has dedicate his life to find the right balance.
lonely life the shaman has to live to work out the strength of the spirit to guide the and heal the ones who may need it.
Soo this take us to another point that is that there is a lot of djs and artists trying to "be" a shaman fake shamans i would say that are just looking for fame and glory and the less what they care is to heal or guide.
so i guess this is the people you were referring when u said :
"Only that the ceremonious feeling has been lost and now its all about cocaine xtc and huge asses..."
well this are the fake ones!
the ones that put together this kind of people just like candle.
for me in this scene there is just 2 persons that i consider real guiders and healers:
Goa Gil
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2010 14:14
sorry, is "cattle" no "candle" |
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 23, 2010 18:58
On 2010-07-23 07:19, Login wrote:
I will give my two cents:
First ¿what do you really want to achieve? ¿what is the change you wanna see in the world?
Choose something you really will like to improve/change. Focus on it and give yourself for it. Do it with out specting others to join you, do it free of any thought of spiritual or social reward. Dont expect nothing from your fellow humans.
In your way I'm sure you will start encountering human spirits that share your paths and beliefs, and with your dedication you will inspire other humans to join your quest. But you have to let it flow.
in my humble opinion people are a little bit tired of being teached, guided and iluminated. We need a different set of mind, a set of self awareness, responsability and propositive actions.
be the change you wanna see in the world...
Login mate you wrote it all. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 24, 2010 18:12
On 2010-07-23 18:58, kin beat wrote:
On 2010-07-23 07:19, Login wrote:
I will give my two cents:
First ¿what do you really want to achieve? ¿what is the change you wanna see in the world?
Choose something you really will like to improve/change. Focus on it and give yourself for it. Do it with out specting others to join you, do it free of any thought of spiritual or social reward. Dont expect nothing from your fellow humans.
In your way I'm sure you will start encountering human spirits that share your paths and beliefs, and with your dedication you will inspire other humans to join your quest. But you have to let it flow.
in my humble opinion people are a little bit tired of being teached, guided and iluminated. We need a different set of mind, a set of self awareness, responsability and propositive actions.
be the change you wanna see in the world...
Login mate you wrote it all.
Yes u wrote it all.... WRONG!!!!!!
First af all... people are tired of being enlighted????? seriusly duud????? stop snoring and start thinking... how can anyone be tired of enlightment???? I mean wtf!!!!
thats why minimal techno and shit like that has won so many territory!!!!
Cuz people dont wanna think about anything else than having a good time, having the new dolce & gabanna sunglasses... there is no space for spirituality anymore, just idiotic drugs with idiotic music with idiotic people talking about stuff they dont know.
If people were truly educated or enlighted, do u think the world would be as it is???? Please think about your answere cuz it sounds like you were a 15 year old duud ( i know you probably arent but thats how you sound )
Back to your questions:
What i want to achieve is self awareness, i want people to think, i want people to feel, to know... We all need to wake up and realize we are part of this reality, and we create realities at everyday so we need to heal our reality and from there create a new one as evolved human beings... as conscious beings... The change i wanna see in the world is people loving each other man... not fighting or killing... i wanna see people dancing for the universe, not for themselves, i wanna see people communicating with their inner selves, i wanna see people remembering their divine connection with the cosmic spirit... I want evolution
And with all due respect we had "let it flow" long enough... if u wanna sit down and "let it flow", please be my guest, its time for us to get on it, its time for changes and we cant just "let if flow" at least i cant, cuz we have a mission and its absurd the idea of "let it flow"... thats the attitude that has been poisoning our existence... just "let if flow" duud... NO!!!!!! We cant "let it flow" cuz thats what we have been doing since ever.. where did it take us??? where is the advantage of "let it flow"???
So conformist dont u think????
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 24, 2010 21:23
On 2010-07-24 18:12, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:
Yes u wrote it all.... WRONG!!!!!!
First af all... people are tired of being enlighted????? seriusly duud????? stop snoring and start thinking... how can anyone be tired of enlightment???? I mean wtf!!!!
thats why minimal techno and shit like that has won so many territory!!!!
Cuz people dont wanna think about anything else than having a good time, having the new dolce & gabanna sunglasses... there is no space for spirituality anymore, just idiotic drugs with idiotic music with idiotic people talking about stuff they dont know.
If people were truly educated or enlighted, do u think the world would be as it is???? Please think about your answere cuz it sounds like you were a 15 year old duud ( i know you probably arent but thats how you sound )
I dont see any relation in what I wrote and this.
And now you have to realize that your beliefs and morals are yours, and stop thinking everybody should think like you. Everyone has the right to reach self awareness in the way they are confortable and able to.
And then when I said you have to sit down and let it flow? i wrote Comit your self to change, work, contruct be proactive...
C'man if you are just willing to hear to yourself and reafirm your personal views why bothering coming to a forum and ask our opinion?
And then been rude to others, did I ask for insults?
I came to give my humble opinion on your question and what I receive? prejuice, rudeness and misinterpretation.
I am sure that if we met in person you wont act like that and for sure we would find we share more views that what we disagree.
Thats why no one is willing to post in this section, good, respectful, tolerant discussion is not possible with "I HAVE THE TRUTH EVERYBODY STFU" attitude.
You know what is wrong with this world? humans disqualifyng each other instead of trying to comunicate and share.
  "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 00:15
well, as i see it is that u login said that basically in this world is less about being guided and enlighten and more about finding ur own path so with ur example u will automatically awake consciousness, which i think is good BUT not everyone and mostly people that are starting to discover the light are able to have this self secureness. with all the influence of the media, people really start living in an "American Dream" nothing inside just outside, about how cool u have to be or behave to fit in the society.
so for sure the way is to find ur own path but to find ur own path sometimes u have to cross other paths and learn from other people, to make ur self realize how wrong u were and take the right path. u cant let a child play with fire cause he will burn u have to teach him so he can survive in this world, we are still in a process of evolution, to think that there is no need to have guidance in your life is like saying that u reject incoming lessons from others and from life itself which lead you to be a selfish being who thinks that knows already all.
i think thats why mezcalito is deep in his intention cause the way this world is changing is really sad, there is no space for spirituality anymore, really, look around you, even if you want to see in ur own way which for sure will be nice and comfortable will not be enough to change the fact that this world is fuked up, so instead of working alone lets work together instead of saying "this is me" lets say this is US and im sure everything will be much more easy.
and just to finish why u get so touched by mezcalito words?
he is not screaming he is just making a point.
if u dont like strong direct answers then dont post in the first place cause the only thing that u are doing is exactly what u are cursing, u want others to seek ur truth.
anyway dont take it too hard
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 04:04
The debate level is way gone.
non existence.
There are so many misterpretation and assumption being made, that it´s not worth to bring more wood for the flames.
See how this debate issue became the new trend at all levels, inside society we see it every day, see it yourself ¨en el canal del congreso¨ or in your house along your friends watching a fútbol game.
Not being capable to have a proper argument and debate about it, it´s what fucking it up. It´s not about snorting coke or drinking ayahuasca in the amazonian jungle to find the groove.
It´s every one of us and our commitment to become a better society, it´s our task. We must educate ourselves to become an educated society that respects one another. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 10:46
On 2010-07-20 02:09:35, MॐZC4L1†0 wrote:
Hey all, hope everything is fine guys...
I have been thinking about this for a long time, and i would really like to know your opinion...
How can we use psychedelic trance with healing purposes??? i mean spiritual and mind healing??? Maybe even a deeper healing sucha as a planetary healing or a cosmic healing.
I do believe that encrypted deep in the music there is a message, a message of love and compassion, a message of mind expansion and soul embracement, an evolutive message... I believe psychedelic trance holds the key (not saying its the only way or the only music that can achieve such states) for a human upgrade, a human evolution. But how do we communicate this to other people?? How do we educate our surrounding?? How can we stop a running engine thats been rolling for centuries (the way humans are being educated)???
Besides the example we must set what else shall we do??? The times are critical and we are near a time of critical change, how do we teach this??
What are your ideas people???
I know for a start that we can educate people during ceremonies (parties). Only that the ceremonious feeling has been lost and now its all about cocaine xtc and huge asses... How do we achieve spiritual/intelectual care instead of materialism???
Any thoughts???
is great to know that there is people like you that is still is trying to bring awareness to this world.
there is a sentence that say "thinking is decreeing "
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 22:30
On 2010-07-25 04:04, kin beat wrote:
The debate level is way gone.
non existence.
There are so many misterpretation and assumption being made, that it´s not worth to bring more wood for the flames.
See how this debate issue became the new trend at all levels, inside society we see it every day, see it yourself ¨en el canal del congreso¨ or in your house along your friends watching a fútbol game.
Not being capable to have a proper argument and debate about it, it´s what fucking it up. It´s not about snorting coke or drinking ayahuasca in the amazonian jungle to find the groove.
It´s every one of us and our commitment to become a better society, it´s our task. We must educate ourselves to become an educated society that respects one another.
So what will be our next topic of debate?????
What about this month cosmopolitan issue???? Or the starbucks that was opened next door???
Maybe the new Armani collection????
Or what abaout Ayahuasca vs Cocaine???
Take yer sides people... the circus is about to begin...
If anybody out there has something to say about my first post , please posts are more than welcome. I want to know what you think about what i wrote and not nonsenses about trends and tv channels....
By the way Kin Beat even thou i disagree with u in almost everything u`ve written i do agree with you about our commitment to become a better society, and we do need to educate ourselves, you are so very right...
So now that we are on topic, how do we spread the message??? how can we help ppl to educate themselves while we learn more and more??? Obviously i want ideas related to psy music, like conferences at the party place before the party starts, or combine photo or any kinda art with psychedelic trance... Dunno just some ideas ....
@ Login
Again i agree with u about people disqualifying and prejudging each other instead of giving ppl a chance 2 express themselves and look at them in a more real way rather than the idea ppl forge of each other...
But this is offtopic, so if you have something ontopic to say about my question i would be more than glad to read what you`ve got
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 22:31
PS.... Thank you Serag... Awareness is the answer
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 25, 2010 22:54
On 2010-07-25 04:04, kin beat wrote:
The debate level is way gone.
non existence.
There are so many misterpretation and assumption being made, that it´s not worth to bring more wood for the flames.
See how this debate issue became the new trend at all levels, inside society we see it every day, see it yourself ¨en el canal del congreso¨ or in your house along your friends watching a fútbol game.
Not being capable to have a proper argument and debate about it, it´s what fucking it up. It´s not about snorting coke or drinking ayahuasca in the amazonian jungle to find the groove.
It´s every one of us and our commitment to become a better society, it´s our task. We must educate ourselves to become an educated society that respects one another.
this debate is way gone? uuuuhhhh but is just starting why to kill the fun ? not very groovy? is a peety...
ok i will make proper arguments so i can be cool and look cool so i can be accepted by god kini bit
if u dont like it then dont sufer kini
just go to trance section where all the cool people post and then u will have proper feedbacks and cool ones too!