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Baaxten - Kolectiva and its LIES .... warning!!!


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  114
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 20:10
Hello Edoardo, please man , is very easy, it shows banking receipts .

I can show emails and conversations with your and your woman 15 days after the party in Toluca where you confirm , that not paid the money ........

.....your obligation was to send the money before taking the airplane .....

I show the email that you send me 5 DAYS AFTER party in Toluca :


De: Eduardo Osorio <>
Enviado el: Thursday, May 17, 2007 6:06:48 AM
Para: Manu Ma <>
Asunto: Re: booking kali

Mira bro, la neta me da lastima lo que escibes tu dinero ya esta en camino a españa desde hace un rato pero sabes te aclaro qeu no son 4300 pesos y te lo dije muchas veces son 200 euros porque me quedo 100 de comision por tu book.

Por todo lo demas que escibes pues mira me tiene sin importancia



Manuel - Kali - Materia Rec dice: (20:49:18)

hicisteis la trasferencia ?

99 32 24 07 12 Gaby dice: (20:49:18)

q tratare de ver la manera de yo darte el dinero

Manuel - Kali - Materia Rec dice: (20:49:28)

aqui nunca llego

99 32 24 07 12 Gaby dice: (20:49:37)

solo q como tu sabras yo trabjo , mantenemos aun bebe y las cosas de djs estan fuera de mi alcance

99 32 24 07 12 Gaby dice: (20:50:04)

eduardo me comento q él y tu se pearon y discutieron

Manuel - Kali - Materia Rec dice: (20:50:05)

bueno  te estoy muy agradecido por todo esto

99 32 24 07 12 Gaby dice: (20:50:12)

pero yo soyu una person seria responsable tengo un cargo de buen nivel en gobierno..o sea no juego con esas cosa y en la medida de mis posiblilidades dice arreglaremos lo de tu dienro

99 32 24 07 12 Gaby dice: (20:50:47)

q aunke es poco ..para mi es muchisimo dinero

Manuel - Kali - Materia Rec dice: (20:50:57

)no, yo nunca me discuto con nadie, eduardo simplemente no ha sido trasparente con todo esto,  hace ya mas de dos msese que le reclamo el dinero

32 24 07 12 Gaby dice: (20:51:24)lleguemos a unaucerdo tu yyoManuel -para darte el dinero..solo q te digo yo practicamente sostengo la casa porq el no tiene ahora trabajo

Kali - Materia Rec dice: (20:51:28)de todas formas te doy mil gracias por tu tiempo


GLINK if you want put the conversation with you in msn where you confirm that you and eduardo lost money in mekkanika party ....

Or if you want i make a photocopy of the receipt of transference of the organizers of Toluca
where sample that to you the money sent ,
they gave me this receipt .

greetings ¡


Started Topics :  0
Posts :  6
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 23:15
jajajajaj you make me laugt a lot bro becasuse you are givin me the simple right of all that thing.

We make you the deposit jajjaja my wife told ya that too, so please give more suport to you partner and dont be a fucking joker dude.

By the way they give ou a photocopy of what bro? becuase NEVER toluca make a deposit of 4500 pesos they prefer paid mekkanika and inner action advaance and pay the plane tickets of them, and your plane ticket that i sent to you great friend anahata.

So again I DONT GONNA PAID YOU TWICE and thanks for the reply you have make this all clear, the trance world is knowing who is KALI jajajaja dont be a donkey please
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  449
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 23:44

On 2007-07-25 23:15, MushLSD wrote:
the trance world is knowing who is KALI jajajaja dont be a donkey please

We are a serius and top label since 3 years.

and you are??

I love mexicans poeples, many friends arround (bio genesis, speedball, delysid, and many more), honest, funny guys,
not like you

You try to save your ass, i can understand that, but believe me, is too late...

More you relpy there, more poeples read this thread and more poelpes know your situation, so camon, reply again and again, we will keep this trhead in top...nice.

ooo mekkanikka will came there after his holidays to kick your ass too !

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  52
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 23:46
well.. i just have to say one thing ,... lots of questions are in the air.. but one seems to be the most important one.. Why my friends Nikka and Kali never saw this money . ? ..........what kind of people do you think your dealing with mr .? gangsters ? Mercenaries ? ...Liers ....Ignorants ...?? ....i dont think so. i know ciro , i live with him ,. . and he always have been paying all track he gets for his compilations.

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  114
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 23:46
EDUARDO bla bla bla shows banking receipts so that all we pruned to believe to you,YOU dont HAVE NOTHING

this is me last msj , I do not want to lose more time with your lies, you do not deserve any respect like person.


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  61
Posted : Jul 27, 2007 23:50

On 2007-07-24 07:31, Dual brother(janue) wrote:


I feel like in a cholo conversation... Nice eseee

kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Jul 28, 2007 02:21

On 2007-07-27 23:50, log.A.rythm wrote:

On 2007-07-24 07:31, Dual brother(janue) wrote:


I feel like in a cholo conversation... Nice eseee


Funny huh?
Pay what you Owe and drink chocalate! thats what my mom says! however i feel like we all have a tepiteño within ourselves that comes out whenever we feel like threaten.....
un tiro de caballeros whoever is on the floor waits until the other gets up!


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  9
Posted : Jul 28, 2007 02:53
poor girl, the only one who works in the house and with a baby while the "man" is playing to be a promotor. even your home problems are coming out. look for a job man.

shame on you!and pay your debts and even I that many times had post deleted , think that this language sucks.

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Jul 28, 2007 06:55

On 2007-07-28 02:21, kin beat wrote:

On 2007-07-27 23:50, log.A.rythm wrote:

On 2007-07-24 07:31, Dual brother(janue) wrote:


I feel like in a cholo conversation... Nice eseee


Funny huh?
Pay what you Owe and drink chocalate! thats what my mom says! however i feel like we all have a tepiteño within ourselves that comes out whenever we feel like threaten.....
un tiro de caballeros whoever is on the floor waits until the other gets up!

Tepito and tepiteños rulzz

I love mexico           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  61
Posted : Jul 30, 2007 03:03

On 2007-07-28 02:21, kin beat wrote:

On 2007-07-27 23:50, log.A.rythm wrote:

On 2007-07-24 07:31, Dual brother(janue) wrote:


I feel like in a cholo conversation... Nice eseee


Funny huh?
Pay what you Owe and drink chocalate! thats what my mom says! however i feel like we all have a tepiteño within ourselves that comes out whenever we feel like threaten.....
un tiro de caballeros whoever is on the floor waits until the other gets up!

jajajajajaja indeed....
Dan Trance

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  10
Posted : Sep 26, 2007 00:45
Wow this is not funny i usually was on Eduardo partys and was so great, line us exellent , the last one i remeber was when came Sirius Isness , Visua , Duendo Matka ,Hamelin , Saraguato m Hasmodai , Ruoho

and was so great, i think maybe can be this time an error but im sure its not all times , the only thing is that tru is true so eduardo pay u deserve money to any artist, because ur parties are so great so should sound a little bit sad that ur production goes down just for one time u made it wrong
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Baaxten - Kolectiva and its LIES .... warning!!!
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