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Baaxten - Kolectiva and its LIES .... warning!!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Jul 21, 2007 00:51
Hello to all mexican trance lover and specially Partys and Festival organizer!

I writte there to warn how work

Edouardo Baaxten (dj MushLSD)


Daniel Kolectiva (dj Glin_k)

Edouardo Baaxten book a artist in Toluca, Mexico.

The organizer (good peoples) pay the 50% fee directly to Edouardo Baaxten.

After the organizer pay all the 50% fee, Edouardo call us to say that missing money (first lie)

Eduardo writte to us <is better that the artist dont go to Mexico because the organizer dont look serius>

I ask to Edouardo to send to me the fee and he say is better to waitt because missing money in the advance (lie again)

anyway the artist go to check whats up there and go to Toluca, meet with the organizer, all good all right, party runing, and organizer pay the next 50% and show the proof taht he have already pay all the advance.

The organizer talk with our artist and explains to us that Edouardo call and ask for the 100% of artist fee one week before the party, telling that if he dont pay, the artist cannot play (big lie)

Another Artist living Spain also play there and the partner of Edouardo is Daniel dj Glin_k from Kolectiva crew. This guy also big lie he stole also a big part of artist fee...

So dude, take care of this pendejos......

Dj Anahata - Materia Records Manager

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
Moonsun Records

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Posted : Jul 21, 2007 03:29
kiler cd all the best
Substance / The Ataris

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Posted : Jul 22, 2007 00:43
kinda seen it coming.
anyway! shit starts to float!.

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Posted : Jul 24, 2007 05:34
JAJAJA yo0u make me laugh

you have to pay me the site i made for you comemierda, and you puto label is a great mierda dude, nobnody in mexico wants your artists, and we know that you are a maricon layer too, wheres the money come pollas.

the tracks you use in your cds that you dont pay, we know all the mierda materia records do, because you have artists that complain of your laber manager work.

So think better when you make a post, becuase in mexico materia rec is a big mierda with no future.

And by de way for 200 euros you call me pendejo, better tell your artist what you do with his money that i pay you layer comepollas, pay to kali the money i send to you, i have all the papers of the bank, so pay it to kali, layer comepollas.


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  10
Posted : Jul 24, 2007 05:37
becarefull with your words ciroo.. i not stole anybody .. and if you going to talk of pays... pays the songs of all the artists that you used and stole in your compilations ... and anothers respect guys that knows your bads bisness.. don`t be a maricon.. and if you want to tell me something in mi face... like profesional people said me...
pd.. pay eduardo the time and work of the design of you website... that you left.. pendejo

substance por algo te mantienes flotando...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  514
Posted : Jul 24, 2007 07:31


I feel like in a cholo conversation... Nice eseee

          If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
Mr Ponce
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2007 07:46
all the support for you mush force greetings for baxten prod

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 24, 2007 12:45
ok i know its fun to start with the insults and all and i get that you guys are very angry at eachother. But please measure your words and the cholo talking cuz apart from the bad language, this is an english speaking forum...or else I'll simply have to delete these posts and lock the thread. These are not my rules. These are Isratrances rules.

          A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
Dacru Records
Dacru Records

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Posted : Jul 24, 2007 19:37
I don't know anything about this situation so I won't comment on that

but I have worked with Baaxten (both edoardo and daniel) last year in December when they invited DigiCult, Nemesis and Oonah to come and play for them in Palenque and everything was ok
it was a really good experience and the guys did everything like we agreed upon before hand

so again, I don't know about this situation, but I hope to be able to cooperate with them again! as far as I know they are an example for other mexican promoters...           Dacru Records
Talamasca, U-Recken, DigiCult, Alternative Control, Ephedrix, Bitkit, Aquila, Tropical Bleyage, Spirit Architect, Chronos, ...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Jul 24, 2007 23:38
OK, here is the deal:

1 - I will allow the topic to go on.
2 - You can write whatever you want, as long as it is written in an educated way.
3 - If any post contains any agressive word like mierda, puto, etc... I will delete the post without any previous warning, if someone post it again I'll ban him.

Our forum is the place to discuss any issue happening in our scene, but we must do it in an educated way, being as polite as possible.

You are all warned. Please continue the discussion in a civilized way.
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  449
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 00:11
On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
you have to pay me the site i made for you

Well, your website dont exist anymore....,
and also you offer to me to making FREE the website if Dj Moira play for your party.
Thats the deal..
You propose to me, I never ask you make it
The website you made??
jajaja you just take a example from internet and change infos nothing more... joker


On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
the tracks you use in your cds that you dont pay, we know all the materia records do, because you have artists that complain of your laber manager work

Man, nobody believe you....
I work with the sames artist since the first v.a Goodfellas to the last v.a Robosapiens.... so whats mean?
With this way you just show to the peoples the style of crazy and dirty brain you have.
You are the biggest liar i have know in my life.


On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
and you ... label is a great ... dude, nobnody in mexico wants your artists

Thats why you came crying 3 month ago to ask to add materia records he?


On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
the tracks you use in your cds that you dont pay, we know all the ... materia records do, because you have artists that complain of your laber manager work.

O really?
Ok, if you have balls just tell to us ONE artist complaining,
just one..


On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
So think better when you make a post, becuase in mexico materia rec is a big ... with no future.

materia rec is a big ... in mexico...blablabla non sens only lies from two hungry man that want revenge for the label that have kick his ass and writte there to warn peoples


On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
And by de way for 200 euros you call me pendejo,

is about much more, you Edouaardo Baaxten personaly stole more than you say, the artist and the organizaer can proof that here,
and your partner daniel Glink stole 1500 euros in a deal where iam not concerned.
(I dont want writte my self the artist name for respect)


On 2007-07-24 05:34, MushLSD wrote:
better tell your artist what you do with his money that i pay you layer ... , pay to kali the money i send to you, i have all the papers of the bank, so pay it to kali, layer .

First of all you dont have any papers simply because you never pay, neeeever
And now you say I stole my artist? jeje your are the kinkg dude, sincerly, i never talking before with a guy like you.... you are the best


On 2007-07-24 05:34, Glink wrote:
becarefull with your words ciroo.. i not stole anybody .. and if you going to talk of pays... pays the songs of all the artists that you used and stole in your compilations like raz

First YOU stole 1500 euros to a big friend and big name in psy trance working on Nutek.
Second whats is this lie about raz he?
I stole him he? first we dont use the track for the v.a and second i cannot stole raz because the tracks was offer free from him.


On 2007-07-24 05:34, Dacru Records wrote:
I don't know anything about this situation so I won't comment on that but I have worked with Baaxten (both edoardo and daniel) last year in December when they invited DigiCult, Nemesis and Oonah to come and play for them in Palenque and everything was ok

Yes I believe you, before added this dirty brains in Materia I of course check info about this guys, and I only find good vibes thats true, nobosy tell me bad about edouardo and daniel.
and my friend Inner action, mekkanikka have also play for him last years and all OK too.
But believe me, all this storie is the pure TRuth,
If iam not sure i dont writte here, i dont like this kinnd of storie, borred me, but, it think taht good to advise peoples, and much tahn Edouardo have reprenst the label 2 month in mexico, and organizaer think he need contact him to book us, so is important taht peoples now the situation....

You really think a serius crew writte like this, only insult and bad lenguage??
no way..

this is whats happens to us

Edouardo Baaxten book a artist in Toluca, Mexico.

The organizer (good peoples) pay the 50% fee directly to Edouardo Baaxten.

After the organizer pay all the 50% fee, Edouardo call us to say that missing money (first lie)

Eduardo writte to us <is better that the artist dont go to Mexico because the organizer dont look serius>

I ask to Edouardo to send to me the fee and he say is better to waitt because missing money in the advance (lie again)

anyway the artist go to check whats up there and go to Toluca, meet with the organizer, all good all right, party runing, and organizer pay the next 50% and show the proof taht he have already pay all the advance.

The organizer talk with our artist and explains to us that Edouardo call and ask for the 100% of artist fee one week before the party, telling that if he dont pay, the artist cannot play (big lie)

Another Artist living Spain also play there and the partner of Edouardo is Daniel dj Glin_k from Kolectiva crew. This guy also big lie he stole also a big part of artist fee...

Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  10
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 09:23
fist of all you are angry becouse eduardo don`t give the files to modify your web and you stat this war of word ,say me loook glin.k i give this present and put me this link of the forum.. and you try to put me like a thief from the problem of the barcelona artist that its not your problem dude if you be angry with that stuff of the website files... and you canalize that angry to talk bad things of that pass facts ... eduardo say here that pay youu and you have the money of kaliii, ... if you think that you going tu put our work out with this you are wrong brother.. becouse you are the fist and the last person that we have this kind of problems ... and i do nothing to you, you just are angry and start this war of words..

you was the fist.. that say bad words.. brother you star.. first fact

So dude, take care of this pendejos......

and please brother don`t make you publicity with all this stuff .... i think that its all about that.. all this crap
CORTEX Album expected july 2007
v.a BIG BANG expected sept. 2007
KALI Album expected oct. 2007
v.a GOODFELLAS 2 expected dec. 200

and that thing that you said that eduardo represent you label in the past don`t worry bro its too small here in mexicoo... people here wants big artists like compact ,hommega and another respect artist.. make your publicity alone..

pd.. greetings eskimo dracu crew you know how we host you and all that artist in the work that we work in the pass they know that we never try to stole and we have good hosting in mexico....


Started Topics :  7
Posts :  114
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 13:31
Eduardo you say many lies

Well ¡

The past 12 of May I was play in Toluca ,a month before the organizers of the party in Toluca , pay to you my advance , 4500 Mexican pesos, you never make the transfer because you take this money for pay mekkanika party,(28 April )

Your friend Glink said to me that you lost money in Mekkanika party( 28 April )and you take this money for pay
.Glink give me you telephone and your data in Mexico by msn...for contact with you and take me money .

Your never make the transference of the money that you must to me, NEVER ¡

if you want I put here the copy of conversations with you, Glink and your woman who we had in msn about the money that you must to me .

your woman say that wants to pay ,but that now your you were without work...

Eduardo Lack the respect because you do not have any truth that to say.

if your you say to the truth send me a copy and put here of the receipt of the transference, but i think this is a big lie.

Eduardo you have the solution to this shit,, PAY MY MONEY .

Ciro is a honest person and good people ...the payment ALL the songs that are in materia records.

Greetings ¡


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Posts :  6
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 18:15

1.- All the artists that worked with us tell the same history less you.

2.-I dont gonna give you my money to you twice, if you think that im gonna do that forget it

3.- We didnt stole mekkanikka notthing and we gave him the bank receipt in his ouwns hands.

4.- Thats the proof that was your first visit to mexico kali, theres many bads promoters here and toluca is one of them, so i have all the banks deposit they made to me and never paid me your fee, if you want to belive them GREAT i dont care more of that shit.

5.- And to end this shit, i dont gonna pay you twice

P.D. by the way i dont care about this post dude, i just only reply for FUN i dont care about all things you can talk dudes, so HAVE FUN LIKE ME!!

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Posts :  10
Posted : Jul 25, 2007 19:14
good effort to protect you brother... of bissnes.. kali... but another artists don`t think the same to you...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Baaxten - Kolectiva and its LIES .... warning!!!

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