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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2007 09:12
I have a debate!

Let's ride those fucking authorities who don't gave out permission for partys!

They prefer we do it illegal instead of having all in the right way! fuck off!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 19, 2007 12:43
war makes sense.... of course, killing in the name of...lets seek'em one by one and put a bullet in their heads
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Oct 19, 2007 13:36
Yeah !!!!!


Yab Yum

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  641
Posted : Oct 19, 2007 14:06

On 2007-10-19 13:36, MARGHERITA wrote:
Yeah !!!!!


not fight, debate!!

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
Yab Yum

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  641
Posted : Oct 19, 2007 14:23

On 2007-10-19 12:43, zafer wrote:
war makes sense.... of course, killing in the name of...lets seek'em one by one and put a bullet in their heads

i never said war made sense. sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. just that.
SVP/UDC are not good people. all efforts to nip them in the bud is a good thing IMO.

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  290
Posted : Oct 19, 2007 21:32
all efforts to nip them in the bud is a good thing IMO.

come on man ur grown up, u cant be so naive!!

do u really think udc makes a political campaign without a prevision of all the reactions (friendly and antagonist)???

we are in the era of the information now more than ever: knowledge is power, if we want to make a change we need information: clean pure thruth about all the lies of our enemy

bla bla bla and bla bla bla, indeed i can talk and by now this late facts in bern had more success than my brainiac speech

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Posts :  433
Posted : Oct 22, 2007 18:46
i have a biz in berne and i live in berne - i was there when the storm was on 1987 and we took the reithalle back - but after the results of the election you can see what the riots did of the 6th oct. how cool it is to fight a system back with the same means of communication, which means violence...and violence can never ever be the answer. so which knowledge is really positive and good...tell me?
by the way ..i really don't like people which write bla, bla and so on . ..this means that they themselfes have nothing to say.

hey want to talk or a debate...i'm there at the mahamaya ready to talk if you really have to say something
          - we bring you the taste of india -
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  290
Posted : Oct 22, 2007 20:16
...???...i konw i can't express my self clearly often, but u'll translate your post i hope....

oh yes i forgot: bla bla bla bla and.....bla, actually that was somekind of autoirony, but as i said before, once again i'm proved i can't express myself 100% clearly...

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Posts :  2395
Posted : Oct 22, 2007 21:50
i think what babag wanted to say was the following:

after those riots a lot of people (elderly ones most probably) got even more scared of violence raising in this country. and the only party who promises black on white to do something against it is svp/udc, so the anxious people vote for it . those crying old people amidst the rioters, the ladies who were sitting in that huge milkjug-thing when it was knocked over...watching this made me really sad, no matter what party they belong to.

what pissed me off even more where other so called pacifistic hard-left organisations, who said to distance themselves from such events, but they did that so half-heartedly, with a smirk on the face. in the same way that our hard-right parties distance themselves from neonazis.

hollow minded extremists, no matter wether left or right, do never succeed. such idiotic badly thought-out behaviour is always contraproductive.

i know my political line very well, and seeing people who claim to agree with my view on political issues being so unbelievably violent makes me real sick.

anger venturing mode over
          Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  290
Posted : Oct 22, 2007 22:53
then we all mean same thing !!! opposite effect of desired, with such stupid behaviour

prob is that probably none of the people involved with theese violences has a real connection to the left scene: just dummies gathered by some idiot, and who the hell knows this idiot or the mind behind the idiot???

@ genua g8 many fotographers catched people that throwed stones, later talking with kops, right in the middle of the fight !!! Just like they were kops too or in some way someone that wanted to help kops justify their attack (so well planned before that weekend)

Started Topics :  108
Posts :  2395
Posted : Oct 23, 2007 18:38
yeah...on such events there are also a lot of people from outside the country. kinda like when some of us go to germany for a party, some of them come here for rampage...           Anakoluth A Pebble in Your Eardrum's Shoe since 2001!
Yab Yum

Started Topics :  50
Posts :  641
Posted : Nov 2, 2007 12:16
It was a good attempt Nygma... but i think this section is destined to remain boring.... decent posts are erased, we cannot speak freely about what we desire... very decent attempts to raise money for a young girl's operation are not welcome here (even though many SWISS artists are involved), its bollocks...
sod it, i m going elsewhere....

over and out

          Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.
Terry Pratchett
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Nov 2, 2007 12:37

Fight for freedom


Started Topics :  57
Posts :  233
Posted : Nov 2, 2007 18:33
that's it ;o)

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