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Axel Bartsch - Kiss (double lp)

IsraTrance Analyst Member

Started Topics :  558
Posts :  2135
Posted : Jun 11, 2008 19:18:53
A1 Am Mauerpark
B1 You Won T Fall
B2 Coppa
C1 Pannebar
D1 Karneval
D2 Freedom


After a few 12 releases on kompakt, sportclub and spielzeug it was time for axel bartsch to produce his first soloalbum. axel bartsch was searching for a suitable record label wich put him in the position to produce his album even-handed and without any ulterior motives of a top selling 12 record. for axel bartsch it solely was essential to have the best possible artistic conditions for his album production and karmarouge gave him the oppurtunity to do it his way. as many brilliant ideas he took the final decision to name his album on the loo while reading an interview about michael mayers last album release. axel bartschs idea for the album titel comes out of his passion about music, because music is like kissing, highly emotional and sensual, the feeling of approaching lipsckissclike kissed by music.a1. am mauerparkccame out of the illusion of a jamming session in a park in the summertime in wich one musician with a bongo groove starts and other musicians join this session. this can be seen in the summertimes in the mauerpark in berlin. b1. you wonft fall eyou wonft fallf was born out of the wish to produce a track with vocal samples. for axel bartsch it was a challange and it took him quite some time until he found the right vocalist. by chance he found on myspace the female artist hayes from hong kong who has the talent to create a certain sound with her voice. fascinated by this kind of performance axel bartsch spontaneously started to experiment with these sounds. beside the album dub version axel produced a classic vocal version wich will be released on the french imprint infine. b2. coppa ecoppaf is without any doubt a classical techno tune. itfs a timeless track wich will work always on the dancefloor. axel bartsch doesnft want to reinvent the wheel of techno and even so the track was supposed to go into the more minimal direction, but as he composed the hook sound it was clear for axel in wich direction the track had to go. c1. pannebar inspired 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Electronica - Axel Bartsch - Kiss (double lp)
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