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austin texas psytrance?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Jan 8, 2011 22:40:40
the wife and i are thinking of moving to austin texas for awhile.
how's the scene down there? rumor has it that the psytrancers are all movin to asheville.
we've got the gear and deco and whatnot, just curious if people would come out.
(note this is like a year away)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  370
Posted : Jan 10, 2011 19:17
Not much going on in Austin. As of right now us (atrium obscurum) and ufo abductions are the only promoters doing things and we are both from the Dallas Fort Worth area. Our outdoor gatherings are held at Armadillo Acres in East Texas.
I haven't heard of anyone from Texas moving up to Asheville but who knows.. maybe?? If you would like to chat you can add me on the Atrium Obscurum facebook page or on skype under mzuhmm
I would personally love it if someone else in texas would start to throw some gatherings!           Jessica

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  478
Posted : Jan 15, 2011 20:39
done and done.
we're still trying to figure out if it's worth it to head down your way. apparently the vegan scene is killer and i've already got job offers for being a chef down there. so good news there!

anyhow, if we came down that way, we'd be throwing shows as quick as we could.
we'll keep you updated for sure.
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  11
Posts :  155
Posted : Jan 16, 2011 21:08
Youll love it down here! I moved here 14 months ago from Chicago. Will never go back to a northern winter. One of the better economies in the country right now.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  33
Posted : Jan 28, 2011 06:59
I can promise you there will be some killer psy action in Austin this summer. Got some big stuff in the works...

Hit me up when you know if you're coming - we always need more good people, and especially need good people with deco!

I'm not on Istratrance often, so here's my FaceBook:

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  63
Posted : Feb 5, 2011 19:42
pm sent
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  370
Posted : Feb 16, 2011 23:24
There is definitely people wanting to put some stuff to together down there. You guys should also hit up up Paul and Jimi. They were actually discussing it on facebook today. YAY!!!! I see some more parties coming back to Austin in the future. ) I hope so because I miss my drives down to atx to go to psytrance parties...           Jessica

Atrium Obscurum Add me on facebook at

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  262
Posted : Feb 19, 2011 12:03
I'm thinking of moving to austin myself, I really dug it when I worked SXSW last year, I'm wondering what the job market is like for sound/production work but I also do IT stuff so I'm sure I could figure something out. Seems like a fertile burner scene there that could use some proper dugga dugga in the mix (if it hasnt all gone to dubstep) haha. there is huge dubstep scene there from what my friends have told me. looks like they could use some multigenre events that focus on reintroducing the kids to how to properly stomp it out. = ]           .:.vaxination.:.
esoteric generation/beatnik productions
Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - austin texas psytrance?
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