IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Aug 31, 2010 00:31
Dear Noa i understand that you work or are affilliated with Aurora Festival, please correct me if i am wrong.
So from your position within the festival you are trying to promote and protect the festival which is ofcourse normal and easy to understand.
CMOS is obviously a paying customer of Aurora Festival who expressed his opinion on the festival and stated some very specific things.
He mentioned the absense or some artists,he mentioned the lack of proper soundsystems,the lack of organisation in the chill out stage and some other things. He was very specific on what he wanted to say.
When you answered to him you just spoke in general without mentioning anything about what he actually said. You didnt deny that the soundsystem was bad, you didnt deny the absense of some artists and you didnt deny or even tried to explain anything at all actually.
When someone accuses you of very specific things then you either try to defend yourself on those specific things or you better remain silent because speaking in general does harm to the festival and doesnt protect it.
I wasnt in the festival and i dont have a clue of what happened there but i am in the position of knowing why a lot of artists didnt appear on all three editions with the fault falling 99% on the organiser who is impossible to reach most of the times.
For example this year i heard that some artists like Burn In Noise and Xibalba didnt appear, someone has to come up and explain why these artists didnt appear and if the fault was theirs or the organisers one. Judging by the fact that Logic Bomb received their flight tickets just hours before flying to Greece i guess that the organiser did something wrong with the rest artists cases.
YES Teo is trying for something good BUT in my humble opinion he is handling a lot of things the wrong way mostly because he hasnt got the experience and knowledge of running a festival. I mean when he organised the first Aurora Festival all the experience he had was from 1-2 small events in Thesaloniki if i am not mistaken, well before running you must first learn to walk if you know what i mean.
There are notorious mistakes in the promotion of Aurora Festival, the communication of the festival with the people and artists and even the set up of the line up but someone has to sit down and explain these things to Teo which is difficult to achieve since he is a closed character and not easy to reach and communicate with. I only spoke with Teo once before the first edition of the festival, during our conversation i explained to him that he is loosing more than 25-30 thousand euros just from one simple mistake he is doing. Although i explained to him what his mistake was he didnt bother fixing this mistake in the next two editions. Go figure out heh.
So to sum it up.
A) Good will and intentions are not enough, proper knowledge and experience are required to set up a successful festival, not to mention proper financing ofcourse.
B) When "customers" complain pay attention to them and try to be specific in your explanations and not just speak in general.
Thats all from my side.
  Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!! |