AUG 19 ... NYC //6362MetaForce presents// THE BROOKLYN SUMMER STOMP!! with SOFIAX & DAKSINAMURTI
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Posted : Aug 20, 2006 22:06
THANK U Metaforce! THANK U DJs!
Amazing night! "Brain cells frying" sound!
peace and love, ohm |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Aug 21, 2006 02:12
Thanxxxx 2 everyone for a kiLLeR nite and beautiful birthday party!!
Although we promised you a GOA banger, we didn't mean to put you all in a monsoonal indian steambath in the back room... !! big thank you to the whole family for ignoring the heat and sweating it out under Sofia's gorgeous tunes ... All hiccups to be sorted out in the coming weeks as we build up to our next adventure...
And much LOVE to all of the fantastic beautiful full power women in both rooms... we all haven't seen so many gorgeous creatures stomping the SH*T out of the floor since INDIA.... !!
Most of all - the ARtiStS!!!
BiG respect to SofiaX who held our hands through the birth of 6362MetaForce and delivered an insane ride for 3 mind-bending hours... Giant kiss to Yidam for the most beautiful ambient ethnic grooves to be heard on this Coast ... Uriel and Earworm: nothing to say - IMPeCCAbLe TRuE full-ON.... and the visual artists.... WoWWWW chay and uta .. always tripping us with the colours and complexity...
Finally, never to forget all the family members who helped put the party together: Rusibaba, Michael, Ron, the Georgian mafia, the Russian & Ukrainian cousins.... and so many others - we wouldn't be a family without u and the love & effort you put into this party....
big BOOM to allllll..... and a happy end to the summer !!
6362MetaForce ::
SuKhush ( Altar Records ) ::
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*Karma Cola*
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 21, 2006 04:17
Great party!! Enjoyed myself tremendously.. from the soothing moving sounds of Varun and Rachel
who played some incredible music.. deer park, dark age, rainbow warriors !! and the lil gopi on the flute churning out the love. Great intro..
.. to the maniacal madness from Sofia (whose pretty cute too!). She just kept on relentlessly.. one banger after another.. I've rarely danced that hard all night
..and then finalizing the utter destruction of self, body and soul with Vishal who had some serious weapons at hand. The opening track had one of the meanest basslines i've heard in a while... and it didnt stop.."got bitches in the livin room gettin it on.. and they aint leavin till six in the morn"
Good atmosphere.. great location..great energy and the decor was too trippy especially the Ganpati bapa and the ceiling hang on...fcukn insane says it all.
6362MetaForce rocked!! HARD!!
  ~*** You can tell By the way i use my walk, Im a woman's man, No time to Talk***~ |
mono mono
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Posted : Aug 21, 2006 08:34
really nice decor!!!
I found myself drawn to the sauna stomp room, guess I was in the mood for some fist pumping slam dancing that night.
congratulations to the 6362MetaForce team on what felt like a successful event!
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Posted : Aug 21, 2006 16:14
Great Party!Great Energy! And Of course great crowd! Thanks Vish and Rachel for having me on the lineup, and best of luck in future projects.
  --- "Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not? Some people have to go to work and don't have time for all that" --- |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 21, 2006 21:52
My life changing dark sunrise weekend!
What a party ... the true essence of psychedelia. Chay and Uta, hands down the best psy-deco I have come across to date... you've inspired me!
SofiaX, the sweetest face and the darkest music. What a combination... bass and feet shook the floors. Psychedelic sounds took my mind down into black holes.
Vishwaatmaaa! A revelation. I stood in that room looking at endless rolling hills of fire. A full power sunrise ripping through the walls behind the DJ. Never felt such intensity in morning music. thank you for showing me light in the dark.
psychedelia/Detonatik... I hope you know what you do to people when you make that music! Full power to you brother... Keep them coming!
Rachel... energy beacon of the floor! The vibes flow, twist, turn, grow when you dance. Thank you for being you... Happy Birthday! Was the most memorable set I've ever played, and the flute just took it do a different level.
Joseph. No words to describe your beautiful energy. Being around you really made this weekend complete.
Uriel and Earworm, kept coming back for a breather of full-on. Wish I could have been in both rooms at the same time!
Mamu Kola! So glad you were here for this. Really felt like the good old days bro.
Dean... what a surprise. Wish we could have talked more. Got stories for you from Bangalore!
Karo... Had a feeling I'd meet you there! Love your energy on the floor... fueled my feet.
Anya, if you're the same one we met that afternoon. Another sweet surprise! Thank you for the smiles and energy. Couldnt find those papers!
Rusibaba, pleasure to meet you! Didnt get to tell you but those dance moves... killeerrr! Waiting to hear that 150 BPM
Micheal. Big Boom! Come out to the midwest sooon!
And all those familiar faces and smiles. I love NYC. The last time I danced that hard was in Goa, and this party took right back to Anjuna. Can't wait to come back and doof with you all again... will be counting the days till I do.
Love and Light!
Varun |
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Posted : Aug 21, 2006 22:20
that was great, as everyone mentioned the deco was out of this world, and the music had me stomping for most of the time, the only problem was the free sauna
thank you Metaforce, you really know how to make a killer party, good luck on all your future events and endeavors  We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. |
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 18:50
Wow!Thanks Varun for guiding me to this link . . . I've read each and every word,sent it coursing till I could picture everything through inifinite imagination . . . Sounds like you guys had a superb time Damn Varun- - need memory transfers... , Glad you had such a beautiful experience , I felt it through your words.... your chill out is a trip and with the flute...ahh! i would have melted and let the music re-mould me I've heard bout some of you lovely ppl too , Summer stomp indeed! Love and peace
  "We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started-
And know the place for the first time." |
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Posted : Aug 22, 2006 19:36
Any pictures?....for those of us who couldnt be at this beautifull event. |
Ruslan Yusupov
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Posted : Aug 24, 2006 18:02