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Attention labels, artists! Sad news...

Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 19:41

On 2010-03-28 19:19, jason21 wrote:
i do not now what happen-but i know that Haris works 16 hours every day and IT REC.

This does not allows him not to pays us.On the contrary, working so much should at the end make good earnings.But I do sympathize as a label manager I'm working 7/7 12hours/day.


On 2010-03-28 19:19, jason21 wrote: is the cheapest record shop in the Greece -maybe in the hole world(2-3 euro for 1 cd from -twisted-ultimae-tip-dragonfly-altar-and many mores)(not every day -but 2 days of the week he is doing super offers)

Of course he can be selling CDs for cheap!!!!
LOL! He does not pays us back, he threatens us as we have given him the Cds for free...So he could sell the items at any price, it's like he got all them for nothing, every 3-4$ he sells a CD it's 100% earned over us to fill up his eagerness to get attention.I'm blown away to learn that he accepted to buy a bunch of CDs of mine for 7eur- and he sells them for 3!?!?


On 2010-03-28 19:19, jason21 wrote:i dont now what happen from <<behind>> but i want to belieave that he is not a thief.maybe other own him money and they dont pay him yet..(do not forget that GREECE has a very big problem with the money-crisis- )

You may believe whatever you need to.Facts are here and his acts speaks louder than words.


On 2010-03-28 19:19, jason21 wrote:
(pfff fucking money-destroy the psy community)

Money does not destroys anything unless it is used for good purposes.Money is and ENERGY!
A distributor/shop like IT whose not paying us back means no money returning to ARTISTS.Period.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 28, 2010 21:17
Again there are always two sides to a story so before jumping to any conclusions I think Haris should be heard too. 
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 21:21
Of course, please transmit.
Welcome aboard Haris!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Mar 28, 2010 23:12
I always think it sad that whenever an accusation like this is posted, and the accused responds, it is always in a manner like "YOU ARE A LIAR AND I WILL KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP YOU FUCKER BLAH BLAH BLAH"

If someone accused me of stealing I would be upset but I would not be so aggressive angry.
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 23:53
Please stay focused on the main point: this thread has been made to warn.That's it.
No aggressive post should be tolerated.
Inactive User

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Posted : Mar 29, 2010 10:23
Sad if true, i consider Haris as a reliable person but cannot know what going on under the table, hope you find a way out of this without bitching and fighting

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  56
Posted : Mar 29, 2010 16:34
What a shity scene... 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 29, 2010 16:36
well,I agree.. 
IsraTrance Full Member
Started Topics :  75
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Posted : Mar 29, 2010 16:52
hello there this is haris freeze mag and IT records man ,
i think is not ok to start fighting in public about a consigement deal we made with Zen some months ago.
This means i pay what i sell and then i return back the stock/Mr.zen choose this way to spread all this accusasion against me and my actions...
so i am a fucking thief tryin all this years to support with personal cost this scene ....i send Mr zen an email two times and u did not reply.pls do and all will end soon...i am a real man in a real word......but nobody will tell me i do not pay what i agreed ...labels , artists , on events or something like that.
Mr zen u do not know me on person so is no good to start all this -- u have all my contacts and telephones and i really cannot understand that...
i am 20 years in the music thing and i will stay as long as i am alive , i am not following trends or bullshit ...
anyways....i know i am greek and thats not good these days...and please no one from my country that knows me write anything to suppot me i am tired of all these..
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 29, 2010 16:54
First of all there's not been any angry or offensive posts yet.

My objection to this post (and others) is that we many times only get to hear one side of the story. Not only is this not fair but there is also a potential risk that the one being blamed lose business. Now this is of course fair IF the blamed is guilty but seriously we only have one persons word.

Normally disputes are better handled in Courts and not in public where the one taking action badmouthing his "enemy" could end up facing accusations of public slander.

Therefore I dislike these posts simply because people are too keen to judge the one being blamed even though they have no whatsoever insight into the story other than the accusations being laid out by the "offended" part. 
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 29, 2010 17:03
I do not agree with "its a shitty scene" as everywhere in the world on any scene whatsoever there's some things to be cleared up.

Haris is not a thief either a f... Greek..We are here to clear up the situation, I repeat.

And it seems it worked well!..That was the main point.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Mar 29, 2010 17:03

On 2010-03-29 16:54, Beat Agency wrote:
My objection to this post (and others) is that we many times only get to hear one side of the story.

That's not the fault of the original poster though; the only person responsible for that is the other person in the story, who doesn't reply to threads like this to give their side.           Mastering - ::
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 29, 2010 17:25

On 2010-03-29 17:03, Colin OOOD wrote:

On 2010-03-29 16:54, Beat Agency wrote:
My objection to this post (and others) is that we many times only get to hear one side of the story.

That's not the fault of the original poster though; the only person responsible for that is the other person in the story, who doesn't reply to threads like this to give their side.

I am sure there are accused people not wanting to be dragged into a mud sling competition because they see it as a potential risk to their credibility and business.

I still believe such matters should be debated in private or between Lawyers and not between a community of people with no insight into the story. The outcome is usually two camps going at each other with each of their supporters claiming they hold the truth.

If such matters are to be debated in public the Forum should set up a set of very strict rules ensuring no one is falsely being accused or dragged through the mud by a hungry mob.

And lets make an example.

There is a world crisis financially. Let's imagine a realistic scenario. A distributor or label does not get paid from their partners and can therefore not pay an artists. In the "real" business world this happens each day and is settled mostly in private or via Lawyers as everyone know this is what happens. It's nothing personal. It's Business.

But in this scene it's taken personally and often dragged into forums debates with heated debates and accusations pointing toward persons instead of the cause (I am not saying this is the case in this debate).

Would it not be better to keep this out of the forums where things get's way too personal and risk harming more than it really should? 

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Mar 29, 2010 17:47
This topic is about to get ugly. /grabs popcorn           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 29, 2010 17:59

On 2010-03-29 17:47, Pavel wrote:
This topic is about to get ugly. /grabs popcorn

Nope, sorry for turning you down
Actually Haris will pay what he sold before the 8th of April he said.The other Cds will be sent back.

The purpose of this topic was to warn other labels and artists to be careful so they can have a safe business with IT / Freeze.
It was not intended to blame intentionally for no reason.

It was also intended to bring up the attention from Haris on a more serious level as private messages wasn't working.

10 days to go~!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Attention labels, artists! Sad news...
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