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Attention labels, artists! Sad news...

Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 16:45:45
Attention labels, artists! Sad news... and on the behalf of many other renewed labels: Freeze Magazine / IT Records Shop in Athens, Greece do not pay their dues.
Please boycott, pass the word and put them in your blacklist.

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  410
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 17:27
Hey brother,

Care to explain what exactly happened? Maybe it would help us all understand and make a stance accordingly...

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Labels Associated with: Samana Records | Geomagnetic | Triptec | Independent Mind | SkyGravity | | Psytr
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 17:48
It's sad because at first glance all is fine and smooth...
You may agree with Haris to book an artist, to give music for a compilation or you may send your label's CDs for his IT Recs. shop.
Then months after, the same lies from him saying "I'll pay next month" or "I'll pay you right after our party"...etc...etc...never ending story that happened to me and to other respected labels.

IF someone would have posted a post like this in the past, I'd kiss him and send him all my 6 Altar CDs for FREE to thank him!

Now I lost 60 CDs while a guy out there sells them for his own profit.The money is not recycled in the scene and that's f^$# bad.

The problem is that the craziness continues, he makes publicity over Facebook to get music, artists, CDs (Haris just banned me from his "friends" list 'cuz I've posted a public advert to everyone out there!).

They owe so much money to many people.This MUST stop and the purpose of this thread is to advise labels and artists to be careful!

I also hope that this public story will end in peaceful way so Haris will finally borrow money somewhere to pay us !

Saying something loud is always handy
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 27, 2010 17:55

On 2010-03-27 17:48, Altar Records wrote:

Saying something loud is always handy

As long as it's not a public execution with a one way communication

There's always two sides to a story. 
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 18:07
Not in this one, sorry to say.
I have nothing to complain until now..But my patience has limits..I was warned by another label too late in january about that.So I tried to make my best and stay gentle until yesterday nite.This morning I got another email from Haris with a stupid excuse that he could not pay me until next month and he banned me from his friend's list at Facebook.If he was a gentleman he'd invite me to delete my post and tried to - at least- show a bit of empathy.But his behaviors just shows dishonesty.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 19:18

On 2010-03-27 18:07, Altar Records wrote:
Not in this one, sorry to say.
I have nothing to complain until now..But my patience has limits..I was warned by another label too late in january about that.So I tried to make my best and stay gentle until yesterday nite.This morning I got another email from Haris with a stupid excuse that he could not pay me until next month and he banned me from his friend's list at Facebook.If he was a gentleman he'd invite me to delete my post and tried to - at least- show a bit of empathy.But his behaviors just shows dishonesty.

All very well but I still read such stories keeping in mind it's only your version. Sorry for not joining the bandwagon of the wolves soon to appear in this topic with a request to lynch the "criminals". 
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 19:25
in small scenes such shit happens more than often.It is imortant to point out who is the virus and to warn.
Happend once in my life too.With a nice sum. 
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 19:27
Don't get me wrong Beat Agency, I'm just sharing this important info here.I do not want to name the other labels injured I'm not the spokesman neither I want to lynch any one.IT Recs. are not criminals, lol !! they're unfair and one's must be aware about that.That's it.
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 27, 2010 19:30

On 2010-03-27 19:25, TimeTraveller wrote:
It is imortant to point out who is the virus and to warn.

You got the point TimeTraveller
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  512
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 14:10
sad news... i thought someone died...
look dude if your in this scene and dont make sure to get money in advance your stupid.

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  2219
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 15:12

On 2010-03-28 14:10, Bom*shankar wrote:
sad news... i thought someone died...
look dude if your in this scene and dont make sure to get money in advance your stupid.

That doesn't happen with labels at all. There no distributor or record store in the world that will pay you in advance to sell your cd.           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 16:57

On 2010-03-28 14:10, Bom*shankar wrote:
look dude if your in this scene and dont make sure to get money in advance your stupid.

I can't believe how this scene turned to be filled with so many aggressive people!

Did I say "you're stupid" because you have no knowledge whatsoever on how labels and distributors are working?
Read mubali post and learn who is looking stupid now.

Started Topics :  71
Posts :  2219
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 17:54
I do however admit that the language used in the title of this thread is a bit misleading.... In the future you might want to rethink the wording you use in the title of your post.           An Eagle may soar, but Weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
Altar Records
Altar Records

Started Topics :  78
Posts :  185
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 17:59
Right, I'll take it..unfortunately Isra does not allow to edit posts after a few minutes tho
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  10
Posts :  53
Posted : Mar 28, 2010 19:19
i do not now what happen-but i know that Haris works 16 hours every day and IT REC. is the cheapest record shop in the Greece -maybe in the hole world(2-3 euro for 1 cd from -twisted-ultimae-tip-dragonfly-altar-and many mores)(not every day -but 2 days of the week he is doing super offers) .i dont now what happen from <<behind>> but i want to belieave that he is not a thief.maybe other own him money and they dont pay him yet..(do not forget that GREECE has a very big problem with the money-crisis- )

respect guys -respect.

(pfff fucking money-destroy the psy community)

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