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Atheism and meditation

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Posted : Sep 5, 2011 04:45
^ What you think of me is irrelevant and my perspective was not given or revealed in any respect to the subject in matter. But your reaction does seem associated with a typical B&W pattern of thought.

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Posted : Sep 5, 2011 07:29
yo, all I was tryin to say, is you can't doubt a ton of people and call what they say "bullshit" simply because you don't understand where they're coming from..
what if someone is raised as an atheist, and finds god on their own..? surely there is a period of uncertainty that such a thing could exist.. then gradually it starts to seem more likely, then probable, then certain.
agnosticism seems to be a fairly reasonable middle step for anyone who is interested but skeptical.
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Posted : Sep 5, 2011 16:13

On 2011-09-05 07:29, hearttricks wrote:
yo, all I was tryin to say, is you can't doubt a ton of people and call what they say "bullshit" simply because you don't understand where they're coming from..

I cant't? why not? How do you know how much i understand. Why do I need to understand? Iam free to think that everything is bullshit as much as a muslim thinks he gets virgins when he dies as a martyr. A ton pf people? the whole world is wrong to me simply because no one has come back from the other side to confrirm any thing.So as far as Im concerned everyone could be wrong its all speculation and all I need is simply faith. No black and white in here my friend , ....and besides it is my understanding that no one knows for sure what the original agnostics did , believed or practiced because most if not all of the first scriptures and historical data was destroyed and lost, as they themselves were persecuted ..But lets not kill the thread, i think we goin offtopic here ...

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Posted : Sep 5, 2011 22:18
lol. okay. whatever. you just contradicted yourself entirely and talked in circles.

i just think what you said is silly. I was raised an atheist and scientist. i'd currently call myself agnostic... I have very strong feelings that I call "god," but I know I can never truly "see" it, because I am skeptical of my own senses and intuitions. what I am sure of as "god," could be simply illusion or a fabrication of mind. but it doesn't really matter if "god" is true, because I live my life as if love were all that ever mattered. I don't give a damn what any ancient 'original agnostics' thought, those are MY thoughts on the matter.
and no, I don't really care either if you think it's bullshit, you are free to believe as you will by all means, but I would like to share with you this perspective. and I completely agree when you say nobody knows for sure. no one ever will.

but to me, by saying that "YOU ARE EITHER WITH GOD OR NOT, NO TWO WAYS ABOUT IT!" you are being very black and white about this. there IS an in between state.

and to be on topic, meditation has helped me achieve my current view on the world. to be relaxed and to view all from a calm place is of the utmost importance when trying to see the truth of the world.
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Posted : Sep 5, 2011 23:15
its all perspective,depends on how you look at it. These topics normally go around in circles precisely because of this. So after further reflection, and for the reasoning of "perspective" I would have to agree with you that some of my statements did in fact contradict myself. But at the same time so would you.
We could go on creatively for a while with this but please explain to me more your perspective on an" in between state" relationship with your vision of God.
And I tried meditating first time when I was 12 and thought of or was placed in a mind frame that scared the shit out of me I never did it again..I cant explain it
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2011 16:33

On 2011-09-05 16:13, mica wrote:
....and besides it is my understanding that no one knows for sure what the original agnostics did , believed or practiced because most if not all of the first scriptures and historical data was destroyed and lost, as they themselves were persecuted

I suspect you are talking about Gnostics here, like Manichaeans and Cathars.

While I agree with the rest of your post in principle (yes, you are free to believe whatever you want), I would probably try to phrase it in less inflamatory ways. But that's just me. Not everybody has long fuzzy fur.

Anyway, there is no such thing as a 100% knowledge. There is partial knowledge and there is faith. I believe in God and I recognize that this is just my personal belief - pretty much arbitrary and baseless. Somebody else may believe that there is no God. And maybe this person even realizes that his belief is also arbitrary and baseless. All this is not important, as long as none of us starts claiming that they are in possession of the Absolute Truth and forcing that "truth" down everybody else's throat. Especially, since none of it affects our ability to meditate.
Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 6, 2011 18:36
Gnostics? really
Did not catch that one, I might have them mixed up, I stand corrected Thx maine coon
As for the the inflammatory expression that you mention I can only say that sometimes I talk on this forum as if I was talking with my fellow partying trancer buddy's and not at a meeting with lawyers and doctors , so excuse my confidence if I sound a bit rough around the edges,
I always enjoy reading your input on things, Thx

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Posted : Sep 8, 2011 09:59

sorry kept the lines for myself .... mods if u can delete this one or ignore            To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)
Fat Data

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Posted : Feb 21, 2013 21:15

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Posted : Mar 30, 2013 11:48
welcome            To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  11
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Posted : Oct 12, 2013 05:58

On 2011-09-06 16:33, Maine Coon wrote:
they are in possession of the Absolute Truth and forcing that "truth" down everybody else's throat.

Haven't trolled here in awhile. Funny to see this thread still going.
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