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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 23:18

On 2010-02-28 13:50, DETOX wrote:

Internet forums (especially psychedelic ones) are not a good factor to judge either artists or labels or promoters.

Astrix and Infected Mushroom and Skazi are being bashed by everyone in the forums yes BUT in the music scene out there they are the most wanted artists that attract the biggest crowds so there are people that like these artists music and we must all respect that.

And speaking about forums in this forum in the Greek section my parties were being bashed for many many years (especially when i was a moderator in the Greek section) by various people claiming that i was the worst promoter in the country but somehow every weekend my events attracted 1000-1500 people (by far the biggest events in the country) including the very same people who were actually saying bad things about my events on the internet.

What i am trying to prove is that sometimes people in the internet find it very easy to bash other people because internet provides them the anonimity to do so and because they feel important by doing so and even find it funny to do so.Not to mention that some people are being jealous of other people and instead of trying to become better than them they decide to insult them in public so that they can degrade them.

I stopped paying attention to internet forum long time ago,i suggest you do the same.

None of this makes any sense, and is full of logical fallacies. Of course internet forums are not a good way to judge those things...however you can learn about them and discuss them...

Any of the various atrocious mainstream artists pack in exponentially more people on a consistent basis than even the biggest of psy trance headliners, does that mean that their music is good? We *must* respect when large crowds are drawn? Fuck that.

I've been to psy parties where there are 50 people and had it be considerably better than when there were 2000 people - quantity is not quality.

Your thing that you are trying to 'prove' is something that everyone who frequents forums has known for a long time. Yes, the internet is full of people bashing others needlessly, but that does not mean that everything that is said on it is bullshit - its possible that the reason people are disagreeing with you is they in fact have a different perspective or opinion, and not that they are raving douchebags just trying to troll for their own amusement.

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 00:40

On 2010-02-28 20:53, goa-ganges wrote:

Well Detox, now you are showing what bad musical taste you have.

Where exactly did i mentioned my musical taste? How did you understand that i like Skazi and/or Infected Mushroom? Just for your information my favorite psy trance artist is Prometheus who i consider as the most underated artist out there and same goes for other favorite artists of mine such as Human Blue for example. Sorry to dissapoint you but i am not an israeli full on fan.


On 2010-02-28 20:53, goa-ganges wrote:

Since when big crowds are synonim with quality? Which is exactly what we are talking about. It's an unanimity that these big crowds are attracted exactly by bad music.

Crowd numbers are not a synonim with quality and i never said such a thing, what i said is that Infected, Skazi and Astrix gather a lot of people to listen to them and no matter if we like this or not we just have to respect that.


On 2010-02-28 20:53, goa-ganges wrote:

Now I see you have been in the scene no longer than, say, from 2002. That's why you are misconcepted. Y
And I thought your opinions were solid - now I see I was mistaken.

Dont know how the heck you did reach the conclusion that i have been in the scene since 2002, just to tell you how wrong you are i will just mention to you that i am part of this forum since 1999-2000. And i am talking just about the forum and not my participation in the scene.

A) Get your facts straight when you speak about me please.

B) Please spend some time reading what i write before commenting on my words because your last 2 posts contain comments on things that i never said or implied.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 00:51
Sorry Detox, but you have walked into your own words. Taking a look at your posts as a whole, what you have said is exactly what others and I have understood: you have bad musical taste indeed. Too late to say you like Prometheus.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 00:53
Oh, and musical taste matters, indeed: it influenced parties you organized.
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 01:01
I have to agree here. Big crowds has nothing to do with good or bad quality!

Quality is subjective to ones own definition - not the majority who by the way seldom conduct a quality test before entering a 5000+ peoples rave! Those big raves are all about drugs, the latest rave clothes, getting laid and get on the next head shot on some online community's photo review. 

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 01:48

On 2010-03-01 00:53, goa-ganges wrote:
Oh, and musical taste matters, indeed: it influenced parties you organized.

Someone has to tell you not to confuse business with taste.

Even then though in my events during the last 8-9 years i have invited everyone from the psy trance scene from Prometheus and Tristan to Goa Gil and Kindzadza to Infected Mushroom and Astrix to Ace Ventura and Atmos and so on.

I have even organised techno events and i absolutely hate techno music which i find very boring.

When you have nothing to say to support your thesis its considered as childish to personally attack the person you discuss with,especially when you attack him with "facts" and "beliefs" that are false and innacurate.

Better luck next time mate.

P.S Even Texas Faggot have played for me LOL          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 02:33
It's a personal attack Detox, because that's exactly what you are trying to do this whole topic: to convince people that Astrix, the subject of this topic, is a great producer - acoordinng to YOUR personal opinion. Got it? And this discussion is important because it can shed some light on why psy parties went from heaven to hell. You are a good example here, on Isratrance, of a organizer who defends quality, AND at the same time that appraises the sort of culture that Astrix brought to trance and finally reflected this ambiguous parameter on your parties. In short, you are like any other organizer - who some point down the road thought that a big crowd was synonim with a great party, what as stated before is quite the contrary.
You are an image of what psytrance is today. That's why you feel offended: it became clear that what you say is not what you do.

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 02:54

On 2010-02-25 02:27, DETOX wrote:

The man was a true artist because he created something NEW and ORIGINAL which was also GOOD.

The fact that thousands of kids tried to copy him and sound like him with no success isnt something that one can blame him for.

The only thing that i blame Avi for is that he left his very first style and never touched it again and decided to move to more full on and lately even more commercial directions, for me Avi can do wonders in various diverse styles (from psychedelic trance to progressive trance and from ambient to downtempo) and he owes it both to himself and to the good music fans out there to try and experiment a little and create a unique album featuring all styles and tempos.

If you can read and understand what i said its fine about me,if not sorry but i am not here to teach you how to read and understand English mate.

And i am not trying to convince anyone about anything here,i am just stating my opinion like everyone else does.

By the way quality is something tottally personal for each one of us, for some people Parahalu is quality for me its not, for me Jaia is quality for some others its not.

And the only things that offend me in your words is when you say things that are not true about me (since 2002 in the scene? huh?) and when you put words in my mouth that i never said. It actually irritates me because i have to come here and correct you like i am a teacher or something.
          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  66
Posts :  594
Posted : Mar 1, 2010 03:26
The man was a true artist because he created something NEW and ORIGINAL which was also GOOD.

Well, I think I had better stopping here...

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 04:21

when i first visited this forum i thought your opinions were interesting, as you knew some of those artists and could show another side of things.

then i realized that you are always walking in circles, always talking about the same artists. if you search for old and new posts, 80% of your posts are always about: dado, dino, avi, etc. and...prometheus!
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 09:38
what a massive offtopic snakepit.

who cares who detox has in hes ipod.
i was just asking if astrix ever gonna release hes 3rd album.
          For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 1, 2010 18:12
I hope it's on its way!

I like Astrix's early music(like First, Moments, Noise Freak anc Crystal Sequences) and I don't like so much the last album.

But, at least for me, the samples for the new album sounds cool. It's still israeli, but sounded more hypnotic, like old music. I just can't get the Adventure Mode middle melody! lol           LOADING...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2010 01:29

On 2010-02-27 23:02, willsanquil wrote:

Part of the story is what exactly you mentioned, the development and evolution of sound and technology, people used to produce music in the 90's mostly using hardware and having at least basic music knowledge, education and backround not to mention TRUE LOVE for the music. In our days 95% of the psy trance artists have no music education at all and they just make music using software with their primary goals being becoming rich and famous and get as many bookings as possible, from personal experience i can also tell you that most of the new age artists dont have a clue who Kraftwerk, Future Sound Of London, KLF and Brian Eno are.

This is such an elitist, jaded point of view. Who are you to deny other people access to making music they obviously like. I don't have a musical background, yet I love psy trance and want to know how to make it. 10 years ago that would have cost me a shit ton of money that I don't have

a shit ton of money or a shit ton of talent? i guess none won loto to built their studio ...imo he is spot on
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 2, 2010 03:46
yeah, definitely he's spot on - music technology should be more restricted and expensive so that less people have access to it - cuz fuck poor people...they obviously don't deserve it.

More people making music is good for everyone.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  162
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Posted : Mar 2, 2010 03:51
yes it bring many new talents but it don t bring only good things , 15 years ago to release a track you had to be very talented or rich or to know a friend with a studio it s a bit that..lot are true passionate of sound engeinering ,gears ,muscians...with years of experience
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