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Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 14:58

On 2010-02-27 01:05, DETOX wrote:

Who and what destroyed the psy trance scene is a big story but this is not the place or time for this discussion to take place.

I would be REALLY interested to hear your "story/perspective" on that topic, I think it would be insightful, and probably more intelligent than most posts on the issue. Perhaps oneday another thread...

As for Astrix, I am kind of glad I missed the Israeli-phenomena in the UK. Partly as you may not be aware of it, but amongst the heads, there is a bit of an issue politically with the "apatheid" situation going on in your country. To a lot of us it is a psychedelic paradox, I mean as people you are great, but the way you treat each other.... So there is a bit of a "boycott" on Israeli music getting played in the north of the UK, or was for many years, that has since mostly gone by the wayside over the last few.
It has only in been in recent years, that I have seperated my staunch political views, and people as individuals, as I have only met "lovely" Israelians, that I have begun to listen to Israeli produced music, without a sense of "guilt"/uncomfortable. But for me it is still a paradox, that in the midst of all the chaos, so much beauty and love can live alongside so much anger, and hate. At least that it is how it appears as an "outside observer", and I daren't judge anyone of you as individuals, as no-one could be condemned for "circumstance" or happen-stance of birth.

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IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 15:25

Who and what destroyed the psy trance scene is a big story but this is not the place or time for this discussion to take place.

I dont think it's such a big story, its all about the development of sound & technology.
As you will not hear songs today with sound of the 80' so u will not hear trax with sound of the late 90' and begining of 2000           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"

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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 17:35
TranceVisuals just to let you know i am from Greece and not from Israel or any other country

Sputer how the psy trance scene got ruined is not a very big story but its a story that few people know,mostly people who follow this scene for more than a decade and know names, people and places and how things evolved and why. Part of the story is what exactly you mentioned, the development and evolution of sound and technology, people used to produce music in the 90's mostly using hardware and having at least basic music knowledge, education and backround not to mention TRUE LOVE for the music. In our days 95% of the psy trance artists have no music education at all and they just make music using software with their primary goals being becoming rich and famous and get as many bookings as possible, from personal experience i can also tell you that most of the new age artists dont have a clue who Kraftwerk, Future Sound Of London, KLF and Brian Eno are.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Feb 27, 2010 17:41

On 2010-02-27 17:35, DETOX wrote:
TranceVisuals just to let you know i am from Greece and not from Israel or any other country

Sorry I didn't mean to imply that you were, as I thought you were Greek.

They were two very seperate thoughts, in one post, and I hope nobody confuses them, it wasn't my intention. 

2,000,000+ views and counting.

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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 19:04
No problem at all           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 19:25

On 2010-02-27 17:35, DETOX wrote:
TranceVisuals just to let you know i am from Greece and not from Israel or any other country

Sputer how the psy trance scene got ruined is not a very big story but its a story that few people know,mostly people who follow this scene for more than a decade and know names, people and places and how things evolved and why. Part of the story is what exactly you mentioned, the development and evolution of sound and technology, people used to produce music in the 90's mostly using hardware and having at least basic music knowledge, education and backround not to mention TRUE LOVE for the music. In our days 95% of the psy trance artists have no music education at all and they just make music using software with their primary goals being becoming rich and famous and get as many bookings as possible, from personal experience i can also tell you that most of the new age artists dont have a clue who Kraftwerk, Future Sound Of London, KLF and Brian Eno are.

thats true, but trust me those new age artists are ppl who love music, breathe music and they all started as psytrance lovers and slowly they found they have the tools for make any music they want. some of them,even the most commercial, are very talented ! and if they find it challenging making music for MTV, believe me they do it from love and respect for music.

but I blame the labels managers for releasing these 'not psytrance music anymore' as psytrance rls for the psytrance scene.

u know what, even the best names around like Vibrasphere Ticon and more , not related to psytrance anymore, and i really love thier music, but nothing psychedelic in it.

and ya even this ridiculous "dark" style not psychedelic at all. just bunch of cheap and weird FX with not high quality kik bas sounds.

As the sound become more clean and bright, the psychedelic effect wil dissapear.

thats how I see it anyway..
but its ok.. I'm not stuck in the past and learned to love other styles so..           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 19:54
As for Astrix, I think his peak was in 2004.. Artcore was his 2nd album after the interesting Eye to eye , and it was great 2nd album and I was fan of his music in this time..

but during the years as u know, this style become very boring and also his specific new tracks were bad themselves... I had the chance to see him playing last month and its realy was bad.

I know he is very talneted and I hope he will show up with something different           ..."Be yourself, let your conscience guide you...
Follow your heart, not the people around you"
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 23:02

Part of the story is what exactly you mentioned, the development and evolution of sound and technology, people used to produce music in the 90's mostly using hardware and having at least basic music knowledge, education and backround not to mention TRUE LOVE for the music. In our days 95% of the psy trance artists have no music education at all and they just make music using software with their primary goals being becoming rich and famous and get as many bookings as possible, from personal experience i can also tell you that most of the new age artists dont have a clue who Kraftwerk, Future Sound Of London, KLF and Brian Eno are.

This is such an elitist, jaded point of view. Who are you to deny other people access to making music they obviously like. I don't have a musical background, yet I love psy trance and want to know how to make it. 10 years ago that would have cost me a shit ton of money that I don't have, but now there are tons of community based resources for production and the cost of entry is the cost of a computer. This is bad?

Having it be exorbitantly expensive to make music doesn't make it better, it just restricts the amount of people that can potentially make music.

the 'story of how psy trance got ruined' is a complete fucking joke/emo bitchfest told by elitists or people who got tired of the scene and being more selective about their music, or for some reason are opposed to there being many,many different types of psy. Certainly there is exponentially more psy out there now then there was 10 years ago, and a large amount of it is horrible...but theres also REALLY REALLY good psy that would NEVER have been made if not for the leaps and bounds of technology.

If you are really getting into music to make money, why on earth would you pick psy trance as your medium? wouldnt you go for shitty mainstream genres ? that automatically filters out a good degree of assholes.

I've probably heard a couple FSOL tracks, never heard Kraftwerk/KLF/Brian Eno before, so what? I got into psy trance 6 years ago when someone dropped shpongle and hallucinogen on me and brought me to Gaian Mind festival - I completely 'missed out' on what some people parrot as the golden age of goa and shit, yet I don't feel like the scene is dying or getting corrupted, much more so the opposite.

Every year, if you have the passion to sift through whats out there, amazing psy gets released and is actually played if you are selective about your parties.

It's all relative to your personal experience. Your personal experience seems to have started 10-15 years ago and you think psy is dead, mine started 6 years ago and I think its a rapidly growing life-changing force.

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Feb 27, 2010 23:28
Dear Willsanquil thanks for being a living example of what i am exactly saying

Your way of expressing yourself on its own shows how bad this scene has evolved and where it is heading.

Thank you once again for proving all my points.
          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 01:16
It's never a bad idea to understand where things originate from in order to evolve. 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 03:27
I think you guys excusing Astrix are way too dramatic. It's quite simple: along with Infected Mushroom, Astrix is the one who introduced pop-sweet-kitsch-tacky melodies and basslines to trance.
If these guys were good, they wouldn't be bashed in almost every psy related forum, in any language.

You're trying to hide from the sun in a desert.

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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 13:50

On 2010-02-28 03:27, goa-ganges wrote:
If these guys were good, they wouldn't be bashed in almost every psy related forum, in any language.

Internet forums (especially psychedelic ones) are not a good factor to judge either artists or labels or promoters.

Astrix and Infected Mushroom and Skazi are being bashed by everyone in the forums yes BUT in the music scene out there they are the most wanted artists that attract the biggest crowds so there are people that like these artists music and we must all respect that.

And speaking about forums in this forum in the Greek section my parties were being bashed for many many years (especially when i was a moderator in the Greek section) by various people claiming that i was the worst promoter in the country but somehow every weekend my events attracted 1000-1500 people (by far the biggest events in the country) including the very same people who were actually saying bad things about my events on the internet.

What i am trying to prove is that sometimes people in the internet find it very easy to bash other people because internet provides them the anonimity to do so and because they feel important by doing so and even find it funny to do so.Not to mention that some people are being jealous of other people and instead of trying to become better than them they decide to insult them in public so that they can degrade them.

I stopped paying attention to internet forum long time ago,i suggest you do the same.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  5
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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 14:42

but now there are tons of community based resources for production and the cost of entry is the cost of a computer. This is bad?

Honestly, you can't even imagine how bad it really is. When you had to spend $5k min on a few synths, a hardware sampler, mixer it was a big deal just to be able to make a track at all.
Elitism is a poor choice of words. We naturally love to see people do things that are hard to do. Its why people watch something like the Olympics compared to watching who is the best tic tac toe player in the world. Anyone can learn in 5 minutes how to always tie in tic tac toe making it practically worthless as a game.
Astrix just came out at the right time when soon after you basically didn't have to spend any money at all to make psy and spawnd a 1000 clones. If it wouldn't have been his style, it would have been whatever other style was big at the time.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  66
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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 20:53
Astrix and Infected Mushroom and Skazi are being bashed by everyone in the forums yes BUT in the music scene out there they are the most wanted artists that attract the biggest crowds so there are people that like these artists music and we must all respect that.

Well Detox, now you are showing what bad musical taste you have. Since when big crowds are synonim with quality? Which is exactly what we are talking about. It's an unanimity that these big crowds are attracted exactly by bad music.
Now I see you have been in the scene no longer than, say, from 2002. That's why you are misconcepted. Y
And I thought your opinions were solid - now I see I was mistaken.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 28, 2010 20:54
Internet forums (especially psychedelic ones) are not a good factor to judge either artists or labels or promoters.

So, well, what are you doing here then? If your psy heros Astrix, IM, Skazi are so good, and millions of forum posters are wrong, then they didn't need you to defend them so fiercely.
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