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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 08:14
I think that's a horrible conclusion to draw. I've been to plenty of parties where there are adults in their 30's, 40's, 50's, and even older who don't care about the quality of the music, and just want to get fucked up.

Proportionately, a higher percentage of young people will go out partying though. So with the older crowd who actually go to parties, they are more likely to be long time partiers that have their "shit together." But they all had to start somewhere. Some people start earlier than others.

Even if the majority of youngsters at parties are just there to get messed up, there are still going to be a few who aren't. Who are we to punish an entire social group for the crimes of a few others?

But as I said, I appreciate 18+ parties myself; if only for legal aspects. But I'm all for bringing the younger people into our culture, and spreading the psytrance vibes; age, race, gender, sexual orientation... none of these things really matter; it's just music. There is nothing wrong with kids enjoying rock music, so why not psytrance?

What would you rather have the kids listening to Brittany Spears and going to her shows? Or would you rather have them experience some better music early on?

Some of the top artists, and I'm sure many posters on this forum started going to parties when they were 16 or younger.

And yeah, as you mentioned, younger people aren't always educated in social or law briquette. They end up paying for their stupidity if that's the case. 
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 09:38

On 2010-02-23 08:14, kahn wrote:
And yeah, as you mentioned, younger people aren't always educated in social or law briquette. They end up paying for their stupidity if that's the case.

Yeah and so does everyone else at the party when the cops roll up and shut it down.

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Posts :  212
Posted : Feb 23, 2010 20:59

On 2010-02-23 05:39, kahn wrote:
He's just bringing more people into the light that is "Psytrance" and I think you should all thank the man for that. Psytrance wouldn't have half the culture globally today without Astrix. The only guys in the mainstream scenes who play this music (Christopher Lawrence, John OO Fleming, etc.) discovered this music mostly because of Astrix.

If you look at Astrix's own production, and his taste in music though, he clearly has a love for the "psy" part of psytrance, probably moreso than the majority of full-on artists today.

And I pose another question... Why must the innovation of the style, in new directions be stifled as "cheese" and "crap" by this community? Yes, it sounds different than your psy and goa trance of old. But what do you want, more of the same sounding music? You should appreciate the fact that some artists believe that the only way to further a music style is to recombine elements of other styles, and move in new directions.

I also would like to say that the reaction to "young people" in the scene blows my mind. Of course people less than 18 at parties is a bit "odd" to the old heads, but it does happen. Personally I think the best parties are 18+, but I don't see too many younger fans at our psytrance parties anyway. If they really feel that they want to hear the music, why not let them? If the old heads are so determined to be bastards and chase away all the young blood from the scene, what will be left in 10 years? I will tell you, a DEAD SCENE! No music scene can survive without welcoming new and younger fans into the genre. I'm 22 years old, and I've experienced this attitude from people first hand. They think I'm somehow too close to being a "baby" to understand this great "psychedelic" music. I just think this is the same crap as when the 4th graders gang up on the 2nd graders... immature bullshit carried into adulthood. I would rather party with a room full of 16-25 year olds on drugs who enjoy the music, and are there to genuinely have fun with smiles on their faces, than a room full of older people who hate all the people, and all the music, except what they are already familiar with. :|

Variety is the spice of life my friends. You cannot enjoy your favorite things half as much without a counter balance to make your favorite things seem better. If all the music was your favorite psytrance, it would all be the same. But because people like Madonna, and 50-Cent, and pop music that we all probably don't listen to exists, the music we do love, the psytrance/edm just seems better. You can't have good without evil. And exactly what is 'good' and what is 'evil' is entirely up to individual interpretation.

Good post man... i totally agree with most of the things you have mentioned above. Stop hating on the guy just cause he's stopped making 'psychedelic' music. I love his album Artcore, and respect him for it.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 21:22
yea astrix has made some really killer tunes for sure.           For Contact & Bookings:
New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2010 21:22
"like Astral Projection are the fathers of goa trance."

I wish people would stop writing such nonsense! 
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 13:56
i supose he is to busy with his performances all over the world and he is waiting for the right time..althou his health problems like with his back are maybe some of the isues....
i think im a youngster i have 23y's but i caught the older generation of party people and when astrix showed up with his split tracks with artist like domestic,atomic pulse,alien project,infected mushroom and later on with his after effect eye to eye, changed my whole wiew of percepcion and knowledge about trance music and made me wanna try composing that guy gave me pure emotion of happiness and i followed him till 2004...the year when he dissapointed me, the same year i started making some tunes till this day, and tnx to astrix for his music in that time cauze he realy made me enlight myself without even trying to get fucked up in my mind with drugs...that sport spirituality od stratenes and "no drugs" is because of that time when astrix changed the direction of trance evolution by my opinion....i have brother advice to all artists who want to be taken seriously, "dont do drugs, cauze if u do you will be just one of the million fans in the public audience, think clearly if u want to get respect on bigger level, make pro music with your unique style and if u're good maybe u will enter in the high circle of the family
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 14:16

On 2010-02-23 21:22, Wizack Twizack wrote:
yea astrix has made some really killer tunes for sure.

the album eye to eye has a speccial place in my collection!

i partied hard while listening to the tunes of that album, even before i knew it was from astrix

ah, the sweet good old days of blissfull ignorance           ...

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 18:49
sequences sequences sequences sequences .........
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 19:05

On 2010-02-23 05:39, kahn wrote:

He's just bringing more people into the light that is "Psytrance" and I think you should all thank the man for that. Psytrance wouldn't have half the culture globally today without Astrix. The only guys in the mainstream scenes who play this music (Christopher Lawrence, John OO Fleming, etc.) discovered this music mostly because of Astrix.

I think you missed the middle of the '90s when Paul Oakenfold was making mix CDs for Dragonfly. The trance culture on a global scale, was absoltely massive! Teleport was being played on MTV and you'd generally have some late night MTV sessions of clips from MWNN, Transwave, Total Eclipse, Zodiac Youth (I think...), played back to back.
It was all getting the big push and for the right reasons, in my personal opinion, but that is a whole different story.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 19:30
my personal honest opinion is when Astrix came the psytrance began to get worse.Before it there was the golden goa era,after he appeared the cheese begun.Never liked a single note in his music.And I really tried,funny could not hear any album to the end.I mean some ten years ago or like this.
He is for sure a great producer but it never touched me,could not stand it never.The first time I thaught wtf is this ? Peace.

I would say without Transwave Astrix might never be where he is at.
But it is all about personal tastes,some like this some not,and it is all great as long we are true to ourself. 
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 19:38
The man just did the music he liked though and you can never blame anyone for that. Yes psytrance began getting worse for me as well at that point, especially when one considers the amazing tunes before him, but its not his fault. its a combination of new/young people getting into the scene, his own success and everyone and their dogs trying to sound like him...etc.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 19:47
Avi is fantastic musician producer

it would be really hard to blame him for the thousand copy cats he inspired over the years
as far as Full-on GMS ans a couple of others set the formula before him

only thing he did was to push to it higher spheres

i must say i really enjoyed his last tracks like Just in Time and Dharma

they demonstrate a different way to make more progressive music without jumping on the band wagon like everybody has been in the scene for the last 2 years

they sound also a lot more mature than his second album that i personally never enjoyed spe after the shock of the 1st album

as far as music production i'm sure any psy producer could learn from Avi whatever you like the style or not

on a more personal note i met him a couple of times over the years and he seemed like a really nice guy that was all about music



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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 19:53

On 2010-02-22 00:54, Shiranui wrote:
how the fuck is astral projection the father of goa trance?

That title belongs to JUNO REACTOR!!

Absolutely true !           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 24, 2010 21:25

On 2010-02-24 19:05, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2010-02-23 05:39, kahn wrote:

He's just bringing more people into the light that is "Psytrance" and I think you should all thank the man for that. Psytrance wouldn't have half the culture globally today without Astrix. The only guys in the mainstream scenes who play this music (Christopher Lawrence, John OO Fleming, etc.) discovered this music mostly because of Astrix.

I think you missed the middle of the '90s when Paul Oakenfold was making mix CDs for Dragonfly. The trance culture on a global scale, was absoltely massive! Teleport was being played on MTV and you'd generally have some late night MTV sessions of clips from MWNN, Transwave, Total Eclipse, Zodiac Youth (I think...), played back to back.
It was all getting the big push and for the right reasons, in my personal opinion, but that is a whole different story.

that's right!

I think the scene is already going down and down since 10 years now, the apogee was already reached.... the new styles are often just crap...

Actually there are so many styles that we won't see anymore something like in the years 90 till 2000-2002

The only scene in the last years who got quite big is minimal
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
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Posted : Feb 25, 2010 01:15

On 2010-02-23 05:39, kahn wrote:
As mentioned in this thread...

And I pose another question... Why must the innovation of the style, in new directions be stifled as "cheese" and "crap" by this community? Yes, it sounds different than your psy and goa trance of old. But what do you want, more of the same sounding music? You should appreciate the fact that some artists believe that the only way to further a music style is to recombine elements of other styles, and move in new directions.

If that was true this discussion wouldnt have arised

Guess why there is not a discussion about the same topic on Son kite , Simon Posford, Khainz, X-dream, Ace ventura or Extrawelt/Spirallianz?

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