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Astral Projection were the dope

Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 02:50
Astral Projection for me were/are the only group from the old days that I still find myself going back to regularly and there are so many tracks they put out that did & still do blow me away. They also had some darker tracks with very twisted sounds, I remember form old live shows but not so much on their cd releases.

Tracks of theirs that I like:

Another World

Let There Be Light

Power Gen


Liquid Sun

Aurora Borealis

Searching For UFOs


Dancing Galaxy

Burning Up (Instrumental - cheesey yes but I love
it as it takes the best of euro club trance but keeps
an outdoor goa vibe to it)

Aqua Line Spirt

Visions of Nasca

Tryptamine Dream

Most other acts from the same IMO had some good tracks, even a classic for me here and there, but nowhere as consistent as good acidic melodic trance as A.P

I have not listened or heard any of their tracks since about the Amen album as I am waiting for this new album to come, but from what friends who have seen them the last two years have told me is to expect finally some good full on style with real melodic work, not the cheesy full on we have come to despise over the years.

I can't wait for their new album AND hope they'll make it down under sometime in the near future.

I just saw a flyer outside my apartment here for a trance party with all the big commercial trance dj names AND Infected Mushroom, dunno if i'll go or not *sigh*           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 02:56
^Go! have a laugh, a beer, spliff, a crap. Enjoy the stink and praise the cosmic scent*

I'm seeing I.M. for the third time in a couple of weeks. Man, it is gonna be some insane crap (yet fun ..),
and I'll enjoy it as much as possible!!

Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 03:58
might do, dunno tho as I've already spent about $500 on gigs this year (non electronica all of them!).

See how my budget goes.           I hate you, you hate me, we are all so hap hap happy!

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 08:08
Burning up is as cheesy as it gets but it's a great track none the less.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 09:22

On 2010-09-06 18:12, rumble pack / motion drive wrote:
stupid discussion this tread became...

nobody said astral is having all the laurels, its just that more ppl love what they did/do then all those others mentiont goa-artists.
that doesnt mean astral is better...but they had more success...simple as that.

i dont give a shit what they do live...its the music what counts.

production wise they where miles ahead of everyone, especaly in the 90s nobody reached their production level, except maybe mfg or mwnn.
i just listend the whole day again their stuff and its just amazing how they multi-layered their melodies and how they managed to create for each album a new theme.

Astral is just the first choice to introduce someone to reall gaotrance...period

I dont have a problem with you but a problem with your very bold statement. As Disco Hooligans 100% correct mentioned in the early and mid 90's there were other names equal and also ahead of Astral production-wise. I too have ears and know my ABC production-wise

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 11:11

On 2010-09-06 22:52, disco hooligans wrote:

On 2010-09-06 18:12, rumble pack / motion drive wrote:

production wise they where miles ahead of everyone, especaly in the 90s nobody reached their production level, except maybe mfg or mwnn.
i just listend the whole day again their stuff and its just amazing how they multi-layered their melodies and how they managed to create for each album a new theme.

Astral is just the first choice to introduce someone to reall gaotrance...period

We'll agree to disagree on that one. Obviously the music is subjective, but MWNN, Youth's, Simon's, Total Eclipse's, Slinky Wizard's and Transwave's productions, pissed over AP's production, from a great hight.
They were writting proper acid music, when Astral were writting cheesy, hands in the air, chewed up and ready to digest melodies....melody after melody, no real twist in the synth work... but then again, all that is subjective.

/end of pointeless post on an israeli forum, tryign to explain why Astral were/are so overrated.

Peace out.

sorry but i had to step back into this discussion for DH's bigoted and moronic comment - DH i really respect your posts and opinions - but this comment about AP on an israeli forum?! have a look at the posters of this thread and check how many of them are israeli (hint - its the number of fingers a bomb disarmer has after a year on the job...)

oh ya and ill repeat - my penix is the biggest oke?
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Sep 7, 2010 12:53

On 2010-09-07 11:11, goaren wrote:
sorry but i had to step back into this discussion for DH's bigoted and moronic comment - DH i really respect your posts and opinions - but this comment about AP on an israeli forum?! have a look at the posters of this thread and check how many of them are israeli (hint - its the number of fingers a bomb disarmer has after a year on the job...)

oh ya and ill repeat - my penix is the biggest oke?

Pavel started the the thread, and I share his taste on many things, I appreciate his taste both in trance and techno music.
So he happens to love AP, that is fair enough, they are one of Israel's finest exports and you guys do take your music very seriously, which again is fair enough.

Other than that we are having a discussion, and it happens that some people do not share your taste/views on some things.
That is not bigoted, nor moronic.
Moronic is your intolerance of other people's views that do not fall straight with yours.
Moronic is looking at music as a "competition" like some sort of on line "trance idol", who is the best??

Israel's true holy grail was Cosma, he really was ahead of the game, especially when every second act was an Astrix clone back then...ihmo always.

Peace out.  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 13:23
u didnt get my point at all... my beef with your post was the point of view of how AP are praised because this is an israeli forum - which if you take a look at the number of israeli posters on this thread and what they wrote proves the point that the fact that AP are praised in this thread/forum has nothing to do with this forum being of israeli origin.

i dont know where you are coming from saying that im intolerant to other opinions as the only opinion i expressed here was of how i love their music and consider them ONE of the founding fathers of goa trance, not the "best" nor did i state in any way theres a competition here.

and yes, your 2 points about how moronic defines some of the posts here are precise - but take a look at who wrote what and judge by that.

and to the point, while israel produced (and quite sadly still does) way too much clone copy 0 soul (some call it full on - i call it club trance) "artists" - generalizing on the exports and categorizing israeli trance as "typical fullonish astrix clones" is bigoted.

now can i get my souvlaki?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 13:46
all ya'll know better than the other.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 13:47
lol. you gotta think that do astral projection talk themselves some of the questions coming thru here .

Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 14:49
I will ask them next week when they will be at my place heh.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 14:56

On 2010-09-06 18:41, Beat Agency wrote:
Nonsense! I was there and many artist was on par with their production and skill. It never sees to amaze me how people who never was part of the early days think they know so much when in fact they know so little.

The whole argument is rather academic, wouldn’t you say?
It’s not like there is a Psytrance Hall of Fame, and we’re arguing about whether to induct AP into it. And even in that case, it would not be a life-and-death decision. It’s still ultimately about individual tastes. I understand that you were there and remember things a certain way. It irritates me too, when somebody tells me about some event of which I was a part when the all-knowing poster was not even born.

One day I realized a rather disturbing thing about our existence:
The past is just as murky and unpredictable as the future.
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Sep 7, 2010 15:06

On 2010-09-07 13:23, goaren wrote:
u didnt get my point at all... my beef with your post was the point of view of how AP are praised because this is an israeli forum - which if you take a look at the number of israeli posters on this thread and what they wrote proves the point that the fact that AP are praised in this thread/forum has nothing to do with this forum being of israeli origin.

Pavel is israeli and he started the thread, Colin is british, Detox is greek and so am I. That is all I know about the numbers of Israeli posts. I know this forum very well and I know how it gets when AP, IM Astrix are the subject.

On 2010-09-07 13:23, goaren wrote:
i dont know where you are coming from saying that im intolerant to other opinions as the only opinion i expressed here was of how i love their music and consider them ONE of the founding fathers of goa trance, not the "best" nor did i state in any way theres a competition here.

You said I posted a bigoted/moronic response, based on my opinion that I think there were many other producers that had better production and although music is subjective, I said what I said. That did not sit right with you, so what? Am I bigoted?

On 2010-09-07 13:23, goaren wrote:
and to the point, while israel produced (and quite sadly still does) way too much clone copy 0 soul (some call it full on - i call it club trance) "artists" - generalizing on the exports and categorizing israeli trance as "typical fullonish astrix clones" is bigoted.

Er, read my posts will you? I said Cosma was Israel's best export.

On 2010-09-07 13:23, goaren wrote:
now can i get my souvlaki?

Extra tzatziki?  
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 15:13

On 2010-09-07 14:49, DETOX wrote:
I will ask them next week when they will be at my place heh.

In Athens, in your living room? Could you please ask them if they wipe their ass from the balls and down, or if they wipe from the back up to the balls (if they use toilet paper at all that is ..). You know what I mean? It’s very important psychedelic question for psychonauts that are not ashamed to share their ‘share don't scare moments’. Personally, I manage to wipe both ways. If I was a girl, I would never wipe from the back to the front - Wouldn’t wants to get shit in the cunt.

I like this tune of AssTroll Rejection:

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  60
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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 15:18
again... missed my point

what i said about your post being bigoted/moronic was refering to this:


On 2010-09-07 13:23, goaren wrote:
u didnt get my point at all... my beef with your post was the point of view of how AP are praised because this is an israeli forum - which if you take a look at the number of israeli posters on this thread and what they wrote proves the point that the fact that AP are praised in this thread/forum has nothing to do with this forum being of israeli origin.

and absolutely with no regard to what you said about other producers - i was merely refering to the AP and this forum being of israeli origin statement you made.

and to the third quote - it was refering to the last part of your post about cosma, not about cosma himself

anyways - weve gone way off topic and ppl here should go back to praising astral and saying they are the ultimate best ever - and more to the point - i think you meant extra metaxa
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