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Astral Projection were the dope


Started Topics :  296
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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:38
I said "i guess" which is the same.

Anyway i am not going to play with words here, too grown up for this.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 01:07
Astral Projection`s earlier tracks was really something special.I guess that it is like with games,even though the graphics are not the best the game can still be really good compared to newer ones.It`s all about the feeling.In other words even though if todays studio skills and techniques at sound engineering has improved much the "essence" in astral`s music is still so strong that it hangs in there in the top of the best newly released sounds.

I strongly agree with Astral Projection being really really good stuff,the earlier tracks is really special,incredible good.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 11:15
On 2010-09-05 19:18, Beat Agency wrote:
Has Hallucinogen released anything for years. No! Except for one mediocre Fullo'nish tune. He still play the same old tunes over and over again. Yes he is seen as the "God" even though he has not moved one step forward with Hallucinogen.

No tunes for years? My Posf... god! That is one silly statement. Let's see...

"Electronic High 3" compilation (Solstice Music, 2002) - "The Antidote - Empty Dot (Hallucinogen Remix)" - an ok-remix to an ok tune.

"Red" compilation (TIP World, 2004) - "The Infinity Project - Stimuli (Hallucinogen Remix)" - a very solid remix to an already very good track

"Gran Turismo 4 Kicks" (Solstice Music, 2005) - "Hallucinogen - Bubble'n Tweak" - psy-so delicious it should be banned!

"Unusual Suspects 2" compilation (Twisted Records, 2005) - "Hallucinogen & Tristan - Stretch Tastic" - a very the-lone-derangerish track. The compilation also has two excellent hallucinogen-vibe tracks by him made with other top-composers: "Audio Chemistry - Long Long Arms" (with Joti Sidhu) and "Metal Sharon - Balloon Dance" with Merv Pepler from Eat Static

"ManMadeMan - The Legend Remixes" (Turbo Trance Records, 2006) - "ManMadeMan - Karahana (Hallucinogen Remix)" - another ok-remix to an ok tune.

"Annodalleb - dAATh" CD-maxi (Negative3, 2006) - "Annodalleb - War (Hallucinogen Remix)" - where Simon meets industrial & heavy guitars; one word - wow!

"God Save The Machine" compilation (TIP World, 2006) - "Hallucinogen & Lucas - Pipeworm" - this one is just too good to describe.

"Twisted DVD" (Twisted Records, 2007) - "Hallucinogen - Shabby Trance" - around the world of his various influences in one track. The compilation also has a hallucinogenish track called "Audio Chemists - Big Tits" - some damn fine work here.

Not to mention his Hallucinogen In Dub spin-off project, where he took his main project to another level, with a second album released last year.

And I was just sticking to new never-before heard stuff, because if we take your "Has Hallucinogen released anything for years." into consideration I could also add dozens of other releases like this one:

Moreover, there are also a couple of unreleased tunes he's been playing a lot for a couple of years now. These are "Gamma Goblins Part 3" (this is a name I personally adopted for the track, it can be found on Youtube), "Strangled Cat", which can be found at Simon's MySpace (also featured on the above-mentoned DVD - so again it's a released one) and one yet-to-be-named track I heard @ Ozora 2009. His live @ Ozora 2010 featured even more new tunes. This is regarding "even though he has not moved one step forward with Hallucinogen." (this + the above-mentioned Hallucinogen In Dub).

My my, that's a lot of logical fallacies in your statements. Guess you forgot to add "IMO".
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 12:31

On 2010-09-06 11:15, Templar^ wrote:
My my, that's a lot of logical fallacies in your statements. Guess you forgot to add "IMO".

Not really IMO none of those tracks come close to his old work and as I mentioned his live has not really moved forward for years. And indeed IMO you haven't heard anything worth mentioning for years. Hallucinogen in Dub was not made by Simon but by Ott The live Dub release was again music made by Ott but yes performed by Simon and friends.

So no need to get so upset Mr. Templar It's all IMO

And you seem to miss my whole point which had nothing to do with if its good or not (I love some of his old music) but all to do with the fact that a handful of artists harvest all the credits when so many other artists should get equal credits for their huge contribution to this scene.

Oh my oh my I criticized the God. Watch out for the angry mob 
Martian Arts

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 12:56

On 2010-09-06 11:15, Templar^ wrote:
"Audio Chemistry - Long Long Arms" (with Joti Sidhu)

Tune and a half this one!  
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 15:45
my penix is the biggest
rumble pack / motion drive
Rumble Pack

Started Topics :  23
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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 18:12
stupid discussion this tread became...

nobody said astral is having all the laurels, its just that more ppl love what they did/do then all those others mentiont goa-artists.
that doesnt mean astral is better...but they had more success...simple as that.

i dont give a shit what they do live...its the music what counts.

production wise they where miles ahead of everyone, especaly in the 90s nobody reached their production level, except maybe mfg or mwnn.
i just listend the whole day again their stuff and its just amazing how they multi-layered their melodies and how they managed to create for each album a new theme.

Astral is just the first choice to introduce someone to reall gaotrance...period

Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 18:39

On 2010-09-06 00:07, Pavel wrote:

On 2010-09-05 23:57, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-09-05 23:42, Pavel wrote:
Seriously though
Sheyba: 5,6 tracks released. 1 EP
Astral Projection: 6 or 7 albums. Countless compilation tracks.
Something does not compute there buddy.

Expected remark from some who hates my guts. What about all the other artists in my list? Do you have any comments about those artists? Music that's not made by me

Typical trolling behavior. Coming to a perfectly fine topic about subject a and derailing it into self promotion propaganda. Cool job copying a random list of Psy Trance artists and adding yourself while hoping nobody would notice.

With respect Pavel, Sheyba is (in my opinion) fully entitled to be in that list.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
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Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 18:41

On 2010-09-06 18:12, rumble pack / motion drive wrote:
production wise they where miles ahead of everyone, especaly in the 90s nobody reached their production level, except maybe mfg or mwnn.

Nonsense! I was there and many artist was on par with their production and skill. It never sees to amaze me how people who never was part of the early days think they know so much when in fact they know so little.

rumble pack / motion drive
Rumble Pack

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  270
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 18:45

On 2010-09-06 18:41, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-09-06 18:12, rumble pack / motion drive wrote:
production wise they where miles ahead of everyone, especaly in the 90s nobody reached their production level, except maybe mfg or mwnn.

Nonsense! I was there and many artist was on par with their production and skill. It never sees to amaze me how people who never was part of the early days think they know so much when in fact they know so little.

well chris, i dont know whats ur problem, only because i started to release music 10 years after you, doesnt mean i didnt listen to this kind of music back in '96. so dont tell me of what i was a part or not. I mean, having smoked chillums in vagator back in the early days doesnt give you any kind of background knowledge. Just compare early productions from Astral with the rest released at the same time and then show me something that sounded that big back then...sorry you wont convince me.

i dont need to having been there, to hear a diference between a good and a spectacular production...i rather just listen

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 22:52

On 2010-09-06 18:12, rumble pack / motion drive wrote:

production wise they where miles ahead of everyone, especaly in the 90s nobody reached their production level, except maybe mfg or mwnn.
i just listend the whole day again their stuff and its just amazing how they multi-layered their melodies and how they managed to create for each album a new theme.

Astral is just the first choice to introduce someone to reall gaotrance...period

We'll agree to disagree on that one. Obviously the music is subjective, but MWNN, Youth's, Simon's, Total Eclipse's, Slinky Wizard's and Transwave's productions, pissed over AP's production, from a great hight.
They were writting proper acid music, when Astral were writting cheesy, hands in the air, chewed up and ready to digest melodies....melody after melody, no real twist in the synth work... but then again, all that is subjective.

/end of pointeless post on an israeli forum, tryign to explain why Astral were/are so overrated.

Peace out.

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 23:34
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 00:40
Astral Are Overated?!? I'ts Like saying That Pink Floyd Are Overrated.

Imho: In Goa Trance There are 2 Kings: Astral & MFG
All the rest are in their shadows.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 01:20

On 2010-09-06 18:12, rumble pack / motion drive wrote:

(..) their stuff and its just amazing how they multi-layered their melodies.

I have and have always really like this quality about the Astral tracks. this was their signature, the Astral Projection melodies. .. It's nice when an artist has a certain flair, taste, smell, emotion, force .. psychedelia.

people where and are succers for good melodies, Astral became a obvious choice for many to listen and recomend further. It's really not that complicated seen as a whole. Sometimes even in subliminal strings, it's all an popularoity contest.

Don't know why some people seem to have a pancake up their arse because they still get recognicion.

PS. My first original CD buy was if not mistaking, AP - Another World :alien:
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 7, 2010 01:33
I also listen to psytrance for quite a time.Astral Projection has never touched my soul like so many others tbh.
Not that they are bad ,just not my personal taste.I still have some vinyls from them.
..and I fully respect everyones favourites etc.

I also found it always funny that all worship Hallucinogen like a god for his last centuries lps - yes those tracks back than were good,but other artists were good too and for many even better.Each to his own.Freedom of taste

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