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Astral Projection were the dope

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 12:54
I like(d) the cosmic acid space sounds by Cosmosis always more hallucinogenic and way more psycedelic but Hallucinogen was good too.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 18:02

On 2010-09-05 03:15, DETOX wrote:

On 2010-09-04 17:13, Beat Agency wrote:

But my problem with the "They are the best forever etc." statements is that there were so many other amazing artists contributing in equal ways.


I am aware of your taste mate so your question does not surprise me. Yet it's a bit weird you do not recognize that there were and are many players in the game. And that all should be recognized for their contribution. Not just a handful

Here you go!

The Infinity Project
Voodoo People
Juno Reactor
Electric Universe
Total Eclipse
Kode IV
Slinky Wizard
Union Jack
The Overlords
Deviant Electronics
Power Source
Chakra And Edi Mis
Planet Ben
Space Tribe
Der Dritte Raum
The Antidote
Psyko Disko
Adrenalin Drum

And I could go on and on. I have on purpose only listed name that was part of the same wave as Astral Projection and Hallucinogen to show that there were indeed a lot of equal contributors IMO just as important and more important artists who was just a popular with several BIG tunes in their luggage. Over time these artists are forgotten and only a handful are left still playing. My only objection is that this small still active handful harvest all the credits and are put on a pedestal making people of today's scene believe they were the inventors and the "best" of the "best" of the old scene. IMO that's a huge shame and also a lie. 
Martian Arts

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 18:31
Never got into their music, personaly, and I was subjected to "a lot" of it in the mid 90's parties I went to, when every body was playing AP and IM tunes left, right and center.
I did like Analogue Voyager... but that was about it.  

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 19:03
Dear Beat Agency you dont know my taste in music (how could you anyway) and my question was done on purpose like i will explain in this post.

All of the artists you mentioned are very well known to me, extremely respectable by me and most of them are good friends of mine plus i have worked with them on many occasions and still work with some of them in the present.

There are some issues though with most of them when it comes to comparing them with a group like Astral Projection.

You mentioned names like Voodoo People, Peyote, Masaray, Slinky Wizard, Technosommy, Sheyba, Spectral, Indoor, Power Source, Moonweed, Brainman, Kuro and Psyko Disco for example. These artists are well respected by me, for example Power Source are one of my favorite acts ever and the Technosommy album is a real gem BUT most of these acts havent even released a personal album and are also inactive for more than a decade most of them. I cant put Indoor and Power Source next to Astral Projection in terms of what they offered to the scene and how much exposure they gave to the scene. Astral have something like 6-7 personal albums and countless releases and EP's with numerous massive hits in them while most of the people cant even name one track by the likes of Peyote, Masaray and Moonweed for example.

You didnt mention Blue Planet Corporation on your list, it is common knowledge that Gabriel Masurel has produced one of the best albums in the history of psy trance and one of the rarest albums by the way which is being sold for 150-200 euros on auctions all around the internet. Yes the album is majestic but apart from that there are very few released tracks and no matter how great these releases are you cant put BPC next to Astral Projection. Its not that he is not a great producer, he just didnt fullfilled his potential if you want my humble opinion.

Yes Etnica/Pleiadians are master producers, Transwave delivered fantastic tracks, Ben Watkins is by far the best producer in the scene on a class of his own, Cosmosis is top notch BUT none of them offered to the scene as much exposure as Astral gave. I dont say that Astral are better or worst musically speaking by the names mentioned but i say that they were in the right place on the right time and they gave to the people exactly the kind of music they wanted and for this we must give them the appropriate credit.

Its not about who is the best producer out there otherwise people like Ian Ion, Simon Posford, Prometheus, Ben Watkins and X Dream would win hands down but we are talking about who gave a massive boost to this scene and Astral can claim that.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 19:18
I see you simply wont recognize the fact that all the above mentioned artists and many more played an equal role in this scene and should be recognized equal alongside Astral and Hallucinogen for their many amazing tunes (I dont care if they did not make an album or not. That's not the issue at all) and indeed for their equal huge contribution playing weekend after weekend all over the world (yes many of these artists was just as busy and popular as Astral and Hallucinogen).

And I do know your taste. You are mostly into the more commercial side of trance evident from the bookings you made/make and your many posts about these artists over the past years

Lets face it. Does Astral Projection contribute to the scene today with anything worth mentioning? IMO not at all! They still live on their reputation of what they once was able to produce. Not their new music! And their fake live is not even worth mentioning

Has Hallucinogen released anything for years. No! Except for one mediocre Fullo'nish tune. He still play the same old tunes over and over again. Yes he is seen as the "God" even though he has not moved one step forward with Hallucinogen.

My point is still that Astral and Hallucinogen are not the sole inventors of music nor the "best" as this term is nonsense (and not the true picture to be painted) when you look at all the amazing music out there in the past and today. But each to his own I guess. 

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 20:05
To each his own indeed, i explained my position and you explained yours so nothing more to add i guess.

P.S Sorry to dissapoint you but you have no clue about my taste in trance and i suggest to you to not judge me by the parties and the bookings i make. Dont confuse business with pleasure because you would be suprised to learn that the artists i like the most are actually artists that are either out of the business or names that are not popular at all in the scene although for me they are amazing artists like Human Blue, Prometheus and Jaia for example.           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

Started Topics :  312
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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 23:42
Seriously though
Sheyba: 5,6 tracks released. 1 EP
Astral Projection: 6 or 7 albums. Countless compilation tracks.
Something does not compute there buddy.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 5, 2010 23:51
while i agree with some points you made (beat agency) - and i really love all of the artists mentioned by you and actually prefer them over astral, when it comes down (and again in my opinion) to the melodic side of goa trance, i dont think that neither in terms of output (and by output i dont mean only quantity, but the quality of the tracks produced) nor if i would to define the goa trance experience (and for me at that time goa trance was more about the emotional melodic perspective rather than psychedelia - altho my taste has changed over the years and now its more the other way around) most of the artists on your list (and mine) have achieved what astral have - and some of the names on your list are the very first tracks ive ever heard (i think x-file (monkey mix) was the first track i recognized as trance) and have a very special place in my heart and mind...

goddamit will someone please make a dj set of the names listed above?
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posts :  1752
Posted : Sep 5, 2010 23:57

On 2010-09-05 23:42, Pavel wrote:
Seriously though
Sheyba: 5,6 tracks released. 1 EP
Astral Projection: 6 or 7 albums. Countless compilation tracks.
Something does not compute there buddy.

Expected remark from some who hates my guts. What about all the other artists in my list? Do you have any comments about those artists? Music that's not made by me 

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:07

On 2010-09-05 23:57, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-09-05 23:42, Pavel wrote:
Seriously though
Sheyba: 5,6 tracks released. 1 EP
Astral Projection: 6 or 7 albums. Countless compilation tracks.
Something does not compute there buddy.

Expected remark from some who hates my guts. What about all the other artists in my list? Do you have any comments about those artists? Music that's not made by me

Typical trolling behavior. Coming to a perfectly fine topic about subject a and derailing it into self promotion propaganda. Cool job copying a random list of Psy Trance artists and adding yourself while hoping nobody would notice.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:20
Ahhh here comes your true face again Pavel. Was one warning from Sharar not enough?

The only troll is you! I just debate without becoming personal as you do 24/7 against people you dislike here.


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Posts :  8647
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:21

On 2010-09-06 00:20, Beat Agency wrote:
Ahhh here comes your true face again Pavel. Was one warning from Sharar not enough?

Weren't dozens of bans from this site enough?
          Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:23

On 2010-09-06 00:21, Pavel wrote:

On 2010-09-06 00:20, Beat Agency wrote:
Ahhh here comes your true face again Pavel. Was one warning from Sharar not enough?

Weren't dozens of bans from this site enough?

Is that the best comeback you got? I am officially welcomed by Shahar. I suggest you take it up with him if you got a problem with me being here. Ok dude?

And that's the last wasted time I am going to use on your sorry person.


Started Topics :  296
Posts :  6194
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:33
Dear Kristian Peyote and Moonweed also dont have enough material released to produce a single album (no matter if the stuff they have out is great or not) so mentioning them as equal or even better to Astral i guess is a huge exaggeration.

          Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Sep 6, 2010 00:34

On 2010-09-06 00:33, DETOX wrote:
Dear Kristian Peyote and Moonweed also dont have enough material released to produce a single album (no matter if the stuff they have out is great or not) so mentioning them as equal or even better to Astral i guess is a huge exaggeration.

You forgot "IMO" 
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