Association of Full-on with Arsim in Israel and more...
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 17:32
On 2010-06-25 16:43, Psyhead79 wrote:
On 2010-06-07 02:51, Nathan wrote:
Optimistic Suicide: Many People are not open for new styles - they are open for new drugs. Many ppl Just need the kik , the base line and a couple of scratches. I don't gona say sorry for having a taste in music, and I don’t care how many ppl love full on. when I was a kid my favored Artists were MFG, Astral Projection and Juno Reactor and not music that was maid by computer heads who copy Astrix's Copycats and adjust their music to the crowd in the most simple and boring way..
It doesn't matter, the beauty of psy parties it's the combination of all styles. I like a bit of everything, but that's just me with my extremely open minded.
What's the problem with making music with computer?? It's just an advance way of making music. Yes, instrument is cool, this is why my main kind of music is Gothic/Industrial/Metal (among many styles of music). Trance is electronic, therefore, it made mostly by computers...
Just to make it clear, I don't like many full on artists, but just like in any style in any kind of music, some are good, some are less. No need to attach to is stigma, which is also extremely wrong and in some cases slide into racism, when judging people by their look.
I do not have problem with computers. Many artists know how to do music with the computer because they know the technology. Technically its good but they do not have creative musical skills , or imagination. They just copy formulas. Not all the Full on artists are like that. But many are.
  -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning= |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 16:50
So what u r saying Nathan is that non fullon artists (such as artists who make minimal/chillout or techno) do have musical skills and dont use formulas?
com'on man thats bullshit
u really think that artists that make the music you like are more creative then the artist who make music u dont?
I also used to like fullon much better in the past...but your thinking is like a kid (bar mitva age? (-:)
I dont want to light the argument again but i can understand why ariel angrys u
thinking that your taste is better and judging others will just get u into troubles...even if u r a so called journalist
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 17:22
My taste is no better than others - Its Just My taste. I mentioned full on artist's before that I like. My current favorite Full on Album is Love Technology by Protoculture. Its has only 2 cheesy tracks and the others are gr8! And yes, there are Minimal/Techno Artists who use Formulas.
Is it New that many full on artists copy Astrix? and use the same motives over and over Again
If ppl will not take a stand and eat everything even if it tastes bad, Most of the full on artists will never go to original directions with a personal sound signature Like U –Recken, and Fatali have. It will be a copy of a copy of a copy. I don’t gona eat Shit and Smile Just because its Trance. Believe it Or not there are many Techno Tracks who sounds the same and I do not like them to.
  -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning= |
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 19:03
dont u get it nathan is "better" then many people here beacuse his musical taste.
i am surprised no one understood it till now....
  R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 19:46
Ariel, Learn to read and don't put words into my mouth.
  -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning= |
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 20:02
thats the thing i did read it
and not only me as it seems can see that by your post i am not putting nothing in your mouth
its full of s#>t already and by your OWN posts anyone can feel how negative you are
your attitude can not transmit nothing good except of bad atmospheres
u sure your not into dark? or should i say music for kids
  R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 26, 2010 20:24
I think we are at the end of this "Super smart and non violent peaceful" discussion from your "super positive" side.
Have A good week.
  -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning= |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jun 27, 2010 04:39
I get your point Nathan and it might be true many artists tried to copy astrix (after all he is the king of fullon...)
but if u think prog/minimal/techno/chillout
artists dont copy patterns/lines u r very naive...
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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 12:27
i think the farting perrot is just angry because you said in a nationwide (i dont know layla or where you gave the review) article that his music is not good.
i thought as a journalist you report about something in a neutral way. nobody asks you to promote his music. but discribe and let the reader/listener decide for himself if he likes or not.
and now shake hands and let go xD |
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L
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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 12:55
this has nothing to do with his review
its pretty common that not everyone would like what u do
i was just speaking about his attitude and opinion's no more then that...
but now lets shake hands and kiss
  R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
MSN & |
IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Jun 28, 2010 21:30
On 2010-06-28 12:27, gettoblaster wrote:
i thought as a journalist you report about something in a neutral way. nobody asks you to promote his music. but discribe and let the reader/listener decide for himself if he likes or not.
and now shake hands and let go xD
My job is to interview Artists & write what I think about music. This is the whole point of criticism.
  -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning= |
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Posted : Jun 30, 2010 14:14
thats cool man, i just wondered why you have the right to criticize others... but i forgot the first rule... there are no rules |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 31, 2010 23:26
Mike A
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Posted : Aug 12, 2010 19:45
I'm sorry to break your fight of rel vs nathan, but to get back on topic:
I really think this is a cultural thing, and not of fullon being inferior to other styles of music. Because we don't like arsim, and because arsim listen to fullon, we don't like fullon. Simple as that.
Take a look at mizrahit for example, the non electronic arsim music. Why do most of the other people just can't listen to it? Because whenever they hear this, they immediately think of singers stealing tax money, flashy cars playing this at full volume in the street, and other rude and unpleasant stuff. Maybe the music itself is good, but the entire culture around it is so obnoxious.
I can speak for myself, as being one who grew in Beer Sheva which is undoubtfully an arsim saturated environment. Back when I was young, mizrahit didn't sound so bad to my ears, I was enjoying fullon and even writing it (my first few releases were, god forbid, fullon). When I went to the army I was in an arsim free environment so I was able to see this phenomenon from the outside, and it disgusted me, making me think "This was me a few years ago? omg!". Next after army was university, which is again arsim free. Back in the days if there was a mizrahit song on radio that was cool, today I need to change station because it's so awful. What changed? How is the 18 year old me different than the 25 year old me?
I think it's the "priviledge" of seeing this from the outside made me realize that I hate this culture, that I needed not to be a part of it to see it. Together with this, I started hating everything related to this culture.
Anyway, back to the point - fullon music is ok. It's the culture around it that's wrong.
Now go back to your pointless fighting.
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Posted : Aug 13, 2010 12:53
On 2010-08-12 19:45, Mike A wrote:
I'm sorry to break your fight of rel vs nathan, but to get back on topic:
I really think this is a cultural thing, and not of fullon being inferior to other styles of music. Because we don't like arsim, and because arsim listen to fullon, we don't like fullon. Simple as that.
Take a look at mizrahit for example, the non electronic arsim music. Why do most of the other people just can't listen to it? Because whenever they hear this, they immediately think of singers stealing tax money, flashy cars playing this at full volume in the street, and other rude and unpleasant stuff. Maybe the music itself is good, but the entire culture around it is so obnoxious.
I can speak for myself, as being one who grew in Beer Sheva which is undoubtfully an arsim saturated environment. Back when I was young, mizrahit didn't sound so bad to my ears, I was enjoying fullon and even writing it (my first few releases were, god forbid, fullon). When I went to the army I was in an arsim free environment so I was able to see this phenomenon from the outside, and it disgusted me, making me think "This was me a few years ago? omg!". Next after army was university, which is again arsim free. Back in the days if there was a mizrahit song on radio that was cool, today I need to change station because it's so awful. What changed? How is the 18 year old me different than the 25 year old me?
I think it's the "priviledge" of seeing this from the outside made me realize that I hate this culture, that I needed not to be a part of it to see it. Together with this, I started hating everything related to this culture.
Anyway, back to the point - fullon music is ok. It's the culture around it that's wrong.
Now go back to your pointless fighting.
lol, yea maybe it makes sense when it comes to Israel, but you have to remember that this is international music. Many people that like it around the world don't even know what is arsim. We should not blame the style just because Israelis decided to give it a bad name. It´s really absurd... |