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Association of Full-on with Arsim in Israel and more...

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 15:40
Since day one in this forum ppl have been discussing about bad things in the scene as much as about good things. It's a natural thing! And I can not see what's wrong with it. I am not here just for the bad things. You can't expect ppl to be always positive - it's Utopia - and utopia isn't realistic.

If you choose to ignore the bad things - its fine but at least try to understand the other side. You protect Trance just because its Trance And therefore there are no flaws it in? This forum is not a temple for Trance. Ppl here do not come to worship to trance. I'm in this forum since 2001 and it's never been a Temple.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 16:10
i just wanted to say... have fun

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Posted : Jun 11, 2010 16:19

i wanted to write sthng more but i guess thats all there is

except : i have the right to write what i want . if you dont like , you dont have to read it


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Posts :  81
Posted : Jun 21, 2010 16:24
aristotle once said something about criticism.

something like "to avoid criticism you have to say nothing, do nothing, be nothing"

so dont take me too seriously

good luck with your work anyway
Mat N
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 22, 2010 19:41
You know Ariel,

I didn't know that side of yours, too bad i had to find out about it through your posts here which, so clearly, comes from your pure hate to Nathan.

And why? only because Nahtan published once on Layla website his taste on your music?! You know- that's his job, and he does it damn fine.

I really tried to find another word which can describe your behaviour here (since i've known you for a few years and respected you), but the only word which comes to mind is childish.
You must learn how to accept bad critisicm, it will only do you good. Or just don't send any promos to the media, it's not their job to promote you, their job is to give their honest opinion, EVEN if you don't like it.

Nathan has his share of "bad" reviews and "good" reviews, he just gave you good examples like Fatali, Mindwave, Krunch, Protoculture, U-Recken and Nitro. You decided to ignore it for some reason...
He's not their friend (and we both know you can check that out ), and still he loved their music, even if it's full-on.

So please, cut the crap about his "bought" reviews and remember one more imporatant thing for your future-
Blaming someone in public, including internet forums, that he does something wrong or maliciously (like you wrote "now just go write another full on album review that was made by one of your friends" or "coca head") without any proves provided is called Slandering.
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

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Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 24, 2010 07:53
u know matan
i do not hate
and no this is not beacuse his review its his attitude
wich sucks as a person
and what did nathan ask u to help him?
i thought he is a grown up like u are?
and u say i cant take criticism?
no problem im sure not every one likes the music its pretty common that u cant please them all but thats not the issue
yes he sucks as a person and his attitude is like a coca head. (such a childish term)
the boss of layla comes to help his workers
so cute !!

          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 24, 2010 21:56
I did not ask Matan to Help me, but I Do appreciate His support.

Ariel - For the 1000000 Time - I'm am not A promoter.
open Ynet, Nrg, Walla or Any other Site, All the reviews there about music are positive? not? ohhh so All the other writers are coca heads to? you are an ignorant person and I feel sorry for you.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

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Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 01:37
party pooper i am talking about your attitude just read
and it sucks big time
stop thinking any one cares about your reviews
AGAIN thats not the issue

          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 12:25
You can't fool me that your words here do no come From Hate. Just read again the way you talk, you do not have the basic knowledge how to talk to people with respect. You here, in this Topic, Just because of the hate.

Ass I said before, and this is refers to you to:

I'm not A party Popper .I Go only to Techno Or Progressive Parties, and sometimes to full on parties when there are full on Artists that I appreciate. When I am in a festival and there is Dark Psy Artists or cheesy Full on Artist, I spend the time by resting and eating.

You have a problem when ppl say what they think about music, their own truth – it's NOT the Universal truth that a childish person like you thinks the hold. You acting like a dictator who does not allow criticism against his government. They are bad parties and music in the world - and ppl have the right to say what they think about it.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  301
Posts :  3605
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 13:15


On 2010-06-07 01:49, The Farting Parrot wrote:

so why do u review full on cd's and more?
its obvious that u dont like it dont waste your time and people's time to read it from the start
your "bought" anyway

And you tell me that it's not the issue?!?
heheh... and I'm the coca head, ye right... wake up.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 14:21

On 2010-05-24 01:50, Nathan wrote:

My Personal Association about Full On (95% of it) Is Music for Kids. I call Full on Bar Mitzva Music. It is simple and has no depth or Spirituality. I associate Arsim With Nitzhonot (100% crap music) But that's Just me.

and u tell me your reviews are not by personal taste ? but AGAIN who cares

mr. im better from every one else.
i do not give a damn about your reviews like half of this world.
i am speaking about that u think u are better then others and what u like and listen to is too smart for arsim or what so ever so i hope some "ars" will give u his definition for ars wich i am sure it will happen

so by what u write here my association with you is coca when sentences like that comes out from your dirty mouth ugly person. do u do u really think u are better by the music u listen lame you are.

          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !

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Posts :  9
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 16:10

On 2010-06-10 19:33, Nathan wrote:
I'm not A party Popper.I Go only to Techno Or Progressive Parties, and sometimes to full on parties when there are full on Artists that I appreciate. When I am in a festival and there is Dark Psy Artists or cheesy Full on Artist, I spend the time by resting and eating.

You expect ppl to like any king of music but you forgot that every one has its own taste.

Would you go to a restaurant and eat something that you hate?

I think it's stupid to make a party only for one style...Just because we all have different taste of music, why shouldn't we just put all? Most of the parties in Austria are like that...

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Posts :  9
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 16:13

On 2010-06-10 00:03, Pavel wrote:
Lovely topic. As any Arsim topic should be.

Well, in a primitive country like Israel, with this primitive situation, yes, it is a lovely topic. Perhaps one day we won't need to discuss such stupid issues, but I doubt...Israelis are to superficial and need to criticize and stigmatize everything...

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Posts :  9
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 16:43

On 2010-06-07 02:51, Nathan wrote:

Optimistic Suicide: Many People are not open for new styles - they are open for new drugs. Many ppl Just need the kik , the base line and a couple of scratches. I don't gona say sorry for having a taste in music, and I don’t care how many ppl love full on. when I was a kid my favored Artists were MFG, Astral Projection and Juno Reactor and not music that was maid by computer heads who copy Astrix's Copycats and adjust their music to the crowd in the most simple and boring way..

It doesn't matter, the beauty of psy parties it's the combination of all styles. I like a bit of everything, but that's just me with my extremely open minded.
What's the problem with making music with computer?? It's just an advance way of making music. Yes, instrument is cool, this is why my main kind of music is Gothic/Industrial/Metal (among many styles of music). Trance is electronic, therefore, it made mostly by computers...
Just to make it clear, I don't like many full on artists, but just like in any style in any kind of music, some are good, some are less. No need to attach to is stigma, which is also extremely wrong and in some cases slide into racism, when judging people by their look.

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  301
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Posted : Jun 25, 2010 17:26

On 2010-06-25 14:21, The Farting Parrot wrote:

On 2010-05-24 01:50, Nathan wrote:

My Personal Association about Full On (95% of it) Is Music for Kids. I call Full on Bar Mitzva Music. It is simple and has no depth or Spirituality. I associate Arsim With Nitzhonot (100% crap music) But that's Just me.

and u tell me your reviews are not by personal taste ? but AGAIN who cares

mr. im better from every one else.
i do not give a damn about your reviews like half of this world.
i am speaking about that u think u are better then others and what u like and listen to is too smart for arsim or what so ever so i hope some "ars" will give u his definition for ars wich i am sure it will happen

so by what u write here my association with you is coca when sentences like that comes out from your dirty mouth ugly person. do u do u really think u are better by the music u listen lame you are.

I never said that I am better that anyone. And I have A dirty mouth? so there are many ppl who think about full on what I Think so they are oll ugly? You are the most Enlightened person in the universe. You are Jesus cause you love every thing. ye right.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Association of Full-on with Arsim in Israel and more...
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