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Association of Full-on with Arsim in Israel and more...


Started Topics :  2
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Posted : May 23, 2010 15:04:15

So this is something that you can only find in Israel...And in the special Israeli way, everything has to have a tag.
Blaming the music for the kind of people that like it it's absurd. I came across so many "faltsanim", that so certain that they listen to the best music out there, that they consider other styles as bullshit.
I thought by the years this stigma will disappear...
It's mainly by the same people that think that only clowns and summi psy is real psy, and all the rest is nothing...

Seriously, I am so happy I live so far a way from such narrow minded people. The Israeli crowd are the worst! Not only the arsim ruin this scene, but also the faltsanim/smugs that ruining the vibes as well.

No need people bitching about Arsim all the time. You live in Israel, deal with it!
Also in Europe there are thugs, so what? All this "beautiful people" thingy (most are far from being real beautiful) is just to make another categories of people. Like long hair and dress all shanti and cool...Sounds funny I know, but this is the Israeli stigmatic mentality. Sick society that Instead of freeing their mind in such parties, are focus more on others.
I am not gonna be like one of those that always talk about the old days. But, at least in the old days no one really care who come to party. There was only psy/goa, and many arsim (Ganei Huga was full of them) and yet people kept partying and didnt care.

P>S - It's not directed to all obviously, but there are a lot of people who thinks like that, and made this arsim=full on stigma.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 24, 2010 01:50

My Personal Association about Full On (95% of it) Is Music for Kids. I call Full on Bar Mitzva Music. It is simple and has no depth or Spirituality. I associate Arsim With Nitzhonot (100% crap music) But that's Just me.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

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Posted : May 27, 2010 11:03
That's ok, it's your taste of music. In my point of view, Suomi is bullshit, and the biggest load of crap I have ever heard! I use to listen to a lot like Squaremeat, Texas Faggot, Mandalahvandalz, Haltya...There are some good music, but Fact it, that only the smug Israeli crowd like this style, with the claim that this is "real" psychedelic.
I have been in this scene long enough. This style is the most stupid out there. Only in Israel some random DJ from Finland can feel like a celebrity.
What's annoying is, that if you don't think like a faltsan about Suomi, he right a way declare that you don't understand music...It's part of the Israeli mentality of forcing opinions on others. Same things with Political opinions...

It's ok to have different taste of music, that's an individual thing. But, when it comes to stigmatize and to make associations I think it's wrong. It only exist in Israel with the smugies/faltsanim crowd...
Personally, I love that parties in Austria are awesome without narrow minded people, sitting around, criticizing and bitching. People are free, dancing, enjoying...Just how Psy parties suppose to be...
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 27, 2010 15:59
well mr. psyhead like this debate has been going on for ages - you are going to the wrong (for you i guess) types of parties. i used to do that too, but now i dont go to these parties anymore, and choose the small ones where people are just as you describe - free, happy and not bitching/criticizing everything - just like nature parties should be.

what i feel from reading your post is that you are the smug/faltsan person, for judging the suomi crowd or what people feel about the full on parties.

i love good full on, but sadly nowdays it is VERY rare in our country. if i want to listen to quality full on it has to be the british dj's who never fail (for example - lucas, regan, allaby, tristan etc. i guess you get my point) - of course there are a few very good dj's in israel, but the majority of the productions doesnt book them as they dont play the "popular" kind of fullon (yes the one that attracts the big crowds and sadly not the harmless types of arsim...).

bottom line - quality exists everywhere and so does criticism - learn to pick from the enormous diversity you have these days and be one happy camper
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 27, 2010 17:07
Soumi Trance is not my cup of Tea. I Can't Listen to it just like I not Into Dark Psy music.

Ppl claim That The Real Trance is Goa. I claim that the real trance is psy trance: Psysex's First 2 albums, Infected Mushroom's first 3 albums . Both assumptions are right. But what I really think is this: The Real Trance is something innovative. Something that wasn’t written in Patterns - Original Like Antix, Kino Oko, Sub 6 & Loud.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
Ben P

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 01:16
you 100% right! when you come to a party you shouldnt let nothing efect your fun and there is no way to effect your fun as long as you got good poeple with you.
Ben P

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Posted : Jun 5, 2010 01:17
Optimistic Suicide
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 6, 2010 10:00

On 2010-05-24 01:50, Nathan wrote:

My Personal Association about Full On (95% of it) Is Music for Kids. I call Full on Bar Mitzva Music. It is simple and has no depth or Spirituality. I associate Arsim With Nitzhonot (100% crap music) But that's Just me.

Because of narrow minded people like yourself there are no longer psy parties in Israel.
Unfortunately like PsyHead mentioned people like to tag everything.
Kids are the next generation of this "scene"..
You were kids as well in the past- so you got the opportunity from the elders give the "kids" as well.
Everything today became huge raves with Alcohol music or supposedly "goa" that usually just sounds awful on speakers..
No room for Psy,Full-on ect.
Though people forget that we live in Israel THE capital of Full-on.
I don't tell you what music to listen too or which parties to go too but I'm extremely problematic for me to hear people bullshitting about the crowd especially when "Arsim" has THE best energy and if someone doesn't hurt you then why the hell you think you are better??
Believe me that no matter which music you will put on parties people will dance to it because lets face it Israelis are open for new styles..
Its hard for you to face it but lets admit that the music that works the most on dance floors is Full-On!!!
I advise to all the promoters to enter a Full-On act to your line up and see for your selves..
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

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Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 7, 2010 01:49
On 2010-05-24 01:50, Nathan wrote:

My Personal Association about Full On (95% of it) Is Music for Kids. I call Full on Bar Mitzva Music. It is simple and has no depth or Spirituality. I associate Arsim With Nitzhonot (100% crap music) But that's Just me.
so why do u review full on cd's and more?
its obvious that u dont like it dont waste your time and people's time to read it from the start
your "bought" anyway

          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 02:51

Optimistic Suicide: Many People are not open for new styles - they are open for new drugs. Many ppl Just need the kik , the base line and a couple of scratches. I don't gona say sorry for having a taste in music, and I don’t care how many ppl love full on. when I was a kid my favored Artists were MFG, Astral Projection and Juno Reactor and not music that was maid by computer heads who copy Astrix's Copycats and adjust their music to the crowd in the most simple and boring way..


The Farting Parrot: Obviously you have something personal Against me from the past, and we both know why. Let it go and open your eyes. There was Nothing against you in that article..

Why I review Full on?
As long as Artists and labels continue to send me their Albums, there will be reviews.
Your attitude is like a 6 years old kid. You do not know anything about Journalism. I'm obligated to Bring My Personal and honest Opinion about Music, Just like there are Bad TV/Movies Reviews.
I'm Not a Promoter, and you do not have to Read What I write.

and btw:
Fatali, Mindwave, Krunch, Protoculture, U-Recken and Nitro are my favorite full on artists.
. I'm "Bought" when there is an Original Sound in full on.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 7, 2010 07:14
something against you from the past? hehehe
come on do not give your self credit your ugly :)
i got better things to do then paying attention to you or anything that has to do with u
so let it go .....

"when i was a kid i used to listen to blablablabla"
wow u were such a cool kid ! i wish all kids were like u maybe the scene would have been looking like your ugly face .

now just go write another full on album review that was made by one of your friends
and keep on your "great" work.
also you say u got a diploma ?
check your spelling kid
coca head
          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 09:54
You are Pathetic. That's the only thing I can say to you.           -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 7, 2010 10:14
i am pretty sure its something more then u are :-)

coca head
          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 7, 2010 10:26
Yes. I'm sure you are a better person than me and you just proved it. Case closed.

          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Jun 10, 2010 00:03
Lovely topic. As any Arsim topic should be.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - Association of Full-on with Arsim in Israel and more...

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