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Artists liars who deceived everyone and everything


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  2
Posted : Feb 15, 2010 21:28:47
How many of us already pay to go see an artist live, convinced that they are actually playing live and then find that after all it is all a big lie?

Begin by giving the first examples, caught in the act:

1) BBAss (Skazi): (Was he distracted? hahaha I think not!)

2) Dali:

(Besides not knowing how to sing, she pretends to play the synthesizer its a total disaster ... fake fake fake!!!

3) Talamasca & Eskimo:

(First notice how Junya pretend he is doing something really special by twisting the volume knob hahahaha and then he pretend he is playing a melody, the problem is that he is out of synch and he even fakes a gated effect hahahaha. Then is Cedric also faking something I am trying to understand ...+ volume???)

But there's more, I will put as it is taking time ... is absolutely amazing how these guys earn thousands of euros a year to lie to the event organizers and the public. Should be ashamed bastards.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  137
Posted : Feb 15, 2010 22:04
lmao at dali

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 15, 2010 22:25
Instead of complaining (It's not really news any longer) then just don't go and don't pay 

Started Topics :  37
Posts :  410
Posted : Feb 15, 2010 22:58
GREAT examples of proper LIVE Acts that are less appreciated.....


the best:


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Posted : Feb 16, 2010 00:42           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Artists liars who deceived everyone and everything
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