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arcadia thiefs and liers ...what s happened with our album

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2004 07:30
It hurts me to hear that Neromotor, who I love and respect so much as a musician and as a human being, was deceived by Arcadia.
As an organizer back when I lived in SF, our party (which was free) had the priviledge of being graced with Fred's presence. You know how much he asked for? NOTHING. He played for us for free, just to play, have fun, and spread the love. And then last month when he was back in the bay area, he played for us for free, AGAIN. Man that really affected me- I felt so good to know people like Fred are in the trance world and it inspired me. yes a lot of shit is fucked up in this scene especially here in Japan but there is also something very pure still left.
Then the Arcadia ppl fuck him over like this?! That hurt me personally. I felt like I was being fucked over too. I have heard Freds stroy personally and I have been around Arcadia a bit (even tho I am no expert) but it does not take a genius to figure that Arcadia is being run by shady characters, way beyond most of your imaginations. And you know how much they sell CDs for here in Japan? 25 US dollars. man they made such a killing, I understand your logic Shahar but this was no mistake or misunderstanding. They are very shady and also very smart. This was no fuckup, they knew everything they were doing.
This whole thing is just really dissappointing, but I have no hate for Arcadia. I just dont want to have anything to do with them. And there is NO WAY IN HELL they will ever see a dollar (or yen) from me again, nor any of my friends or any one I talk to about this.
And I dont see Arcadia responding here, which is no surprise. Not that anything they would say will mean much to me anyway, until Fred gets his check.
Fred- please dont give up on the japan scene. True many big orgs are corrupted but there are still ppl here trying to do something different- AND WE WILL.

-bOOm- spliffnik
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 17, 2004 12:11
sad to read about politics and cheatings infuencing this beautiful scene           ------------------------------------
Beyond Logic!
Euphoric Meditation n' Beyond...

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Posted : Feb 17, 2004 16:42

On 2004-02-17 07:30, spliffnik wrote:

And you know how much they sell CDs for here in Japan? 25 US dollars.

trust me man, japan is no the only place where you had to pay that money for an old cd (and mexico is a poor country)

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 18, 2004 19:51
This is just wrong.....

Fred, u are the KING !!! U don't need phony-ass thieves cramping your style.... punks should be begging your forgiveness.

Come to India babaji... Paradiso & Disco Valley are calling (^_^)

"Boycott Arcadia !!"
q(@ _ @)p

          there is a light that


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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 02:16
fred.......i know what know i am working a lot with arcadia...i believe easily that they are late....because i know some staf that i don t want to discuss in a forum about what happened to them and why they don t have enough comptability to pay you......i don t want to sound like their lawyer or anything , a deal is a deal and they have to respect it......but beyond this , and because i know cem for more than six years , i know they are not thiefs , they are trying to survive like any labels....i know it is japan , but still , they are not as rich as you believe , but i can insure you that you will get your , i don t think it was necessary to speak about it on the forum , because first it won t help you to get your money (that anyway you ll get...cem spoke with me about it.....) , but it is to expose your point of view in their back....the fact that some artists knows about it was enough to put pressure to them......but they don t need pressure to pay you...they need cash.......sorry to speak about it here and in english with you , but as i told you on the phone , even if it is long , ti is a question of time.....I ll touch him a word by email to come and read here.....and to answer you "publicly" if necessary...
hoffman angels

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  216
Posted : Feb 19, 2004 05:06
sedrik is right,jam has many problems but we all want to get what we diserve,on the scene mostly,i think that its not for this foroum,its more betwen you and jam(ARCADIA)things hapend,and its not easy for both sides to exepct thing to go been playing for arcadia for long time,and maybe,well we dont know the other side of it,things will turn for the right side.i think i ,or we,know arcadia side of the story,more$$$$ problems.

good luck.

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Posted : Feb 19, 2004 07:45

On 2004-02-19 02:16, talamasca wrote:
fred.......i know what know i am working a lot with arcadia...i believe easily that they are late....because i know some staf that i don t want to discuss in a forum about what happened to them and why they don t have enough comptability to pay you......i don t want to sound like their lawyer or anything , a deal is a deal and they have to respect it......but beyond this , and because i know cem for more than six years , i know they are not thiefs , they are trying to survive like any labels....i know it is japan , but still , they are not as rich as you believe , but i can insure you that you will get your , i don t think it was necessary to speak about it on the forum , because first it won t help you to get your money (that anyway you ll get...cem spoke with me about it.....) , but it is to expose your point of view in their back....the fact that some artists knows about it was enough to put pressure to them......but they don t need pressure to pay you...they need cash.......sorry to speak about it here and in english with you , but as i told you on the phone , even if it is long , ti is a question of time.....I ll touch him a word by email to come and read here.....and to answer you "publicly" if necessary...

its good you are trying to explain things but as Fred already said that if there was or is any issue why dont this cem guy calls up straight and speak about it to Fred .........

If i was an artist and somebody avoided me i would do the same thing ........

words and promises are to be kept ......
and whteva happened to arcadia is their problem ...... and i dont see that if they got what they wanted from Fred and sold it then why cant they forward the money belonging to Fred .......

And even for every reason that you are right still it sshould have been cem or jem or whoever to explain his position to FRED and why a long silence ......... A TRUE PERSON NEVER HIDES , EVEN IF ONE CANT PAY AND IS TRUE WILL SPEAK THEN STAYING SILENT FOR LONG ENOUGH TO BE CALLED A THIEF
           To focus sometimes you need to spin hard on your soul's axis..... just don't ask how and what it means ;)

Started Topics :  8
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Posted : Feb 22, 2004 09:46
hmm, this is some TOUGH things u said my friend. i understand your anger, u do the music with love and putting a LOT in it, and building on the money 2 be able 2 develop yourself, but the world isnt so bright.. i mean, im 100% sure that Arcadia didnt want 2 get into this situation, after all they lose mostly, even more than u, by losing their reputation and trust.

i dont know if bringing this subject 2 the forum was a right step, but u did it already, so they (and u) will have 2 face it like this.

i dont know the whole picture 4 sure, but u can always sue them or at least nag those guys till they pay their debt, after all u DO deserve this money, its yours in their pocket..

good luck with it, and i really really hope that Arcadia will have a good explanation 4 that, i wouldnt want 2 think that this kind of shit is running in the psy scene, which is so pure.

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  274
Posted : Feb 22, 2004 21:28
i didn t bring it in here so easily ...i ve been waiting after answers ,iend them many e-mail which at first was nice and gentle ,then they betrayed even more trying to sell it word wilde when we deal different things .they just disrepect me so much than at the end i didn t care anymore and yes maybe shouldn t had to talk about this in public .but actually i thought that it was good also to explain it ,most of the peopple they don t really uunderstand what is going on and probably some time it is good to face reallity .
my problem here it is not the money itself is the silence .i would prefer like i told him that he showed more respect calling or writing me explaining his issues then we could had plan some schedule in long term to pay his debt .
anyway ,now i m just waiting what ever happened it is good lesson for me .

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  230
Posted : Feb 22, 2004 21:56
The way it looks to me Frederik has been treated very shabbily by Arcadia and they owe him a massive apology even if they do eventually pay up.
Good luck with getting paid, Frederick.

Arcadia might not be trying to rip Frederick off but they have been extremely disrespectful.

          "One nation under a groove".
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2004 23:31
It's sad that Cedrik, who I am a huge fan of, would stick his neck out to defend what they've done.

It even makes me more upset to see that they are trying to point fingers at Fred and imply he is unprofessional.........I have never in my whole trance life experienced an artist who is more willing to go out of his way for this scene. Support Fred and don't buy Arcadia, because they are liars........and that doesn't belong in our scene. I don't care who they are friends with.........

Bottom line: PROMISES BROKEN WITH NO EXPLANATION or even the common courtesy to keep him informed..That's bullshit, even if it were a big label. It still bull shit. If they were having problems then it should have been Fred who decided whether he wanted to bail them out or not. Not Arcadia, who saw a way out of debt by exploiting this person who is entrusting his next album release to these unprofessional people.

If I buy Fred's album and the quality is shit, I am going to think Fred put out a crappy album, so it is necessary for him to let his fans know what the hell is going on............Thank you Fred. I know for one, I trust your judgement.........

Peace brother.......

Started Topics :  7
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Posted : Feb 24, 2004 03:34
well, thats a real shiite deal, wouldn't it be nice if there was a way in which you didnt have to rely on shitheads to do the business aspect for you and you could just do it yourself. you know, cut out the middleman. anyways too bad for you, ha!
there is a place where an artist can sell their own material without gettin ripped off by the moneyhungry/incompotent labels and recieve all the proceedes. i've mentioned it before but people here seem to be too closed minded, your loss!!!!           all the evidence to the contrary is not entirely disuasive
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 24, 2004 11:08
Is arcadia even aware of this thread?  :: Brand new website for sharing your psytracks with the world. Get a free 250Mb Artist profile, Blog and events calender! :: Upload your psychedelic art and partypictures to our gallery!
Noise Poison Records
Noise Poison Records

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Posted : Feb 24, 2004 11:56
ced wrote that he informed arcadia responsible person to have a look in a kind of fan of fred's work as well, I am curious too, what the reaction of the japanese are, if they will response in here.....
I would not, cause again ced is right, its not a topic to be discussed in here.....on the other hand it seems fred has had no choice to recieve any infos except a kind and involved person, ced, talk to arcadia....

so lets see what will annotation in here is that I like to purchase his latest album....
just a bit sad to read all this, and its just available on the asian market......

keep the vibe and for sure psychedelic !
          I just came out, cause it seems there was a noise outside ! .... added to Parvati Records rooster .. check webside !!!
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 24, 2004 13:53
Thats where your wrong in my opinion ILSE

It's indeed ok to inform about dodgy labels in this forum. It's one of the only weapons against labels that cheat and treat artists bad. Of course we lack Arcadia's version but they have all the oportunity to respond or even better. To pay his money but so far they have kept silent which just add fuel to their not so good reputation at the moment.

To Cedric:

Hi mate long time no see

Cedric you know as well as I that no matter what situation a label find itself in it's always better to contact their artists and tell them the what's going on. In this situation Arcadia have acted very wrong and for that alone it's perfectly ok that Fred inform other artists and it's like about it in this forum. I for one would think twice before I released anything with Arcadia if that was in my plan.

Take care
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