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arcadia thiefs and liers ...what s happened with our album

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 20:33
thats terrible man. . .you know in ny we havent been able to sleep ahhh when will the 20th come already!!!???           ein chadash tachat hashemesh. there is nothing new under the sun. --kohelet.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 20:39

On 2004-02-07 21:17, DETOX wrote:
Sad to hear that many Japanese labels promise way too much money to artists and in the end the artists get nothing.

That thing with Fred happened with other artists on various Japanese labels also...

You know this is sad, because that's not how it was when I was there (95-96). It was all about the love, peace and trance until the greedy hands saw an opportunity to exploit something so pure. The real sad thing is they probably don't think they are doing anything wrong.

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 21:02
"I do think Fred's aware he made a bad choice and doesn't need to be reminded."

You're very right about that.

I really feel the need to spread information around because I remember very well that when Toļ Doļ was proposed his first contract, there was no one he could turn to to ask for advice or get the necessary info about contracts and what the market was like.

E-Watt Records
Kwark (Ultimae Rcds)

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 21:27
It would be cool to read Arcadia words too .... if they will post !!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 22:04
its very sed for me to hear... and its even more sad to hear it happaning over and over again. its good that you brought it to owr attention.

yes... it would be nice to hear Arcadia.

i hope that things will go better for you in the future.
          just flow baby... just flow...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 22:07

On 2004-02-11 21:02, beru777 wrote:

I really feel the need to spread information around because I remember very well that when Toļ Doļ was proposed his first contract, there was no one he could turn to to ask for advice or get the necessary info about contracts and what the market was like.

Ok.....thank you.......appreciated

Kwark - That would be interesting.

Actually, I've met and spoke to Fred personally about his views and ideals when he was in L.A. and really don't think he would say anything to cause so much negative attention towards anyone, unless he really felt like he was taken advantage of.

You know, He is a special one to this scene and anyone who's had the pleasure of meeting/partying with him should know what I mean by that.

So personally speaking, I wouldn't hold my breath for those words from Arcadia, but not to say it won't happen. I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled.

Kwark (Ultimae Rcds)

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Posts :  138
Posted : Feb 11, 2004 22:29
Hi Uncle Bob

Well .... don't worry .... i know Fred personnally though he's not a close friend (i mean i've spoken with him many times)
But i would like to precise what i wrote in my post : i'd like to read Arcadia words and that's not because i don't believe Fred but here, there's such a problem that i need opinion's from both sides so that i start to build my opinion on good foundations

Fred ... big up anyway !! And see you on March, the 13th at the Psytawa party


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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 22:48
Well, I've seen labels stealing musicians, many times, I've seen musicians stealing other musicians, rarely, but I still have to see a musician stealing a label. For the simple reason that musicians usually aren't in a position of power regarding labels.           Beru
E-Watt Records
time traveller
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2004 01:57
can someone let meknow what other labels have done this in the past/ recently aprt so i can let others outwith the psy scene know also
green nun
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2004 04:56
I agree Traveller although that could lead to people talking shit for the sake of talking shit. There should be a way though for consumers of psytrance to know what labels/producers are worthy of our $upport and which ones are making it more difficult for artists to get their music out to us.

Arcadia is off of my buying list. I'm with Uncle on this one. I will not purchase anything from this label.

Fred, I support you and feel for you. It's hard enough to have to deal with the whole business side of the Trance scene but then having to deal with people like you described just makes it even more frustrating. Your music and your vibe has always been the best and you only deserve the best.
          Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2004 06:04
i was surprised to find out about this. I expected Japanese labels to be more professional, but neuromotor`s story explains the truth behind the scene. corrupt organization controlled by corrupt people with no moral.
if u are going to do business u must obey rules. unfortunately arcadia don`t play by the rules. I never like arcadia that much, but now i can care less about them.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 12, 2004 06:36
wow, I am stunned. That is very sad and I am sorry. I will never buy another Arcadia album again - that story is too much.           my cat is deathly afraid of aluminum foil
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 13, 2004 01:11

On 2004-02-12 06:04, Taku wrote:
i was surprised to find out about this. I expected Japanese labels to be more professional, but neuromotor`s story explains the truth behind the scene. corrupt organization controlled by corrupt people with no moral.
if u are going to do business u must obey rules. unfortunately arcadia don`t play by the rules. I never like arcadia that much, but now i can care less about them.

ditto, word for word..........

Beru777 and Kwark ---- My apologies if I came on strong......It wasn't meant that way.. I totally understand what you meant......Peace....
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 13, 2004 09:11
Some points for thinking about...

Most people here don't know Fred.

Most people here don't know Arcadia ppl.

Even those who do, don't really know what happened there exactly.

Even if everyone involved was OK, there are sometimes misunderstandings leading to big disagreements.

Yet, most people here already passed judgment.

A bit scary really...

And again, all of the above, except for the last line, apply to me as well.

Think about it.           ---------------------------------------------
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
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Aldous Huxley

Kwark (Ultimae Rcds)

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  138
Posted : Feb 13, 2004 10:40

No pb Uncle Bob
Keep the good vibes at any time

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