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arcadia thiefs and liers ...what s happened with our album


Started Topics :  25
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Posted : Feb 6, 2004 18:10
so after 4 month waiting some news from arcadia ...i can t stand anymore and i like to explain why u can fiond our album.and what s happened !!!

we sold our album in license to arcadia ...CEM the boss who was suppose to be a nice and professionnal promoteur ,turned out to be a thief and a lier .yes the trance scene evolution ...really interresting for the fututre !!!

we sent him our album in the middle of september ,we didin t receive any contract atwork done and mastering to be abble to check it before it get released .anyway ,we were a bit late so we didn t say much .the cd were suppose to be ready for the beginning of november .then we had a deal since few month to go play there for a tour wich was at least 5 gigs ...that s what he has been working on .then after canceled others ,he told that finally due to internal issues i had to come by myself ...and my partner couldn t make it .that s was already hard when u know that we ve been working on that album together for 5 or 6 month ...without any advance ,for sure .the deal was get payed 2 month after ....but we agreed and i went there alone .

then i played 5 times in different partys ...but i didn t get payed neither ,until i leave and at the airport the guy didn t even pay me one gig what to do he told me that i had to beleive in him he was going to send me the moeny at the end of december that he was a thief or lier ...
about the album they already sold in 5 days 1500 copies ...that what he told me the deal was paying us 4 dollars for each cd sold .they printed 2000 cds i asked them to stop and i didn t wanted anymore of this bad mastering they also destroyed it ,they such a bad one and u ll find evem some track who are skipping ...funny don t u think so .
he talked about the contract that we should beetwen us ,actually i m still waiting for it !!!
i was kind of confident ,i beleived that this guy was going to do the right thing ...but he didn t .he even tried to sell it on our back to psyshop was a license only mnade for japan .so i sent them an e-mail and explain that i would be such a bad guy if they did it ...and straight away they called or they wrote to psyshop and they took it out of psyshop .
well so the thing is that we didn t get payed yet ...they have already sold them and they don t even answer my e-mail ,no phone number where i can rach them .i mean atleast if they had some issues ,they could just called me write me and talk to me and plan something to pay their debts ..but no !!!total silence and no money now on they us more than 10000 euros is very embarassing if have to close any deal with them ,please get payed in advance if not u won t get your money ...they are unprofessionnal ,they disserve to be that scene,and like i said they thiefs and liers ....

i hope a lot of people will read this message just to know how the trance scene goes a matter of fact there is so many issues done this way ...
ok so now we are working on our next album ...the title is : return to the electrikcity ...and it will be only new tracks except danger high voltage remix and electrik city ...

thanks, to take abit of your time to read this post ....
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2004 18:19
bahhhh to suxxxxx this stufff hate it...i hope u get ur money and waht u deserve...and not work with this guys any more....thx for info
good luck with the new album...fuck them all!

bye doooooc!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 6, 2004 18:22

Really sad story... and I hope You will be able to fix it, Fred.....

... but a question comes to my mind.. Why don't you release your music on Mechanik Sound ?           .
"Get your dose of BoOgie !"

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Posted : Feb 6, 2004 21:04
hey ferd...
sorry to read this for u man
its fucking shity story.
in this sceene nowbody work like profesional man
and u long time in this scene and u was need to know that u cnt trust in 90% on ppl in this scene and take an advance!!!
i hope that u will get pay soon as possible man.


IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Feb 6, 2004 21:40
Fred mon ami, this sounds like a raw deal man. i can see the frustration through your words, i'm happy you restrained yourself and didnt use any bad words, it shows your professionalism.

as for arcadia, i would be interested to hear what they have to say regarding this, they must have some sort of an explanation, good or bad.
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Posted : Feb 7, 2004 02:08
wahoo man           Check out my music page - free music , new style and more :)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 7, 2004 12:34
Damn what a F*CK** UP promoter ! Is this common in the scene? Dont worry Neuromotor, we all love you. I hope you get paid this time for your new album, dont give up mate. I'll curse that @SS for you
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 7, 2004 19:11
Kakao: he got a very very good price for the album. to release a cd and sell it, it's a lot of work and he has lotsa other thing to do too...           Procyon Records
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Beyond -

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Posted : Feb 7, 2004 20:34
damn, how stuff like that happens to artists like neuromotor...
if they fooled, what new artists should think to themselfes?
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Sound Field / ProSect / Sonify / Radio Mess

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Posted : Feb 7, 2004 21:17
Sad to hear that many Japanese labels promise way too much money to artists and in the end the artists get nothing.

That thing with Fred happened with other artists on various Japanese labels also...           Toodaloo Motherfuckers!!!!!

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 15:43
I felt so sad to hear your story, Frederic. Last time you came to Japan, I couldn't go to the party you played at... So I have been looking forward to your live some day. Please remember that there are many Japanese like me who really, truely love you music!

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Posts :  57
Posted : Feb 11, 2004 18:52
Bonne chance Fred !

I guess you should be very careful when people propose "miracle contracts" like this. $4 a CD, how is that realistic, knowing that, approximately, distributors buy CDs at $6.5 and manufacturing a CD will cost around $2.
How is the guy proposing the contract supposed to make money in this deal ?

I've seen how the business goes in all these years... The best you can get from a label, usually, is a few thousand dollars in advance (not much if you consider the amount of work involved in producing an album), and that's it, don't expect anything else.

I'm sure there are honest, serious people running labels out there (hey, we are serious and honest ), but they usually aren't the ones with the most money in the bank.

E-Watt Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 11, 2004 19:42
That's bullshit.
He made promises and he should keep them.

Fuck these politics..... I will never buy Arcadia again.

Fred is the best example of what a trance artist should be and he trusted this label manager had the same ideals as he.

The guy made promises and didn't come through....It doesn't matter if Fred thought it was realistic or not. The guy said it could be done.

He Promised money for Fred's services and he didn't pay=thief

He Said album would be out by November and here it is 4 months later=liar

Fred you deserve better BROTHER............

I will never ever buy Arcadia...................again

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  57
Posted : Feb 11, 2004 20:16
Of course the guy is a thief and a liar ! I never said the contrary and I sincerely hope that Fred is going to get his money, because he truly deserves it.

The only goal of my post was to warn people about the reality of the market. There is almost no money to be made with psytrance. Artists should be very careful with people promising lots of money.

That's all I'm saying !

E-Watt Records
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posts :  869
Posted : Feb 11, 2004 20:31
Ok, as long as we're clear damnit.........

Just playing with you..... It wasn't really meant towards your post, but rather to really express my disappointment in the matter, but I do think Fred's aware he made a bad choice and doesn't need to be reminded.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - arcadia thiefs and liers ...what s happened with our album

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