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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - APURUAMI RECORDS PRESENTS 2ND ALBUM
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Apurùami Records

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  37
Posted : Apr 1, 2009 10:14:33
VA - Let The Terror Begin (APRMI002) 2009

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Let The Terror Begin
Label: Apurùami Records
Genre: Psychedelic
Style: Dark psytrance / Psy core
Date: MArch 25, 2009
Format: FLAC
Length: 80:01

Apurùami Records is proud to present its second release "Let The Terror Begin" with Mexican artists, and international talents, these sounds are born and created in the darkness, with feelings and thoughts of our being. Are songs that do not need to see the light to interact with our minds in a space and time, and lead to a state of physical and mental.

This album contains 11 tracks produced and mastered by the artists involved, we hope you will like it.

"No matter how great brilliance, he always finds the darkness at the end of the road".

Thanks to all the artists involved for their confidence and support, Biomechanik Recs, Scared Evil Recs, and Dark Terror Recs, for your help, without you, this would have not been possible to compile.

Special thanks to Trip Switch from Portugal, Gloomy Phantom and Pan Gohr from Germany, and Black Breamz from Mèxico, who always believed in us.



01-Gloomy Phantom - Spooky Visits... (7:25) - 160bpm
02-Stitch - Sator... (8:39) - 180bpm
03-Dezkizzio - Fix My Brain... (6:49) - 175bpm
04-Trip Switch - Acid Make Me Do It... (7:29) - 175bpm
05-Cerebellum Withdrawal - Sinister Revelations... (6:33) - 170bpm
06-Pan Gohr - Nightmare... (7:19) - 168bpm
07-Fobi - Road Too Noise... (6:11) - 150bpm
08-Minagoris - Alice In Acidland... (8:20) - 159bpm
09-Critical Selection - Kerosin Flava... (7:24) - 160bpm
10-Morphic Station - Locotionmotorolotion... (6:42) - 168bpm
11-Galactic System (GS) - The Matrix... (7:10) - 160bpm

All tracks written, produced and mastered by the respective artists.
Compiled by: Asylum.
Cover Artwork by: AlVeRt.
Distributed by: DistElectronic.

Buy it as a digital download from

DistElectronic (FLAC)
D-A-R-K Records (FLAC)

Also available at:

Armada Download (mp3)
AudioJelly (mp3)
BeatsDigital (wav/mp3)
DistElectronic (mp3)
DownloadPlatform (FLAC/mp3)
Etopia Music (mp3)
Judge Music (mp3)
Juno Download (wav/mp3)
M8 Download (mp3)
MusicZeit (FLAC/mp3)
PsyMP3 (mp3)

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Apuruami Records
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - APURUAMI RECORDS PRESENTS 2ND ALBUM
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