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Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - April 1-2 ::SIX YEAR GREENIVERSARY:: w/ Phutureprimitive, Outdoors - LA
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April 1-2 ::SIX YEAR GREENIVERSARY:: w/ Phutureprimitive, Outdoors - LA

"Crazy Chef"

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Posted : Apr 5, 2006 01:46
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2006 01:53
Wish I could have been there for this one!!!!

I was thinking about how the place must've been goin off. Geomagnetic party provided good comfort however, and man it's pretty impressive what's being produced by those guys. Any pictures yet?

Manny, happy birthday and....when you comin back to GIV @ ShineSF?           ELECTRON EYES / MARK-EVAN (NOR. CAL)

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Posts :  77
Posted : Apr 5, 2006 02:04

that was so great!!!!!!!!!we were already driving out when the music started again,all the cars were parking again and the people were running to the main floor,that was such a treat .half hour more of a full emocional music played by Manny.
thanks green sector for one more bomb,what a spring break.classy!!!see you all jully 4.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2006 03:41
All -

The party was really cool....I had a great time as usual. I lived in LA for 7 years before I moved to SF and obviously ended up making a truckload of friends. Everytime I play at the ranch, the feeling is amazing because 1/2 of the dancefloor are people I know and good friends of mine...Great feeling...Great connections...I wish I could've stayed more actually...

Hats off to greensector.


Ricardo Cassettari

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Posts :  274
Posted : Apr 5, 2006 04:32
So glad I traveled for this one.

I observed this event for a considerable time, and in the end my measurements were as follows:

A reading of 8.5 - 9 on the Far-Outness scope, consistently high readings on the Groove-o-metric pressure gauge, and an off-the-chart reading on the vibe scale. I also received extremely strong vibrations on the Rock-O-Meter, especially during the sets of Treavor, Ricardo, Kiva, and Manny. Our photographic measurements also demonstrate a large amount of dancing and smiling.

The results pretty much speak for themselves. One of the most intense and positive vibes I've ever witnessed at a psytrance/chill party.

Each of the stages had good sound, deco, lighting, and presentation. I especially liked the dome and the visuals on the main chill stage. It is obvious that much effort was put in by Green Sector on all the fine details.

I wish I had been there for Manny's second set at the end. PhuturePrimitive was keeping it very real, and I dug that. Apologies to anyone I didn't get to say thanks and goodbye to - fatigue, hunger, passengers, and a semi-long journey home necessitated that we packup and cleanup as much around our campsite as possible and then depart.

This made me wish I lived in SoCal so that I could have experienced every minute of this event and helped with the mass cleanup effort. I just really wish that many of the folks who attend events at the ranch would respect it more - Green Sector placed many trash cans conveniently all over the place, and it would really help if more people would properly dispose of their waste and trash as they create it, rather than letting it accumulate into a big dirty cleanup job for the promoters and generous helpers-out who stay until the very very end. But, that's a small gripe in the grand scheme of things.

All in all, many thanks and mucho respect to Green Sector for giving us all a fantastic weekend. I will certainly make it a point to attend more of their events in the future.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 5, 2006 06:41

On 2006-04-04 01:46, Jewbacca wrote:
alfreak to answer your question
the party was FLIPPIN AWESOME.....great tunes, great people, great weather, great dancing, great mind bending (sorry great DIRT), great greatness, great Greenness, also got video of scotts journey

isd there i way i can get that video?????

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  499
Posted : Apr 5, 2006 07:50
yeah..we recorded the first two hour leg of my 7 mile "trip" around the property...

its on a camcorder right now... I'm gonna try and convert the interesting parts. theres so much more to the ranch than just the dance floor area....

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  295
Posted : Apr 5, 2006 09:36

On 2006-04-05 06:41, alfreak wrote:
isd there i way i can get that video?????

yea i am getting it onto my pc this week and by sunday ill have it up somewhere on the web ill post a link here most likely gunna be on cause its free and easy...ill let you know

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  108
Posted : Apr 5, 2006 19:11
oh no scottie....did you wander off again? hope you didn't get scratched up this time. heheh

scott: "it said 'go', so i went!"

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  499
Posted : Apr 5, 2006 22:32
hahaha, no i went with what started as a group of 12 people, that slowly dropped down to just four... but those four are quite glad they went... beautiful sights to be held deep in jack's property...

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  92
Posted : Apr 7, 2006 07:07
Man what a fun party that was...Really good high quality musis the whole party...Dai you played really well, and Ricardo I got the spirit back during the second half of your set...some really really good tracks one after the other, and then Kiva really played some super good music...Treavor I don't know how you keep playing such good stuff time after time and that goes for you as well Kiva...that was the best time that I had at a party since the BOOM!!!

Thanks Green Sector Treavor
"Crazy Chef"

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Posts :  30
Posted : Apr 8, 2006 03:07
once again great party.
any pics???
Green SUN
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
Posts :  99
Posted : Apr 8, 2006 04:13
Should have a pics page up by Sunday...
I'm picking up more photos from Justin @ Helios tonight.
If anyone has pics they want to put on the site bring a disc to the club...

peaz, t
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  36
Posts :  487
Posted : Apr 12, 2006 09:01
Hello and a big thanks to everyone who enjoyed my set! We have pics from the party up on the site!

Night Shots::

Day Shots::

Photos by Jacquelin Stewart, Justin Campbell, Dimitry, Jedi Wright, Manny, and William Santa Jr.

Trance Forum » » Forum  North America - April 1-2 ::SIX YEAR GREENIVERSARY:: w/ Phutureprimitive, Outdoors - LA
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