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App I made a while back for calculating harmonics and the frequencies between them.


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  33
Posted : Oct 5, 2013 00:54:59
I may have improperly called the frequencies in between harmonic dissonance, but this might be useful for some of you... It's a harmonics calculator. Requires .NET

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  33
Posted : Oct 5, 2013 03:04
I should have put this in the music software section... sorry!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2013 10:07
cool i like it. thank you for sharing.

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Posted : Oct 24, 2013 13:20
Hi! How can I use this on eqing on bass, leads, etc? should i remove all dissonant frequencies on them? They wouldn't sound strange? please explain me cheers
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2013 20:31

On 2013-10-24 13:20, nanocross wrote:
Hi! How can I use this on eqing on bass, leads, etc? should i remove all dissonant frequencies on them? They wouldn't sound strange? please explain me cheers

Well that's up to you!

A tool is only a tool, it gives you information and allows you to take actions, but which direction you turn the knobs is up to you always.

Do you want it to sound pleasing, or dissonant? Not everything can sound perfect (or it will all sound like baby/ preschool music), not everything can be harsh (I'm not going to listen to nails on a screaming chalkboard all day long), but somewhere in between. Some like it harsher, some like it sweeter, and no matter what you'll never be able to satisfy the majority. So its up to you.

For example, I like the dynamic of timbres and tones used in Astrix / IM Coolio track -> it comes from a beat, goes into a duet of a man vs. a fx alien speaking, goes through several atmosphere effect,goes all the way down to beauty with a piano, comes back up with a squeaking synth, has a guitar somewhere in the middle, and ends. Lots of dynamics in the sonic palette - and what can we learn from this? Do what you want, it's the adventure you take and lead the listener into that counts.
          Super Banana Sauce
The Bap
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 24, 2013 21:45
^^true story!^^ 

Started Topics :  74
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Posted : Feb 19, 2015 13:38
check out this one!! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2015 11:09
This Harmonics Helper is super cool, thanks so much for making and sharing it. One thing I would like to see, if possible, would be the sub-harmonics also.  : :
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2015 13:02

As far as I can see, the harmonic mixer of does not take into consideration every possible mixing action of harmonics that you could make. See the screenshot, for example you take E and are supposed to be able to mix into A, B and C#. But as a matter of fact you could mix into G#,F and C too, and there will still be chords of harmony for the combination.

There is a great app that you might consider too:

Here is a short demo of what it can do:

Of course, as you see, this app can save a lot of work and experiments on trial and error basis. It saves time. But it is arguable how much human factor you need to finish a track in that way. It is the old question if it is better to design your own synthies or use ready tools.

@Falkon303, great to see someone involved in programming tools for music production. But what about uploading the app into a platform, where it can be revisited? It is not very safe to allow access to every exe file because you never know where you actually grant access....
What does the app do?


Started Topics :  9
Posts :  33
Posted : Feb 20, 2015 17:49

On 2015-02-20 13:02, moki wrote:

@Falkon303, great to see someone involved in programming tools for music production. But what about uploading the app into a platform, where it can be revisited? It is not very safe to allow access to every exe file because you never know where you actually grant access....
What does the app do?

The app just calculates the harmonics from a base frequency. I was thinking about it, and it makes alot of sense for me to just make this in Synthedit as a vst, but really it would be cool to have multiple tools built into it, so what else can we calculate besides harmonics?

@Babaluma - subharmonics is a good idea.

Glad some people are digging it.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 20, 2015 20:04

On 2015-02-20 17:49, Falkon303 wrote:
but really it would be cool to have multiple tools built into it, so what else can we calculate besides harmonics?

@Babaluma - subharmonics is a good idea.

Glad some people are digging it.

it's easy sometimes to loose focus on what an app does (which is my personal explanation why winamp died...) - it's better to do something simple and right than do too many things (and end up with a higher probability of bugs).

Well, music + math wise I never remember my times tables and must search how many MS are in a beat for my current BPM.. but it's just a simple calculator

But since in a VST the typical scenario is an audio source comprised of 2 signals (left + right), you could show calculations in real time based on the sum of both, and based on only left and only right. Perhaps some coefficient on this, like how much do the harmonics in each signal differ apart.

Also, common knowledge states that the odd harmonics are dissonant (except the first one) - so perhaps a coefficient of "how dissonant / harmonic" a signal is, based on the number of harmonics and each one's strength.

Last but not least, I love to design OSC wave's using Ableton Operator, by specifying the amplitude of each harmonic following the root. But, once the signal leaves the oscillator, there's no move I can do with the specific harmonics So, what about a "harmonic EQ"? For instance, to be able to manipulate certain harmonics in the current signal (lower all the odd ones, or only numbers 3 and 5, or all evens from 4 onward.. )

Food for thought           Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Feb 24, 2015 14:31

On 2015-02-20 17:49, Falkon303 wrote:

so what else can we calculate besides harmonics?

let yourself be inspired by this source of knowledge about mobile production apps:

or from the lumer app community
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Feb 24, 2015 15:14
And it is done on .net, with c# ? Is the code open source? I am interested to know what is the design pattern of the code, and if it is a database query, like most apps for chords and harmonics are ( turning music theory books into a database query with new interface) or is it more dynamic, like for example a music software would be? As a matter of fact it will be very interesting to throw a glipse of how you did it, even if is the first case, just to compare best practices.

And about what else can be done: everything else that can be found in music theory books besides harmonics. And also, I personally have something very particular in mind which I never saw in the app market, but would like to throw it with Objective C as something to apply with in a bigger software send together with an application.
But c# is supposed to be able to do anything that objective c and java can? Is this your opinion too?
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  1151
Posted : Feb 24, 2015 18:19

On 2015-02-24 15:14, moki wrote:
And it is done on .net, with c# ? Is the code open source? I am interested to know what is the design pattern of the code, and if it is a database query, like most apps for chords and harmonics are ( turning music theory books into a database query with new interface) or is it more dynamic, like for example a music software would be? As a matter of fact it will be very interesting to throw a glipse of how you did it, even if is the first case, just to compare best practices.

I really hope it's not C#, don't give me BS, it's slow.
And so is .Net (slow) - there's no need for virtualized environments when running critical performance apps.
(note: code design is way more important than the underlying technology, but considering the same algorithm on both environments, c++ will naturally be faster)

About design patterns, I have no idea what he did, but I suppose there is more than one (way more than one).. a patter is only an idea, not the implementation And an app consists of many ideas, not only one

About databases -> wha? A database is nothing more than a fancy way of I/O to a file, regardless where it is, that has been optimized over the years for quick data obtain with a low memory impact.. So if there is data, I do hope this is stored somewhere and that there is an efficient manner of manipulating this information. To make it so someone can add more - is just a feature that the dev could add


On 2015-02-24 15:14, moki wrote:
And about what else can be done: everything else that can be found in music theory books besides harmonics. And also, I personally have something very particular in mind which I never saw in the app market, but would like to throw it with Objective C as something to apply with in a bigger software send together with an application.

I wouldn't recommend sending code or examples with a job application - the human resource guy who reads it will not have a clue what to do with it.
Being through some applications myself, I suggest you to send out the application in bulk and hope.. and If you get contacted and pass through the HR layer, and go into the engineering layer, then you will be given the appropriate technical tests.
It's good to maintain a portfolio, but this is about the final result, perhaps some open code in github, but this can also be bad for you (no programmer is the best, and no matter what there is always things we do bad, things that can be done in a better way.. even if the technology only appears 5 years latter )


On 2015-02-24 15:14, moki wrote:
But c# is supposed to be able to do anything that objective c and java can? Is this your opinion too?

Errr c#, c++, obj-C and java are all programming languages. Up to here all ok.
But they really are and do different things...

Want it to work fast? c++.
Wanna do things quickly? c# or java.
wanna work in linux? c++ or java.
Wanna work in windows? c++ or c# or java.
wanna work in macOS? c++ or obj-C or java.

But Java is in a completely different level, similar to c#, compared to c++.. we are working in virtualized environments, just in time compilers, adn different scopes.

c# mainly is for windows. obj-c is mainly for macOS (not that either can't be compiled in the other machines.. but they are not quite as efficient). Java is for all, considering you have the proper/compatible JRE installed, but it's slow.

You are mixing potatoes with sine waves. IMHO, audio application are done in c++, maybe the GUI level could be done in another technology, and most (real-time) cases the actual algorithm is done in asm (good luck with your interruptions and cpu register maths ).
          Super Banana Sauce
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  1931
Posted : Feb 24, 2015 18:32
After I wrote my post, I said to myself, "hey, why are doing this exactly, it is 100 percent certain what will come - you will be said to not know what you talk about, to mix potatos and sine waves and to shut down".

But one of the best things that happened to my in my life till now was the big chance that I had after I was given the opportunity to be the only responsible person for the web and mobile business of a media company, which is really not a joke and teached me a lot. For example it teached me how to behave with programmers who know everything better - stay calm and told them that they do .

As a matter of fact, my speciality is not writing and implementing codes, but exactly the architecture and design patterns of what is gonna be made later by developers. And I am not gonna apply for a job as a developer either. Nevertheless , I think I do know the difference between an SQL query in a database which helps you to ask what is the fifth and the octave of C on one side and what is a DAW doing on the other side. Also I think I am familiar with what is the difference between java and objective c .

Anyway, I have some free months now, and very soon I start work again, therefore I try to find out what do I want to do in life next. Dont know why I landed in isratrance instead .
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Software - App I made a while back for calculating harmonics and the frequencies between them.

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